Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The history of vaccines as assassination weapons?   

TED PELKEY: Because it really made me feel warm and fuzzy

from Boston.com,

Pelkey says he originally expected that he would be forced to take it down.

Vermont is one of the few states in the country with a ban on billboards, otherwise defined as “off-premise advertising signs.” And while Pelkey is clearly advertising his fury with local officials, his giant middle finger sculpture isn’t technically a sign for his business, according to the Vermont Agency of Transportation.

“Although the structure is visible from a state highway, it is outside of the State Right of Way and not within our jurisdiction,” Jacqui DeMen, a spokeswoman for the agency, told Boston.com in an email. “The structure does not meet the statutory definition of ‘sign’ and thus can’t be regulated under the Vermont Billboard Law.”

DeMent did additionally note that Vermont’s billboard law does allow municipalities to adopt local ordinances that are stricter than the state law. However, Westford officials reportedly looked into the town’s zoning regulations and came to the same conclusion as the state. 

MR. FIRESIDE: Mitloehner traces much of the public confusion over meat and milk's role and climate change to two sentences in a 2006 United Nations report, titled "Livestock's Long Shadow."

Methane emitted by livestock is part of the biogenic carbon cycle, a natural process.  Cattle are the most important species.  In the US, we have 90 million beef cattle, and 9 million dairy cows.  We have a lot, about 100 million large ruminants in the United States.  --Dr. Frank Mitloehner 

And Elon Musk, 

The animals are not going to make any difference to global warming.

I want to be super clear about that. It will not matter, you will not even be able to measure it. --Elon Musk

Here is the 2006 UN Report, titled, "Livestock's Long Shadow."

Cattle are the most important species.  In the US, we have 90 million beef cattle, and 9 million dairy cows.  We have a lot, about 100 million large ruminants in the United States.  Just so you know, prior to the European settlement of the United States, we also had a 100 million large ruminants in the country, but at that time it was 67 million bison and 40 million pronghorn antelopes.  

The white people from Europe came here and they slaughtered most of those and replaced them over time with domesticated ruminants.

If the total number of ruminants hasn't changed in that time, then the contribution of ruminants to global warming hasn't changed in that time period?

That's correct. That is a true statement but it's only part of the story it is a true statement that over the last 250 years or so we have not added additional biogenic methane.  I say biogenic because biogenic means related to the biological activity of animals or rice patties in contrast to biogenic methane.  There's also a thing called fossil methane, associated with the storage of fossil fuel.  Now how is that different?  Is fossil methane different from biogenic methane that comes from cows?  And the answer is yes.

WHITNEY WEBB: Don't fall for the "convenience" and "efficiency" sales pitches, AI pre-crime is the end of liberty.

Under the last Trump administration, then-AG Bill Barr legalized pre-crime prosecutions at the DOJ. In 2019, Trump called on social media to surveil users to identify would-be "mass shooters" before they commit any crime.

I now worry that the main AI "predictive policing", Palantir, with multiple ties to the incoming administration and the CIA, or an equivalent going to be rolled out with law enforcement nationwide under the guise of addressing staff shortages and "increasing efficiency." AI is already being used to write police reports and law enforcement management software like the very spooky Mark43 is already widely used by police departments, several of which have trialed Palantir's "predictive policing" functionality. These AIs are not 90% accurate (absolutely less) but even if you believe those metrics, how do the erroneously targeted 10% explain their innocence for a crime that hasn't even happened? Don't fall for the "convenience" and "efficiency" sales pitches, AI pre-crime is the end of liberty.

JOHN BEAUDOIN: The vax dates and the vax system and database exist for the government to know who is NOT vaxed so they can lean on them with policy or, in the future, hold them down and force-inject them, which they have plans to do

John Beaudoin explains,

This appears to be a firsthand account what's likely happening en masse across the "health" industry.

Epic is one system, probably the largest. I'm sure there are others. If you try to get a state job and they want you vaxed, they'll just look in the state version of an IIS system. And you'll never know they looked. And the person who looked might be some random clerk. But the systems log who logged in and what they retrieved. So they would not dare get information to give to the public. Such as ... a child's vax date that was only a few days before death. The vax dates and the vax system and database exist for the government to know who is NOT vaxed so they can lean on them with policy or, in the future, hold them down and force-inject them, which they have plans to do. The database is kept away from anyone wanting to know if the vaxes are killing and maiming people. That database has never been used for the purpose of protecting public health. And it would only take one man-week of forensic investigation in that database to determine the safety and effectiveness of any vax or medication. That's it. It's that easy. Ask yourself why they won't allow that to be done.