Monday, August 26, 2024

DR. MARY TALLEY BOWDEN: Four days following the FDA’s horse tweet, WA DOH sent out a bulletin encouraging pharmacists to report doctors to licensing boards. MD Michael Turner was a victim and has been ordered to stop prescribing IVM, write a 1000 word essay on what he’s learned, and pay the commission $5000

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: anyone who has any position that is independent should NOT TRAVEL TO EUROPE from here on out. It is NO LONGER SAFE to travel to Europe! Britain is trying to extradite people from other countries

In Europe, with France arresting the CEO of Telegram warns the world that anyone who has any position that is independent should NOT TRAVEL TO EUROPE  from here on out. It is NO LONGER SAFE to travel to Europe! Britain is trying to extradite people from other countries, including here in the United States for daring to tell the truth. This is how desperate things are becoming in Europe.

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Be mindful that we may see even gold make a high as we head into the first week of September. There appear to be disturbing signs in many markets as we head into the week of September 2nd. We have governments realizing that they are losing power, and as they do, they will get NASTY, to put it mildly. The American Neocons (The Rise of the Neocons) are in a desperate position. Now that RFK has joined with Trump because they are both anti-war, I fear that they are going to get desperate. The Democrats have already torched America by flooding the country with illegals to vote for them against Americans, and they denied the American people any right to even vote for a candidate of their choice. This will be the last election for the US and will most likely split in the year ahead before 2028. I fear that people will either still attempt to kill Trump, perhaps attributing it to bird flu or monkeypox. If they cannot pull that off, they will start World War III ASAP to try to trap Trump and RFK into war. They do not care about anything but their own power.

In Europe, with France arresting the CEO of Telegram warns the world that anyone who has any position that is independent should NOT TRAVEL TO EUROPE from here on out. It is NO LONGER SAFE to travel to Europe! Britain is trying to extradite people from other countries, including here in the United States for daring to tell the truth. This is how desperate things are becoming in Europe.

For our European clients, you should begin to move assets out of Europe, and that is for the EU and Britain. They will eventually turn to capital control to prevent capital from moving to retain power. This is just how all governments respond when they are in their death throes. We had a Double Directional Change in the British pound in 2024. This has picked the dramatic political shift in Britain, and this is a HARD LEFT turn that will terminate the once great foundation of Britain. 

Peter Hitchins is one of the top half-dozen journalists in the UK.

MERRICK GARLAND THREATENED anyone who may contest the results of the 2024 election, using J6 political prisoners as an example

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Raw Versus Cooked Foods

Wise Traditions with Hilda.  

11 Principles of Traditional Diets.  

#4 In all the traditional cultures, some of the animal foods were eaten raw.  

  • Foods typically eaten raw and those typically cooked
  • The science that explains why traditional cultures ate raw foods
  • Benefits of vitamin B 6 (found in raw animal products)
  • Why it’s important to eat both raw and cooked foods
  • Raw food vegetables and grains can strain the body
  • Cooking is good, even if it destroys some enzymes
  • Fermented foods are considered “super” raw foods
  • how raw, cooked, and fermented foods can complement each other in your diet
  • Get started eating raw
  • Prepare raw food in such a way as to avoid parasites or sickness
  • Sally recommends avoiding raw egg whites: allergies.
  • Raw foods enjoyed in Japan and Iran, Italy, France, and the Middle East
  • Raw oysters are a “powerhouse” of nutrients
  • B vitamins, particularly A and B, help combat fatigue, anxiety, & brain fog
  • Sally’s favorite raw meat recipe for an instant energy boost, is tar-tar, raw egg yoke, and onion. 
  • We can better access the protein from meat that is cooked
  • People with the thickest skulls ate the most seafood
  • Selenium in seafood protects us against mercury toxicity
  • Kale is indigestible unless it’s cooked (smoothie alert!)
  • how often we should include raw animal foods in the diet
  • why we should avoid some popular raw foods, like pressed juices and grains

ZOWE SMITH: [Carnegie & Harriman] were actually using the eugenics records office to screen all of these people so that they could sterilize people and take out bloodlines without their knowledge.

