Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2024

2017: Huge difference with a private company [doing airline security versus the TSA] is that the people searching you and the people pawing you would not have the equivalent of diplomatic immunity.

The interview is from November 22, 2017.  

Not many congressmen were willing to say that the responsibility should be on the airlines themselves.  

Huge difference with a private company is that the people searching you and the people pawing you would not have the equivalent of diplomatic immunity.  It's almost impossible to sue a federal agent who violates your Constitutional rights.  And that's a huge Pandora's box.  

2:49. It's actually gotten a lot more intrusive thanks to the guidelines that the TSA is using and going back to the question of private verses Federal a huge difference with a private company is that the people searching you the people pawing you would not have the equivalent of diplomatic immunity it's almost impossible to sue a federal agent who violates your constitutional rights and that's a huge Pandora's Box for not getting abused at the airport because federal agents the TSA is you know notified that they're allowed to grab you squeeze you there there's a lawsuit that's coming down a federal judge just to prove it a few months ago it's an airline pilot who got jammed in the groin punched in the groin basically by a a TSA agent out of Dulles Airport and the TSA tried to get the federal judge to dismiss his lawsuit who said his rights were violated the TSA said instead of filing the suit with the guy could have done is simply called in the TSA contact center and left a complaint this is the type of remedy the TSA thinks that the American people deserve after they get heavily abused by federal agents.  

Sunday, December 31, 2023

10 points of a populist strategy for libertarian change, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe (2017)



3.  DEFUND THE RULING ELITES' INTELLECTUAL BODYGUARDS.  Expose and widely publicize the lavish salaries, perks, pensions, side deals, bribes, and hush monies received by the ruling elites, by the higher-ups in governments and governmental bureaucracies of the Supreme Courts, Central Banks, secret services, and spy agencies by politicians, parliamentarians, party leaders, political advisors, and consultants by crony capitalism, public educrats, university presidents, provosts, and academic stars.  Drive home the point that all of their shining glory and luxury is funded by money extorted from taxpayers and consequently urge that any and all taxes be slashed--income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, inheritance taxes, and on and on.

4.  END THE FED AND ALL CENTRAL BANKS. The second source of funding for the ruling elites besides the money extorted from the public in the form of taxes comes from the central banks. 

5.  ABOLISH ALL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND NON-DISCRIMINATION LAWS AND REGULATIONS.  All such edicts are blatant violations of the principle of "Equality before the law" that at least in the West is intuitively sensed and recognized as a fundamental principle of justice.  As private property owners, people must be free to associate or disassociate with others to include or to exclude, to integrate, or to segregate, to join or to separate, to unify and incorporate or to disunite, exit, and secede.   

6.  CRUSH THE ANTI-FASCIST MOB.  The transvaluation of all values throughout the West, the invention of evermore victimhood, the spread of affirmative action programs, and the relentless promotion of political correctness have led to the rise of an anti-fascist mob.  Tacitly supported and indirectly funded by the ruling elites, this self-described mob of Social Justice Warriors has taken upon itself the task of escalating the fight against white privilege through deliberate acts of terror directed against anyone and anything deemed racist, right-wing, fascist, reactionary, incorrigible, or unreconstructed.

7.  CRUSH THE STREET CRIMINALS AND GANGS.  In dispensing with the principle of equality before the law, and awarding all sorts of group privileges, except to the one group that I mentioned, the ruling elites have also dispensed with the principle of equal punishment for equal crime.  Some state-favored groups are handed more lenient punishment for the same crime than others.  And some especially favored groups are simply let run wild and go practically unpunished at all.  Thus actually and effectively promoting crime.  As well, no-go areas have been permitted to develop where any effort at law enforcement has essentially ceased to exist and where violent thugs and street gangs have taken over.  Given this, public furor must be provoked and it be unmistakenly demanded that the police crackdown quick and hard on any robber, mugger, rapist, and murderer and ruthlessly all no-go areas of violent gang rule.  

