Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Biden's War in Ukraine accelerated the growth of BRICS, uniting half of the world against America.

Call For Governor DeSantis To Ban The Jab In Florida . . .

There’s a tiny, innocent-looking rodent called the grasshopper mouse who kills highly venomous arthropods like scorpions and forcipules and it howls at the moon to claim its territory

Clarence Darrow, Civil Right Hero, Guilty of Jury Tampering?

Clarence Darrow, 1857-1938, was a celebrated civil rights hero, an American lawyer, and Civil Rights activist, who defended   

Inherit the Wind was a 1955 short drama, written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, about the 1925 Scopes Trial and made into the 1960 film version, starring Spencer Tracy and Frederic March.  Tracy plays the character, Henry Drummond, who was patterned after Clarence Darrow.  In the famous trial of John T. Scopes at Dayton, Tennessee  (July 10–21, 1925), Darrow defended a high-school teacher who had broken a state law by presenting the Darwinian theory of evolution.  

The 1920 Scopes Trial was Darrow's most famous legal battle, but maybe not.  In the 1910, LA Times Building Bombing, Darrow defended the bombers.  And in the process 

Briefly on Darrow
Darrow attended law school for only one year before being admitted to the Ohio bar in 1878. He moved to Chicago in 1887 and immediately took part in attempts to free the anarchists charged with murder in the Haymarket Riot (May 4, 1886). Through his friendship with Judge John Peter Altgeld, afterward governor of Illinois, Darrow was appointed Chicago city corporation counsel in 1890, and then he became general attorney for the Chicago and North Western Railway. He left the North Western to defend Eugene V. Debs, president of the American Railway Union, and other union leaders arrested on a federal charge of contempt of court arising from the Pullman Strike (May–July 1894). Although Debs and his associates were convicted and the decision was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, Darrow established a national reputation as a labour and criminal lawyer. In arbitration hearings during the Pennsylvania anthracite coal strike (1902–03), Darrow represented the striking miners and in cross-examination illumined not only the arduous working conditions in the mines but also the degree to which child labour was used. Subsequently (1907), he secured the acquittal of the labour leader William D. (“Big Bill”) Haywood for the assassination of former governor Frank R. Steunenberg of Idaho. He abandoned labour litigation after the McNamara brothers, two labour leaders whom he defended against charges of dynamiting the Los Angeles Times building, unexpectedly switched their plea to guilty during the course of their trial (1911). 

He had defended every Leftist cause of the early 20th century.  But my guess is that nobody knew about his jury tampering in the LA Times Building bombing, the deadliest crime in California history that killed 21 and injured 100.  The bombers were Ortie McManigal and J.B. McNamara.  

Ortie said that he had not participated in the Times  bombing, but that J.B. had told him all about it, and that it was done by J.B. and two others, Matthew Schmidt and David Caplan (Schmidt and Caplan evaded arrest until 1915). McManigal also said that others involved included Ryan, J.J., Hockin and other IW leade

A word to the wise: avoid, if possible, all dental procedures throughout your life regardless of age, whether you're an adolescent, a teenager, an adult, or a senior citizen.  Regardless, avoid the dentist.  Now that may be hard medicine to swallow because we are inundated with messages like "be sure to see your dentist regularly," "be sure to see your dentist twice a year."  That message assumes you're either already sick or have dental carries or that decay happens at a rapid pace of every 6 months.  We're asked to see the dentist as if we're unhealthy.  The message to "see your dentist" assumes that you're ill, assumes you need care.  You don't.  You might be deficient in nutrients, and medical care is not a substitute for vitamin deficiency.  So many medical and dental procedures are unnecessary.  I repeat, unnecessary.  There are few positions in the realm of human existence where you make yourself more exposed than when you are sitting on your back, mouth agape, with some excavating pick exploring and creating "occlusions" on your precious teeth so that the greedy dentist can make that payment on his La Jolla condo. 

Like most people, like most business folks, dentists don't have your long-term care in mind.  If they did, they'd be out of business.  They would be your friend maybe and not your dentist. But once a man becomes a dentist, he enters into an unspoken, unsigned contract with the dental industry.  The list of organizations is extensive. 

National State Organizations

State Dental Organizations

So as your dentist is picking through your ivories in your mouth and exploring for openings that he can charge you for just know that he is no longer serving the God of service but instead he's serving the god of Mammon.  In other words, he sold his soul.  

As to those messages I mentioned above, know that marketing mostly appeals to your fears or your greed.  "Be sure to see your dentist regularly appeals to your fears.  It makes you anxious about the health of your teeth, while you put 110% trust in a stranger with an array of sharp instruments hopefully with the skill and knowledge to use them effectively.