Basically, the whole statistical coding system, it started out as a eugenics monitoring system . . . --Zowe Smith

"What I found was at the heart of the [U.S. medical] coding system, it goes back to the what we have now is a eugenics system, and that's what vaccines are." "It's about getting statistics order to track individual bloodlines for the purposes of eugenics." Medical whistleblower, author, and former medical coder Zowe Smith (@Zowe_TKMC) describes for Ernest Hancock (@FreedomsPhoenix) how the medical coding system in the U.S. originates with the World Health Organization (WHO) and its early–20th-century "eugenics monitoring system."  
"What I found was at the heart of the [medical] coding system [in the U.S.], it actually goes back to the WHO," Smith says. "Basically, the whole statistical coding system, it started out as a eugenics monitoring system; a statistical monitoring system by eugenicists who were the elites of their time."
Smith adds:
"Internationally, at the time [in the early 1900s], they had flu epidemics. In France, they called it la grippe, and that's why they created this statistical monitoring system because physicians had different ways, in different countries across the world, of talking about things, and they wanted to know how many people were dying of different things in their country. So it was all about monitoring causes of death internationally. And there was this really evil statistician guy who helped create it—his name was William Farr. He's actually the guy who came up with two weeks to flatten the curve that was used during COVID-19. And he worked in a vital statistics office. And if you look, you will still see vital statistics all over a lot of this nefarious stuff; the UN agenda, the WHO agenda, the WEF stuff, because that is who is ultimately at the top pulling all these strings."


"What I found was at the heart of the [medical] coding system [in the U.S.], it actually goes back to the WHO. In 1948, the UN and the WHO split off. The UN was the military arm and the WHO was the health arm. But it basically, the whole statistical coding system, it started out, as a eugenics monitoring system, a statistical monitoring system by eugenicists who are the elites of their time. Sir Francis Galton was the father of eugenics, and he was a statistician. And Charles Darwin who created the whole theory of evolution, his cousin was Francis Galton. So they sort of, built on each other's theories. And so what we basically have now is a eugenics system, and that's what vaccines are. "There was actually an office that—I write about this in my book—this was in the early, early 1900s...there was a eugenicist named Charles Davenport who, helped found, through Carnegie money, Rockefeller money, you know, the people who are behind the whole Western medicine system, the whole oil cartel, the whole Fed. All of those people were at the source of eugenics. They were in eugenics clubs. They were in statistics clubs who were also the elite of their time. And so it was looked well upon to be part of this. "Internationally, at the time, they had flu epidemics. In France, they called it la grippe, and that's why they created this statistical monitoring system because physicians had different ways in different countries across the world of talking about things. And they wanted to know how many people were dying of different things in their country. So it was all about monitoring causes of death internationally. And there was this really evil statistician guy who helped create it—his name was William Farr. He's actually the guy who came up with two weeks to flatten the curve that was used during COVID-19. And he worked in a vital statistics office. And if you look, you will still see vital statistics all over a lot of this nefarious stuff; the UN agenda, the WHO agenda, the WEF stuff, because that is who is ultimately at the top pulling all these strings. "But that's ultimately where it comes from. There was, in Cold Springs Harbor, New York, there was a eugenics records office that was created in the US, and the AMA and the CDC had their offices there. The cancer society set up screenings for people, and they did it because they knew that there was a lot of immigrants coming over. And so all the immigrants, they wanted to make sure that they could screen them. 

And remember, this is money coming from Carnegie and Harriman and eugenicists. So, like, the Harriman Railroad, they were actually using the eugenics records office to screen all of these people so that they could sterilize people and take out bloodlines without their knowledge. And so it's actually been written in different documents that they suspected that this eugenics records office and this screening specifically for cancer, which then evolved into screening your children for any sort of growth, anything, it's all about getting this vital statistics data, which is your census, your income, any sort of biometrics data, any sort of, birth, marriage record data, and layering all of that on top of each other in order to track individual bloodlines for the purposes of eugenics. And they did it under the guise of cancer screening or health screening."

Zowe Smith has a Substack page, and a book titled, My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult, 2023?