8.  GET RID OF ALL WELFARE PARASITES AND BUMS.  To cement their own position, the ruling class has put the underclass on the dole and thus made it the most reliable source of public support, allegedly to help people rise and move up from the underclass to become self-supporting actors, the real and actually intended effect of the state's social policy is the exact opposite.  It has rendered a person's underclass status more permanent and made the underclass permanently grow.  

9.  GET THE STATE OUT OF EDUCATION.  Most, if not all, social pathologies plaguing the contemporary West have their common root in the institute of public education.  When the first steps were taken, well more than 200 years ago in Prussia to supplement and ultimately replace a formerly completely private system of education with a universal system of compulsory public education, the time spent in state-run schools did, in most cases, not exceed 4 years.  Today, throughout the entire Western world, the time spent in institutions of public education is at a minimum of 10 years, and in many cases, 20, or even 30 years.  That is a large, or even the largest, part of time during the most formative period in a person's life is spent in state-funded and state-supervised institutions, whose primary purpose from the very beginning was not to raise an enlightened public but to train good soldiers, and later on, good public servants.  

10.  DON'T PUT YOUR TRUST IN POLITICS AND POLITICAL PARTIES.  Just as Academia and the academic world cannot be expected to play any significant role in a libertarian strategy for social change, so with politics and political parties.  After all, it is the ultimate goal of libertarianism to put an end to all politics, and to subject all personal relations and conflicts to private law and civil law procedures.  All pervasively politicized conditions and involvement in politics Party politics cannot be entirely avoided however any such involvement one must be keenly aware of and guard against the corrupting influence of power in The Lure of money and perks that come with it and to minimize the risk and Temptation that comes from this it is advisable to concentrate one's effort on the level of regional and local rather than National politics and they are to promote a radical agenda of decentralization of nullification and peaceful separation segregation secession most importantly however we must take heed of Ludwig von Mises's life motto, "Do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it," that is we must speak out whenever and whatever, whether formal or informal gathering against anyone affronting us with the, by now all too familiar, politically correct drivel and left egalitarianism involved in this and unmistakably say, "No, hell no.  You must be kidding!" and in the meantime given the almost mind-control exercise by the ruling elite academia and the mainstream media, it already requires a good portion of courage to do that but if we are not brave enough to do so now and thus set an example for others to follow _________? will become increasingly worse and more dangerous in the future and we, in Western Civilization and the Western ideas of freedom and liberty, will be wiped out and vanish.

Friday, November 10, 2023

2017 Encounter with the Devil Himself, Dr. Robert John Santella, Abortion Doctor of San Diego

This encounter with abortion doctor, Robert Santella, 74 at the time, was from 2017 in San Diego.

You can read more about him here.  When the God complex turns demonic.

A San Diego abortionist who was caught on video last year threatening a pro-life activist with scissors in the midst of a demonic rant, has agreed to surrender his medical license on December 31, 2017.

Robert John Santella, 74, was featured in a YouTube video as he hissed and threatened a pro-life activist with scissors while admitting he had a “darkened heart.”

The California Medical Board (CMB) sought disciplinary action against Santella for his unprofessional conduct in an amended accusation filed on July 17, 2017. The accusation expressed shock that Santella growled at the pro-life activist and admitted he loved killing babies in a guttural voice even while other patients — and at least one child — entered the abortion facility behind him.

After video of the incident went viral, Santella was fired by a hospital group where he was affiliated, and later, by the FPA Women’s Health abortion facility. Undeterred, Santella resumed his abortion business at his long-time College-area private practice office.

Santella was also charged by the CMB for wrongly prescribing controlled substances to six patients, while failing to perform a physical examination or document reasons for the prescriptions in medical records. He also ignored test results and symptoms of other serious conditions.

When asked why he prescribed opioids to one patient with a history of substance abuse, he callously replied, “[I]n desperation I would refill her medications somehow just to get rid of her.”

Robert Santella died in 2019.  

