Sunday, February 11, 2024

The EPA ordered Berkey to reclassify their water filter as a pesticide-treated device? Because the silver content kills microbial bugs

The EPA ordered Berkey to reclassify their water filter as a pesticide-treated device?  Oh, because of the antibacterial properties of silver parts inside the water filter?  Wait, because the silver kills bugs?  Oh, my God.  From MyHealthForward,
Berkey Water Filters and the EPA have been fighting for over a year. The EPA has blocked Berkey from selling their water filters since last December when they first issued a stop-sale order in Decembrer 2022. Berkey’s water filter element claims to stop biological growth. The EPA considers this claim and the water filters to be a pesticide as a result. Berkey is suing the EPA in response. Berkey water filters cannot be sold in California because of their no-lead law. Do you think Berkey or the EPA is in the right here?

Agenda 2025: iSi se puede!

Find the details on the UN Agendas 2021, 2025, and 2030 here.  It is kind of fitting that the post above comes from a Twitter feed called "The Milgram Experiment" given how week after week, month after month, a government crisis is dropped onto our privacy or our cities or schools or something or other to test our resolve to living free, to maintaining a certain standard of living and pushing back on government overreach.

Border protection won't come from the Nat'l Guard or a militia or business, it'll come from truckers & farmers

GREEN ENERGY: Destroying Economies and the Environment

Who doesn't love a Caffe Americano?

Origins of the Caffe Americano.

from Wikipedia,
There is a popular belief that the name has its origins in World War II when American G.I.s in Italy diluted espresso with hot water to approximate the coffee to which they were accustomed.