Tuesday, December 19, 2023

TODAY'S MUST-READ: Where to Hide & What to Consider

The old hatreds are all surfacing and these will be part of the process of tearing about civilization as we head into 2032.

The 2024 US election will further divide the USA, for NEITHER side will accept the result. The USA will eventually break apart into three primary regions: the South & midwest Bible Belt will join together against the Northeast, and the Pacific States will be their own la-la-land.  --Martin Armstrong

Thanks to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

QUESTION: Dear Martin and the team,

Perhaps the chances are very low that this would somehow reach Martin. However, I would like to try to use “the power of the internet.” I have to try, so at least I am not blaming myself. I would like to ask a question and if somehow, possibly get the answer and Martin’s thoughts. (btw I bought your books, but sadly I can’t come to those conferences as they are quite far away, not to mention visas…!)

I am originally from Russia but came to the UK 9 years ago. I never thought that we would go threw such insanity during my life. My parents who passed in the 90s (the time when SU collapsed) believe that there is nothing scarier than this. Yet, based on their description, it looks like the 90s is coming worldwide, which scares me to the bones. I just can’t recognize the UK and the rest of the western countries anymore. After COVID (and also Brexit) everything twisted upside down. Cost of living, quality of life, education level, total surveillance, CBDC, digital ID and other things seem to be coming all worldwide.

Even in Russia, this ESG agenda (Sberbank was working with WEF on their cyberattack convention in 2019 for Christ’s sake!), social credit score, CBDC progressing! They are all in cahoots together… Many people don’t see a danger of those elements, and when you even try to explain the danger of those things, all what they call you are just another conspiracy theorist….

I understand that the storm is coming and most likely we will all come out as different people in 2032. I really hope that your prognosis is correct and there is a light in the end of the tunnel which brings at least some hope that we will not be stuck in this doom loop.

I am right now stuck in a dilemma which doesn’t give me peace, so I would like to try to use such an opportunity and ask questions about how Martin thinks:

1) The worst fear for me right now is being stuck in the UK. If we all go into such shit period, I would prefer to be in my home country (Russia). However, I have been in the UK for almost 10 years and was thinking about applying for a passport in 2025. After that, I was considering leaving the country for good. Question comes : is it worth it? If this all goes so downhill. How much time do I have till the storm comes, and will I not be able to leave? Is it really worth it? I can, of course, return home, but all those years which I have been in the UK will be basically worthless… Moreover, the passport opportunity could help me… one day…. This cross-road doesn’t give me peace of mind.

2) In your prognosis of the safest places you mostly consider the USA. What places in the UK are safest? Is Edinburgh safe? I can see that England is in full turmoil. All those green zealots and green zones which would destroy the economy… Not to mention those cameras today have been deployed everywhere.

3) Don’t you think that this world power grab will be worldwide? We can see that they all argue with each other, yet when it comes to COP-28 or WEF events, they all sit together… I can see the same things happening in Russia. The main bank, Sberbank, even has a director of ESG, plus they are pushing for CBDC and Machine-learning integration in the transactions . . . .  Madness.

I still believe that I have a higher chance of surviving in Russia. I have parents who have their own garden…. And overall, it is easier to survive mentally when your parents are nearby…

I greatly appreciate that you try to predict and guide us towards those insane times. If somehow this message arrives, could you please share your thoughts?

Kind regards



The West is the aggressor. While they claim Putin’s invasion was unprovoked and this is about freedom and democracy, that is just nonsense.  The Minsk Agreement was to allow the Donbas to have a free election. Merkel and the West lied to allow Ukraine to build an army to fight Russia which has been the plan all along. Zelensky, the puppet selling out his own country, stood up and said that Ukraine would rearm itself with nuclear weapons. So, in addition to tearing up the Minsk Agreement, Zelensky also tore up the Budapest Memorandum where Ukraine had more nuclear weapons than China. It was a major world nuclear power – the third-largest nuclear power in the world.

The Budapest Memorandum was where Ukraine made the decision to completely denuclearize in exchange, the U.S., the U.K., and Russia guaranteed Ukraine’s security in that 1994 agreement. Therefore, when Zelensky stood up and declared Ukraine would re-arm with nukes and was no longer going to be neutral, Putin had no choice but to come to the aid of the Donbas the next day. Zelensky never told his people and he said to the Washington Post that had he told the people Russia would invade, he would have lost $7 billion.

Hillary is saying that they are using Ukraine as cannon fodder and the plan is to weaken Russia to overthrow their government if you just listen. Afghanistan is the “model” to keep throwing Ukrainians into the war, and maybe the West will win. These people love to play God with nations, and people’s lives, on both sides. NEVER have I ever heard Hillary or any Neocon even once express remorse for the dead soldiers or their families where children grow up without a parent.

These Neocons are just hateful people, and they have seized power in Washington to wage war. They hate all Russians and Chinese because they used to be communists and they cannot let that go. They still have to defeat them no matter what.

Hillary is a Neocon who was behind the entire move to overthrow the governments of the Middle East – Iraq, Syria, and Libya. The Benghazi attack on the US embassy was because it was being used to funnel arms into Syria and Libya to create civil wars just as they have done in Ukraine.