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Dave Collum on the October 2017 Las Vegas Shooting

Crisis actors are nothing new, and by new I mean that I've seen them since the 1963 JFK assassination, the 1965 Malcolm X assassination, the 1968 Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination, the 1968 Robert F. Kennedy assassination, the 2012 Aurora, Colorado shooting, the 2014 Sandyhook shooting, the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, and beyond.  

Mike Cronk

Trauma surgeons were picking up on the problem.

25:33  YouTube videos started disappearing like crazy.

Mike Kronk, is a bearded Alaskan hick.  The hunter narrative created by ABC News grows a short leg.  

26:00  The other character was Sheriff Joe Lombardo from Clark County who said that it had to be multiple shooters, and by the next day, he said it was a single shooter.  That turns out to be the property of all the mass shootings, the mass killings where the guy on the street, right on the spot, tells the story about multiple shooters, by the next day it's one drug-addled teenager.  

28:50  Sheriff Joe Lombardo makes an appeal to the audience, presumably the press and media, that if you have any video, please "Anybody that may have cellphone video or any type of video associated with this event that would be of benefit to the investigation, please, respond to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department headquarters at 400 South Martin Luther King, and we will take custody of that video.  So if you have it, and you evaluate it and think it will be of benefit to the investigation, please bring that down to the headquarters.  Standing with me is Special Agent of the FBI, Aaron Rouse.  Ah, he is assisting with the investigation, which is ongoing, and then we have Fire Chief, Greg Castle from Clark County Fire [who retired in 2020], and they are assisting with all of the victims.  Now, as far as the number of victims, I cannot give you an accurate number at this point.  We have well in excess of 100 plus injured and well in excess of 20 plus dead.  So we will get those numbers to you as accurately as soon as we can.  But please bare with us.  This is an ongoing investigation, but we are comfortable that the primary aggressor in this event has expired or passed away and is no longer a threat.  There've been multiple, multiple phone calls with accusations or conjecture coming through social media that there are multiple shooters at other resorts.  That has been proven to be false.  Additionally, there's been accusations or beliefs that there are some explosives going off--that is also false.  The only explosives contained in this event were from our SWAT Team breaching the room.  So, please, we are pretty confident that there is no longer a threat other than we are attempting to locate the person of interest.  . . . As you can imagine, it just happened."  30:54 

Odd, because he sounds quite versed in managing narratives surrounding controversial investigations.  But who am I to take note of an unusual narrative style?  

MK ULTRA.  References Stephen Kinzer's book, Poisner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control, 2020.  They've been tied to Manson.  They've been tied to Jack Ruby killing Oswald. They've been tied to the Oklahoma City bomber.  They've been tied to Ted Kazinski.  I don't think that Kazinski was a failure of the program.  I think he was an experiment.  

Even famous people, David French, Tucker Carlson, and Ann Coulter were all calling baloney it, saying there is something so wrong with this story.  How the guy got 23 sophisticated killing machines that were not the kind "could buy from Walmart into his hotel room, supposed he was there for 3 or 4 days.  Steve Wynn said there was no chance you can let a guy have weapons in his room for three or four days because the would never leave a hotel room unintended.  You can put "Do Not Disturb" all you want, but they're going to peak in that room.  Because, you know, rotting carcasses are not good for business.  So they will not let a room be attended and unchecked on for 4 days.  

33:00  From all the footage, it was clear that there were shooters everywhere.  And it had all the pieces that were strangely unexplainable, like after the shooting out of 20,000 people, nine more people died mysteriously.  During the shooting, there was that crazy woman walking around the crowd saying "You're all going to die in 45 minutes."  So here is where you and I kind of connect yet and that is that you've got this Saudi assassination plot, which I think is a good one, and the helicopter . . . I missed the helicopter story until after October, so I wrote about it in my annual review.  So I had some time to 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Special Counsel John Durham has failed to beat the 5-year federal statute of limitations to indict any FBI officials/agents

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

In 2017, transgendered person Evie Amati had a bad tinder date, triggering gender dysphoria and took it out on strangers at a 7-11. Now serving 14 years in prison for attempted murder.