The FBI was established in 1908, the CIA in '47, & the NSA in '52, which means the US existed for over 130 years without them.
— David Giglio (@DavidGiglioCA) December 26, 2023
The notion they can’t be broken up w/o sacrificing national security is a lie.
There's a reason these agencies weren't created by the Framers. #CA20
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
The FBI was established in 1908, the CIA in '47, & the NSA in '52, which means the US existed for over 130 years without them. There's a reason these agencies weren't created by the Framers.
Greg Abbott is giving kickbacks to his buddy for every illegal is he shuffling around the country.
The catholic church runs illegal immigration services under the auspices of Catholic charities funded by the federal gov't. Then there's Texas Gov. Abbott's contribution.
— St. Michael, the Archangel (@aveng_angel) December 27, 2023
There is nothing sustainable about plant-based agriculture, since it requires an oil-based economy to produce the Ammonia needed to grow high-protein plants.
You are the Carbon They Want to Reduce.
— Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) December 27, 2023
There is nothing sustainable about plant-based agriculture, since it requires an oil-based economy to produce the Ammonia needed to grow high-protein plants.
This is the baffle them with bullshit while we destroy the pillars of the…
The collapse of the U.S. southern border is the result of a carefully planned and deliberately executed industrial mass migration program.
— (@realmuckraker) December 23, 2023
Muckraker has obtained multiple maps, handed out by non-government organizations across South and Central America, that detail the routes to take to the U.S. and where to cross the…
MAP #3 - Distributed by the NGO Amigos Del Tren (Friends Of The Train in English).
— (@realmuckraker) December 23, 2023
This NGO aids illegal aliens in riding the "Train of Death", (also known as "La Bestia"), a freight train that U.S.-bound illegal aliens ride on top of to reach the U.S. border.
The front shows…
British intelligence in his opinion is the best in the world. The most effective is a ruthless intelligence service. Any form of coercion and blackmail.
And Seeley, in particular, pointed to the growing empires of Russia and the United States, which then were land empires, they were growing by expanding their territory organically from the center and moving out into contiguous lands, and getting bigger and bigger, but with their lands, all connected together. And Seeley pointed out that empires of this sort were innately easier and less expensive to defend than the British Empire, that ultimately Britain was going to have to face Russia and the US as enemies, and that England would lose this battle, precisely because of its, the vulnerability, the way that its colonies were spread out around the world. [25:07]
Here is a transcript of the interview.
When did globalism start, and who started it?
Globalism, the idea of establishing a world government that rules the entire planet, was put into form by the British, first emerged in Victorian England and it quickly was adopted by the Fabian socialists and these groups.
How the British Invented George Soros, Color Revolutions and Communism: Noor Bin Ladin Interviews Richard Poe.
W. T. Stead, a journalist who put forward the main plan for British globalism. The Americanization of the world argued that for it to continue with its great power place in the world it would have to merge with the United States. A superstate under British control. This ensured that the British could control the super state. NATO, Five Eyes Intelligence Treaties, most people know that the US and Great Britain are locked together in institutional frameworks to the point that they're not independent countries. Size does not mean dominance. India, Brazil, and Russia are all big countries. Bigness does not equal power in the world. It never did. Britain is small. Small production base. Brits learned to be powerful as a small country. The lessons they learned amidst larger countries, the Brits know these lessons, put them into practice, and know how to make them work. British are managing the US as they've managed the whole rest of the world for centuries. They've merged exactly the way that Stead suggested they merge. Our interests are locked together. Britain can control the US by . . .