Thursday, January 4, 2024

Signpost that oil has bottomed

Vivek Ramaswamy: Want to run billion-dollar pump and dump schemes on Wall Street to have investors lose all their money? Then Vivek is your Swamy

President Biden will cast former President Trump as a threat to democracy Saturday in a speech set to be delivered on the 3rd anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection

If Chemtrails aren’t real, then why is New Hampshire just starting the process of banning Geo-Engineering along with Texas, an act which the entire country of Mexico have already undertaken……?

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

"If it is true that China did not use mRNA injections, then maybe they were planning to use their excess male population as mercenary soldiers for sale."

This also explains why the DOD needed to decimate their own forces via mRNA poisoning, dismissal of those who refuse the poisoning, and the depraved satanic agenda of DEI.  They are weeding out the servicemen with conscience that are not likely to commit atrocities on command, and replacing them with mercenaries from other countries who will have no such scruples. 

Here is the good news.  Over 200 service members in an open letter are calling for the court-martial of military leaders.  Aside from death, there could be no greater condemnation of a military leader.  Sasha Latypova writes,

Over 200 service members demand Biden's military leadership be court-martialed and FIRED for forced 'experimentation' on troops with COVID-19 vaccine mandate leaving 'significant' physical and mental scars.

The mandate enacted in August 2021 led to the forced firing of over 8,000 service members who refused the shot on religious or medical grounds.

The service members say their 'suffering continues to be felt financially, emotionally, and physically'.

Biden's military leadership is accused of 'continuing to ignore' their pleas to correct the 'injuries and laws that were broken'.

They are threatening to bring Biden's top leaders out of retirement so they can be court-martialed and held to account.  

The letter is damning.  I hope this gets traction.  Here Latypova highlights key indictments. 
While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion. Service members and families were significantly harmed by these actions. Their suffering continues to be felt financially, emotionally, and physically. Some service members became part of our ever-growing veteran homeless population, some developed debilitating vaccine injuries, and some even lost their lives. In an apparent attempt to avoid accountability, military leaders are continuing to ignore our communications regarding these injuries and the laws that were broken. 
For GEN Milley, ADM Grady, GEN McConville, ADM Gilday, ADM Lescher, Gen Brown, Gen Berger, Gen Smith, VADM Kilby, VADM Nowell, VADM Fuller, LTG Martin, Lt Gen Davis, MG Edmonson, GEN Williams, ADM Fagan, VADM Buck, Lt Gen Clark, MG Francis, LTG Dingle, Lt Gen Miller, RADM Gillingham, and numerous others; 
These individuals enabled lawlessness and the unwilling experimentation on service members. The moral and physical injuries they helped inflict are significant. They betrayed the trust of service members and the American people. Their actions caused irreparable harm to the Armed Forces and the institutions for which we have fought and bled. 
These leaders refused to resign or take any other action to hold themselves accountable, nor have they attempted to repair the harm their policies and actions have caused. Since there has yet to be any accountability, the undersigned give our word to do everything morally permissible and legally possible to hold our own leadership accountable. We intend to rebuild trust by demonstrating that leaders cannot cast aside constitutional rights or the law for political expediency.  

Here is the letter in its entirety.

There is no let-up.

Last week I posted this video, and thankfully, Latypova found it and has commented on it.  

I also believe both federal government and some states such as CA (Newsom) are importing a mercenary army(ies) through the open southern border.  There are some reports that they are being imported from far off places such as China - my guess is that recent Xi visit to CA might have had something to do with this.  If it is true that China did not use mRNA injections, then maybe they were planning to use their excess male population as mercenary soldiers for sale. 

Did you read that last sentence?

If it is true that China did not use mRNA injections, then maybe they were planning to use their excess male population as mercenary soldiers for sale. 

Ominous.  Adding that 

There may be currently 1.5 M to 5M mercenary soldiers already inside the US based on estimates from commentators on the open border situation.  For example, Michael Yon has been reporting on this issue:
This also explains why the DOD needed to decimate their own forces via mRNA poisoning, dismissal of those who refuse the poisoning, and the depraved satanic agenda of DEI.  They are weeding out the servicemen with conscience that are not likely to commit atrocities on command, and replacing them with mercenaries from other countries who will have no such scruples. 

This is from Michael Yon,.  Be sure to check out the short video. 

PANAMA: the #CCP Economy Collapsing…#Chinese and other children pushed through deadly Darien Gap to come and destroy America. Venezuelan gangsters in the invasion column next to them. The very professional Panamanian Senafront rescues people daily.  Senafront is now deep in the jungle with courageous Oscar Blue, Ben Bergquam, and a Mexican journalist named Manuel. The rains are coming down hard now.  Senafront is well-trained, highly professional, and strong. I hear one of their helicopters right now. (UH-1 
Ben messaged via satcom text: “The scene is truly apocalyptic. Bajo Chiquito is completely overrun (thousands!), possibly as many as Lajas Blancas and more arriving every second! And the amount of feces and trash is staggering. My guess is we passed about 8000 people today between boats, the camp and the jungle. It’s getting dark and they’re still coming.  - Ben Bergquam” 
Another person mentioned just now 59 busses took about 3080 “migrante” from Darien yesterday.