Far too many politicians have been brainwashed by the Neocons. They think Putin is the enemy and may think they are supporting national security, but they too are just stupid pawns. Nobody in Washington is even interested in peace. Most are not competent to even comprehend that the West needs war so desperately as the excuse to justify CBDCs, capital controls, martial law, and the sovereign debt default that wipes out pensions so they also need to reduce the population to reduce their unfunded liabilities.

So where to hide? There will be safe places within many countries, even the UK, but they will be away from major cities. That is where the risk will lie. That was sort of the theme of the movie, strangely partly funded by Obama, Leave the World Behind, but that was really about taking down communications, including satellites. I found it curious that Obama would be behind such a film. This will certainly be one impact of war, which is why I am against digital currency, for you will be unable to buy anything. In the film, the only way a guy could buy medicine was with cash.

What you must understand is that all the old wounds will resurface. You even have Biden’s education official claiming that democracy, fatphobia, is based on white supremacy. At the same time, Obama’s new film is against white people. Look around the world. Whatever old dispute there was is resurfacing. Ukrainians hate Russian-speaking Ukrainians. The same is now unfolding in Estonia. All of this bullshit about “equality” is a smokescreen. The old hatreds are all surfacing and these will be part of the process of tearing about civilization as we head into 2032. So in your case, it may just be safer in Russia, for in World War II, they locked up Japanese who were born in the United States simply because of their race and ethnic origin. Be very careful about where you move to. Remember the Boxer Rebellion in China, where it was get all foreigners?

By the time we get to 2032, that will be the light at the end of the tunnel. The shit-storm, as they say, will begin primarily after 2024. The US election will further divide the USA, for NEITHER side will accept the result. The USA will eventually break apart into three primary regions: the South & midwest Bible Belt will join together against the Northeast, and the Pacific States will be their own la-la-land. You will most likely be safer with the region that best matches your political philosophy. Even during the American Revolution, they were confiscating assets of people who supported the king politically. There is NEVER any rule of law during the war – NEVER forget that. You have no rights it will always be the will of those in power.

I would get the passport as a hedge, but you may be safer in Russia than in the US or Europe. You certainly want to stay away from any major city no matter what country you are in. That is where the civil unrest will flare up the most. Keep in mind, cities like NYC, will be out of food in 7 days when there are no trucks to bring it into town.

WOW. "When you ask 'what did the Germans do to the Jews?' You must also ask, 'what did the Jews do to the Germans?'"

His name is Ahmed Huber, 1927-2008, and was a Swiss German journalist and convert to Islam.  It's remarkable that this kind of attempt at historical revision is becoming public.  Looks like he had some dubious alliances but who knows?  

The US is not threatened by other nations. The real threat to Americans are the policies hatched in D.C.

PFIZER CENSORSHIP. WHAT'S NEW? COVID vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.

Thank you to Dave @ Lew Rockwell.

Writes Dave:

What they didn’t want you to see during the most recent GOP debate. What’s happened to America?

Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.

This is what was blacked out from the American public.

If msm & their big pharma pay masters didn’t want you to see it, then it’s probably worth sharing.

Vivek ran cover for Reagan AND for Big Pharma.  Didn't want to disparage the Gipper, eh, Vivek?  After all, it was only Reagan who signed into law the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that granted immunity to vaccine manufacturers.  Also under Reagan,  Title 42 – Public Health Service Act, at §247d et seq, “Public health emergencies,” as established in 1983.  With the firmer, the government said, hey, we'll cover the program that covers costs and care, Dear Vaccine Makers,  if any child or adult gets injured.  Except that they didn't.  They don't.  Government lied?  Reagan's government lied?  Oh, my God, say it isn't so.  

The legislative trail from Katherine Watt:

1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act gave manufacturers immunity for liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines listed on the government-recommended childhood immunization schedule.

The argument used to exempt manufacturers from liability was that the government, through the Department of Health and Human Services, would monitor the childhood vaccination program, collect safety data, and report it to Congress to provide oversight and take harmful vaccines off the market.

However, the HHS and Congressional oversight required by the 1986 law didn’t occur.

See Informed Consent Action Network v. US-HHS, 1:18-cv-03215-JMF, which ended with a July 9, 2018 stipulation by the U.S. government that HHS had no records of any safety monitoring or public reporting of the childhood vaccination program, under the 1986 law, between 1986 and 2018.

Later two reports were located, filed on 5/4/88 and 7/21/89. Since 1989: nothing. No evidence that the childhood vaccination schedule was safe at that time, nor any evidence that the injections added to the childhood schedule since 1986, alone or cumulatively, are safe.

So Vivek was tasked with running cover for a monstrous program and tasked with diverting Reagan's role in setting up the monsters.  

Latypova summarizes it up quite eloquently,

Overall characterization of what is going on: the federal and most of the state governments are gone and captured. Whatever is running the federal gov agencies (e.g. HHS) really intends to kill you, or at least substantially injure you, damage your reproductive capacity and repossess your assets in the process. The aim is to reduce the population and terrorize the survivors enough to establish a totalitarian control over much of the world’s territory. Nobody is coming to save you, your survival and that of your children is in your hands only. Do not comply.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Amazon's, $AMZN, humanoid warehouse robots will eventually cost only $3 per hour to operate, per BI.