Tuesday, April 30, 2024

MAX CLELAND: The President has said that only a minority of the Commission can see a minority of the documents, and then they have to clear what they're going to say to the rest of the Commission with the White House.

The President has said that only a minority of the [911] Commission can see a minority of the documents, and then they have to clear what they're going to say to the rest of the Commission with the White House.  --Max Cleland

The Commission suspected that the Pentagon was deceiving them.  

6 out of the 10 commissioners, Kean and Hamilton, as well as Bob Carey Tim Roemer John Lehman and Max Cleland have all expressed concern that the commission was misled, stymied, hampered by conflicts of interest, and ultimately forced to participate in a politically motivated cover-up.  In their book, Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 911 Commission, and in press conferences and interviews at the time the report was released, Kean and Hamilton famously remarked that "the commission had been set up to fail."

Max Cleland, 1942-2021, was originally appointed to serve on the 9/11 commission but resigned shortly after having been appointed to the board of directors of the export-import Bank of the United States before his resignation he said that the Bush Administration was stonewalling and blocking the committee's access to key documents and Witnesses.

It's not "democracy" when unelected bureaucrats run our lives

Kansas passed an excellent bill called the REINS Act.

It says, get this, that lawmakers have to be the ones to pass laws and unelected bureaucrats have to have their rules and regulations reviewed by lawmakers to be constitutional. Their corrupt Democrat governor vetoed it. So much for dEmOcRaCy, right Laura? But the legislature overrode her in an iconic vote last night. TBH there are few things I love more than a veto override. Power to the people.

The REINA Act stands for "The Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act (REINS Act) is a legislative proposal aimed at increasing legislative oversight of administrative agency rulemaking by requiring legislative approval of agency regulations with certain financial or economic impacts before the regulations take effect. In effect, to rein in rubber stamping by the administrative state that wants to override and bypass elected lawmakers over a piece of legislation.

The Food Cure DOCUMENTARY - Can diet restore health and Wellness?

THE FOOD CURE 2018 Documentary 

17:06  In the U.S., doctors are not allowed to prescribe any first-time cancer treatments that have not been approved by the FDA.

The Gerson Therapy is introduced and explained at the 25:57 mark.  

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: “I hate to say this, [but] it [foreign aid] is going to depopulate the Ukraine. What I’ve said since the beginning of this is that the goal is to depopulate the Ukraine so that they can do their new thing here.”

Catherine Austin Fitts says the quiet part out loud about Ukraine “I don’t know where that money’s disappearing to... but it’s not there to fight a legitimate war.” “Ukraine is lost.” Military insiders say, “Money can’t help.” What Fitts said next was even more disturbing. “I hate to say this, [but] it [foreign aid] is going to depopulate the Ukraine. What I’ve said since the beginning of this is that the goal is to depopulate the Ukraine so that they can do their new thing here.”

Some reports suggest that 500,000 plus Ukrainian soldiers have died from the war so far. And when you add in the mass exodus out of the country because of the conflict, Fitts claims, “You’ve depopulated about eight to ten million people out of the Ukraine.” 

Here is the full interview.

Jackson, Mississippi, the City With Soul and the 3rd Highest Homicide Rate in the World

Mother Nature is taking Jackson, Mississippi back and no one has the ability to stop her.  
Even the churches are closed down here, and this is the Deep South where religion is all that a lot of these people have.  Even the foreign churches are closed.  --Nick Johnson

Observations from narrator, Nick Johnson,
"Jackson, Mississippi, the city with Soul because of the blues and gospel and folk and jazz."  Named for Andrew Jackson 
$30,000 to be a cop in Jackson, Mississippi

Jackson is  Mississippi's capital AND most populous.  "Jackson is the capital of and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Mississippi."  

Johnson again,

Jackson is 80% black, and the state legislature is mostly white. 
Jackson, Mississippi has the 3rd highest homicide rate in the world behind Tijuana, Mexico, and Caracas, Venezuela.
Abandoned retail space!  Now that's scary.  

Johnson continues,
Is desegregation to blame?  A lot of the white families took their families to the burbs. 
North Jackson is pretty nice with a commercial center called Fondren. 
North Jackson is nice, and he covers that at the 20:45 mark.  Madison, Mississippi is a very nice, upscale neighborhood. 

22:55  The narrator, Nick Johnson, concludes that Jackson, Mississippi is the worst place he's ever been, worse than Baltimore, Maryland, worse than Shreveport, Louisiana, and worse than Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and even Oakland, Califonia. 

24:00  Nick interviews Tyra, one of Jackson, Mississippi's residents.