Sunday, December 31, 2023


343lbs (dropped ~11 lbs per month) eating meat and fish and animal fat and walking 30 minutes per day. Of course i do fasting also...

Even the engineers went woke, 1980-2020

10 points of a populist strategy for libertarian change, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe (2017)



3.  DEFUND THE RULING ELITES' INTELLECTUAL BODYGUARDS.  Expose and widely publicize the lavish salaries, perks, pensions, side deals, bribes, and hush monies received by the ruling elites, by the higher-ups in governments and governmental bureaucracies of the Supreme Courts, Central Banks, secret services, and spy agencies by politicians, parliamentarians, party leaders, political advisors, and consultants by crony capitalism, public educrats, university presidents, provosts, and academic stars.  Drive home the point that all of their shining glory and luxury is funded by money extorted from taxpayers and consequently urge that any and all taxes be slashed--income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, inheritance taxes, and on and on.

4.  END THE FED AND ALL CENTRAL BANKS. The second source of funding for the ruling elites besides the money extorted from the public in the form of taxes comes from the central banks. 

5.  ABOLISH ALL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND NON-DISCRIMINATION LAWS AND REGULATIONS.  All such edicts are blatant violations of the principle of "Equality before the law" that at least in the West is intuitively sensed and recognized as a fundamental principle of justice.  As private property owners, people must be free to associate or disassociate with others to include or to exclude, to integrate, or to segregate, to join or to separate, to unify and incorporate or to disunite, exit, and secede.   

6.  CRUSH THE ANTI-FASCIST MOB.  The transvaluation of all values throughout the West, the invention of evermore victimhood, the spread of affirmative action programs, and the relentless promotion of political correctness have led to the rise of an anti-fascist mob.  Tacitly supported and indirectly funded by the ruling elites, this self-described mob of Social Justice Warriors has taken upon itself the task of escalating the fight against white privilege through deliberate acts of terror directed against anyone and anything deemed racist, right-wing, fascist, reactionary, incorrigible, or unreconstructed.

7.  CRUSH THE STREET CRIMINALS AND GANGS.  In dispensing with the principle of equality before the law, and awarding all sorts of group privileges, except to the one group that I mentioned, the ruling elites have also dispensed with the principle of equal punishment for equal crime.  Some state-favored groups are handed more lenient punishment for the same crime than others.  And some especially favored groups are simply let run wild and go practically unpunished at all.  Thus actually and effectively promoting crime.  As well, no-go areas have been permitted to develop where any effort at law enforcement has essentially ceased to exist and where violent thugs and street gangs have taken over.  Given this, public furor must be provoked and it be unmistakenly demanded that the police crackdown quick and hard on any robber, mugger, rapist, and murderer and ruthlessly all no-go areas of violent gang rule.  

8.  GET RID OF ALL WELFARE PARASITES AND BUMS.  To cement their own position, the ruling class has put the underclass on the dole and thus made it the most reliable source of public support, allegedly to help people rise and move up from the underclass to become self-supporting actors, the real and actually intended effect of the state's social policy is the exact opposite.  It has rendered a person's underclass status more permanent and made the underclass permanently grow.  

9.  GET THE STATE OUT OF EDUCATION.  Most, if not all, social pathologies plaguing the contemporary West have their common root in the institute of public education.  When the first steps were taken, well more than 200 years ago in Prussia to supplement and ultimately replace a formerly completely private system of education with a universal system of compulsory public education, the time spent in state-run schools did, in most cases, not exceed 4 years.  Today, throughout the entire Western world, the time spent in institutions of public education is at a minimum of 10 years, and in many cases, 20, or even 30 years.  That is a large, or even the largest, part of time during the most formative period in a person's life is spent in state-funded and state-supervised institutions, whose primary purpose from the very beginning was not to raise an enlightened public but to train good soldiers, and later on, good public servants.  

10.  DON'T PUT YOUR TRUST IN POLITICS AND POLITICAL PARTIES.  Just as Academia and the academic world cannot be expected to play any significant role in a libertarian strategy for social change, so with politics and political parties.  After all, it is the ultimate goal of libertarianism to put an end to all politics, and to subject all personal relations and conflicts to private law and civil law procedures.  All pervasively politicized conditions and involvement in politics Party politics cannot be entirely avoided however any such involvement one must be keenly aware of and guard against the corrupting influence of power in The Lure of money and perks that come with it and to minimize the risk and Temptation that comes from this it is advisable to concentrate one's effort on the level of regional and local rather than National politics and they are to promote a radical agenda of decentralization of nullification and peaceful separation segregation secession most importantly however we must take heed of Ludwig von Mises's life motto, "Do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it," that is we must speak out whenever and whatever, whether formal or informal gathering against anyone affronting us with the, by now all too familiar, politically correct drivel and left egalitarianism involved in this and unmistakably say, "No, hell no.  You must be kidding!" and in the meantime given the almost mind-control exercise by the ruling elite academia and the mainstream media, it already requires a good portion of courage to do that but if we are not brave enough to do so now and thus set an example for others to follow _________? will become increasingly worse and more dangerous in the future and we, in Western Civilization and the Western ideas of freedom and liberty, will be wiped out and vanish.

Saturday, December 30, 2023