Wednesday, March 13, 2024


"Out of the blue and into the black" is more of a personal statement on finances, Neil, from depression to profit.  What exactly have you done Neil to profit so wildly from folk songs?  Who did you take money from, Mr. Young?  Surely it wasn't Pfizer, right?  They never financed any of your concerts, did they? 

🚩 Congressman Warren Davidson Warns the TikTok Bill Really Creates a 'Bigger Surveillance State'

Jonathan Haidt says that 

TikTok harms kids in so many ways, and has so much influence over what they believe. It is insane that we let kids live on a platform that is legally bound to obey the CCP. @RepGallagher is right: Bytedance must sell it, or else America (or its parents) will need to ban it. 

Good question. This is what I asked myself.

BREAKING: US House officially passes bill that would force TikTok sale or face ban

Well, that didn't take long. 

Over 88% of all beef production comes from the panhandle in Texas

Over 88% of all beef production comes from the panhandle in Texas.

"Major Measles Outbreak" Reported In US As Migrant Shelters Become Infectious Disease Breeding Grounds

I hope you've already had the measles.  Oh, and if you haven't, please, please don't buy more Kool-Aid by turning off your critical thinking and go all bobblehead doll and agree to a measles vaccine.  Maybe medical intervention is the most blatant proof that people either don't learn or can't learn.  

From ZeroHedge,

" ... as doctors warn many young physicians have never even seen a patient infected with the virus. Hundreds of people are already feared to be infected in California and Arizona after cases were confirmed in people in the states who visited local hospitals," the media outlet said. 

I wouldn't worry about it.  No one is running the country.  Don't worry about it.  Don't sweat it.  Go fishing, or go for a hike. 

Besides corporate media blaming a low vaccination rate, maybe - just maybe - overcrowded shelters with migrants from third-world countries are the most likely root cause of the public health crisis. None of these migrants were screened at the border for contagious diseases - and were able to walk right over - some were even flown in on airplanes, and others were bussed into sanctuary cities by a shadowy network of taxpayer-funded governmental organizations. Besides future Democrat voters, you'll never guess the reason why migrants were shipped in by the millions (that answer is found here: "Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies ..."). 

The open southern border is a major national security crisis that is quite literally a ticking time bomb about to go off. It's also quickly morphing into a public health crisis.  

Just wait until Democrats start pushing measles vaccines. 

Or Stephen Colbert gets another advertising deal from big pharma.