Tuesday, August 13, 2024


"Hitler, he really loved Karl Marx, his hero, they're twisted, sick old farts. Stalin, he had the same ideas. That monster, he loved to see the tears of people . . . "

What do all these people have in common? Well, it's probably the fact that they followed the Teachings of a Certain "Karl Marx"! Socialism is Communism's idiot little Brother! They all think it will work "this time" as Long as They are in Charge. The Definition of insanity, trying the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result! 

REP. THOMAS MASSIE: Why does the FDA and the Dept of Education need weapons of war, like AR-15s?

6:06, MASSIE.  When you enter these agencies, you have to go through a metal detector.  These agencies have a civilian mission; they do not have a military mission.  And I think Dan Bishop said it well, "How can you say that these are weapons of war and then argue that they need to go to agencies that are not engaged in war and should never be engaged in war?"

7:33, GAETZ.  The entire reason we have the Bill of Rights is because there are certain rights that have to be reserved to the people, not government.  And Mr. Massey's amendment shows how this legislation has turned the Constitution, the Bill of Rights on its head.  It takes powers reserved to the people and it deprives the people of those powers and rights and then it reserves explicitly the very same rights for government, not for the military but for like the Deputy Commissar of Pencil Erasers at the Department of Education.  They want you weak and the government strong.  They want you disarmed and the government armed to the teeth.  I'm reminded of a quote from Austin Powers, where Austin Powers introduces one of his colleagues as a representative from the militant wing of the Salvation Army.  I didn't know we had a militant wing of the Department of Education or the USDA.  But I am certainly aware that our fellow Americans are concerned about a very troubling trend where these bureaucracies are getting their own militias and arsenals.  It would probably surprise most Americans that just this year the IRS has purchased $700,000 worth of ammunition.  So when you peel back all the layers of the onion, the party of big government isn't actually against guns and ammo; they're just against you having them because they want a citizenry that is repressed and dominated and ultimately subjected.  And by the way, our founders were so brilliant they knew this would happen and they knew that the Second Amendment wasn't going to be about hunting or self-defense, but about curating an appropriate balance that is necessary for a free society where we don't have to live in fear, that one day some Deputy Administrator from the Department of Education is going to knock our door down and that as a result of us not having the appropriate protractor that we are somehow going to be in a disadvantageous position regarding our safety, and far more important, regarding our Liberty.  I yield back to the gentleman from Ohio.

I don't know if fasting is for everyone. And if it is, I don't know what fasting approach is best

Intermittent fasting will benefit beginners.  But multiple-day fasting will really boost your energy and help gauge your health or illness, which you can't always perceive when you're eating 3 meals a day.  I'm not even sure that eating 3 meals a day is the correct prescription.  If you're eating carnivores with saturated fats, organ meats, eggs, you may not even need to eat so frequetly in the day, depending on your stress levels at work or your previous health status.   

Thought I think the gentleman below makes sense, I feel uneasy about posting someone whose name I don't know or a post in which the poster can't identify the speaker.  Ironically, I guess I am doing the same thing.  

Chris Masterjohn, per usual, made some great points recently, 
The best way to get all your micronutrients in is to have an average daily intake of one or two ounces of liver, one or two oysters, a tablespoon or two of unfortified nutritional yeast, several servings of something rich in vitamin C such as bell peppers or strawberries, and a large volume of potassium-rich foods, such as the lean portions of meat, eggs, and milk; legumes, such as lentils, peas, and beans; tubers such as potatoes; and fruits and vegetables. If you don’t follow these rules of thumb, track your diet in Cronometer (see How to Track Your Diet in Cronometer) to make sure you are hitting all the micronutrient targets. If you cannot meet your micronutrient targets with foods, use a high-quality multivitamin such as Adapt Naturals and Seeking Health Optimal Multivitamin Chewable. If you really want to optimize, run the Comprehensive Nutritional Screening and use the screening and Cronometer to keep tweaking till everything is fully on target.  

BOVARD: Ford’s expansive use of the pardon helped pave the way for George H.W. Bush’s Iran-Contra pardons which largely demolished the investigation of Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh. On Christmas Eve 1992, Bush pardoned six Reagan administration officials for their roles in Iran-Contra,

Nixon resigned because he knew that he would be demolished in a Senate trial. But President Gerald Ford compounded the damage from Nixon’s presidency when he issued a sweeping pardon of his predecessor that practically condemned future generations of Americans to being governed by lawless presidents.  --Jim Bovard

August 8 was the fiftieth anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s resignation. Unfortunately, that anniversary spurred little reflections or lamentations on how lawless the federal government has become in the subsequent half-century.

Aside from his Watergate abuses, Nixon was guilty of illegally invading a foreign country (Cambodia), perpetuating the war in Vietnam for political purposes and his 1972 reelection campaign, violating the rights of tens of thousands of Americans with the illegal FBI COINTELPRO program, sanctioning CIA violence and subversion around the globe, and many other offenses. Nixon also created Amtrak. 

Nixon resigned because he knew that he would be demolished in a Senate trial. But President Gerald Ford compounded the damage from Nixon’s presidency when he issued a sweeping pardon of his predecessor that practically condemned future generations of Americans to being governed by lawless presidents.

Ford’s rationale for the pardon deserves a place in the pantheon of American political bullshit. In his televised announcement of the pardon, Ford declared that, if Nixon were put on trial, “the credibility of our free institutions of government would again be challenged at home and abroad.” Ford also claimed that prosecuting Nixon would banish “the tranquility to which this nation has been restored by the events of recent weeks” after Nixon resigned. But Ford’s action made it easier for subsequent presidents to disturb “tranquility” and practically everything else.
Many people assume that President Ford pardoned Nixon only for Watergate. In reality, Ford’s pardon was so sweeping—forgiving Nixon for any and every possible crime he may have committed—that it would have exempted Nixon even from charges of genocide, 

“Now, therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969, through August 9, 1974.”

Continue reading this excellent piece by James Bovard.

Find more by Bovard on Nixon here.

Find Bovard's books here.