Sunday, February 11, 2024

In 1963, under JFK, healthcare was 4% of GDP; today, it's 20%. US Defense Budget is $1.3 Trillion. Healthcare is $4.3 Trillion. 6% of kids had chronic disease under JFK. Today, it's 60%

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Important update on the WHO with James Roguski | Noor Bin Ladin Calls


ROGUSKI, 7:00.  Pure old colonialism.  Most people working in a cobalt mine can't buy a Tesla.  If you exchange the raw materials of gold, or forest tree products, mining, and all these other things with genomic sequences and pathogens, one of the things that they are arguing for is tied to a 1992 conference for biological diversity, which sets up essentially access to Natural wisdom, like indigenous people who learned about a certain plant and then the pharmaceutical companies come in and they get the knowledge, they isolate a chemical, they tweak it a little bit so they can patent it and then they go and make billions.  The convention for biological diversity says no, no, no.  You've got to share the benefits.  So that idea is now being applied to pathogens.  What they are negotiating in this Accord, I'm not going to call it anything other than what it currently is, which is a framework convention, they want to set up a pathogen access and benefit sharing system where they feel that they are obligated, they're being forced to go seeking out pathogens all around the world and have to hand over any genomic information for the pathogen that they find.   They want to set up a central W.H.O. hub.  Do we really need more Wuhan Institutes of Virology?

HORTON, 5:42  Let's go back to 1979.  America used to have a friendly government in Iran that fell, and the American government knew the government in Iran was going to fall but that they couldn't do anything about it because the Shah, the dictator himself, had cancer and was a dead man.  And so the CIA and the State Department, you know, let's go ahead and tell our friends, the French, send the Ayatollah Khomeini home to Iran to inherit the revolution which had been rising up to overthrow the American-backed dictatorship there.  Because after all, we know the Ayatollah.  He's an old friend of ours.  We know him from 1953 when his group helped agitate to help destabilize and overthrow Prime Minister Mosaddegh to reinstall the Shah back in the last coup. 

DAWSON, 6:30  Operation Ajax, Kermit Roosevelt.

HORTON, 6:33   1953 when the U.S. government overthrew the government of Iran, and reinstalled the dictator, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, kept him in power for 26 years, 1953-1979.  Then he fell and his regime fell in 1979, but as I said, the CIA and the State Dept. told Jimmy Carter, we better go ahead and let the Ayatollah come to power.  We think we can deal with him and it'll be fine.  Horton recommends Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States, Trita Parsi, 2007.


COMEDIC RELIEF. please note this is clip has been slowed to .5 speed to help maximize its comedic value, also marijuana is legal in CA.)