Saturday, March 21, 2015

"Vitamin A is the single most important vitamin for good vision, and eye development."

Beef contains vitamin A and Iron in readily absorbable organic formats.  Vitamin A is the single most important vitamin for good vision, and eye development.  While most people think of carrots as our primary source, there is tremendously more vitamin A to be found inside red meat, and vitamin A is not well absorbed from vegetable sources.  The type of vitamin A that is found in vegetables (beta-carotene) must first be converted to another form by the liver before it can be used by the body.  It is this type of vitamin A and the type found in dietary supplements, which results in vitamin A poisoning with large doses.  Just like in the case of non-organic iron, too much vegetable beta-carotene (vitamin A) can cause serious health problems, and can eventually prove fatal due to the burden on the liver.
However, retinol, the form of vitamin A which is found inside meat, particularly beef, has never been linked to overdoses.  The massive amounts of vitamin A that are found in beef should theoretically be capable of killing or causing serious symptoms (hair loss, disorientation, dizziness, peeling of the skin, jaundice, and etc.) if it were present as beta-carotene.  Yet no person has ever died from a steak overdose.  That is because organic protein-based retinol is easily absorbed and effectively utilized by the body, and any excess is easily flushed out.

The hysteria surrounding the dangers of iron has been ongoing for decades, due to children who ate iron supplements and died, or became seriously ill.  Men cannot eliminate iron properly, which is believed to be one of the main reasons for their shorter life expectancies.  However, iron remains a vital mineral, and is used by the body to carry oxygen to the cells.

Like with vitamin A, iron is poorly absorbed from vegetables, and a deficiency can result in anemia; which causes fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and cold sensitivities.  On a side note, the ability of iron to move oxygen throughout the cells explains why severe anemic patients have an increased risk of cancer, due to oxygen starvation and the acidosis it causes.  Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg hypothesized that resveratrol (found in grapes, particularly muscadine) frees iron, enabling some men to live longer.  (This is the secret behind how red wines improve health.)  That relationship has now been proven again in modern studies.  Avoid drinking milk with meat (as forbidden by the Bible) for this prevents the absorption of iron.

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