Friday, November 10, 2023

WAR ON CHILDREN CONTINUES: Brazil's Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva adds COVID-19 vax to the mandatory annual Immunization Program for Children & Babies. Parents of unvaccinated children will be denied welfare benefits.

There is no place for a federal police force in the U.S. Constitution.  Our Founders probably understood the direction it would take if we did do so.  It's also why there's no standing army.

Let's look at some recent examples before we go back and look at the history of the FBI in ways in which it has always been problematized by its politicized character. So the nature of it has expanded and extended and has gone to a scale and a scope we have never witnessed before beginning with the election or just the campaign of President Trump.  Take for example the January 6th Proud Boys trial taking place currently in the District of Columbia.  In that case, there has been multiple documentation of the role of informants, infiltrators, and instigators in the events of January 6th.  I was there on January 6th. I decided not to take the unauthorized tour of the capital.  I was instead sitting in the office of some Trump cabinet officials as we ultimately watched it unfold.  I was there at the behest of President Trump after representing him in Georgia and challenging what was taking place in the election.  I would note that President Trump only filed one election contest himself that he was able to do legally and that took place in Georgia.  Even though the court was required to conduct a hearing within 5 days of his filing, on January 6th the Georgia Court had still just not gotten around in weeks after its filing to ever hearing the case.  Indeed, they wouldn't decide to hear it until after January 6th came and went.  In fact, there was never an evidentiary hearing on the election contest President Trump filed in Georgia.  It was amidst that frustration and agitation that people gathered that day on January 6th to hear the President speak and, as the President asked them to do, to peacefully protest outside the capitol to make sure that our Constitution's framework for adjudicating election disputes and controversies, which by the way despite what Vice President Mike Pence would have some people believe, both Vice President John Adams and Vice President Thomas Jefferson had exercised their Constitutional authority to decide electoral contests going back to the very founding of our country.  Then people got wind as they were outside the capitol that was not going to occur, Pence made the peculiar decision to wait to release his decision until right at the beginning of that presentation, which helped put certain things into motion.  But things were already in motion.  There was an unusual lack of law enforcement present that day.  The capitol is the most secure building in the world, particularly on January 6th.  There are over 2,500 people that are just police officers of the capitol.  Once again we may be seeing part of our problem.  Why does the capital even have a police?  If they had had regular local police there, is the issue of District Columbia have having its own patrol; that being a separate and secondary question.  But if it had had regular police not under political control, maybe they would have been properly present that day and there never would have been any issues because what happened was that there was an unusual lack of security in some parts of the capital number one number two there were other members of the police that were actually guiding protesters into a compressed compressed area where they would then be attacked by members of the Capitol Police that would lead to people reacting and responding and only the people that reacted and responded were caught on camera broadcast to the world or ultimately and ultimately prosecuted the capital police who initiated and instigated that conflict took a complete walk from any accountability and responsibility.  4:22. And then you had other capitol police who were escorting people into the building that day, while other Capitol police were attacking them from other parts of the building.  So if you had just stumbled into it, you didn't know what was happening.  It was still one of the most unusual Capitol riots in American history, and there have been plenty of capitol riots throughout our history, throughout the history of the world.  Around the world you can watch the protests currently taking place in France to see what real riots look like.  They usually involve farmers either farmers dumping food or manure, depending on their choice that day, on the public streets or people raiding into buildings or protesting BLM style as what took place in the summer of 2020 just a few months before January 6 protests.  While those people who that did the BLM protests, including threatening to burn down St John's, the great historic church across from the White House, not only did they not get criminally prosecuted, many of them actually got checks written from the federal government for the wrongful harassment they suffered from simply policing that building that day.  5:25.  Meanwhile people who took that unauthorized tour of the capital of that day had to be some of the most peaceful riders in the history of rioting these are the people who literally stayed between the lines half the time as they're walking through the capitol these are people who didn't steal any art the only thing they got taken was a now famously memed event someone who took Nancy Pelosi's pedestal with him there was a gentleman who put his feet up on Pelosi's desk.  What's undisclosed is what came out in his trial: it was the media asking him to put his feet on Pelosi's desk.  These are people who just came in often directed to go through there there were people around there were people like Mr Epps apparently Rupert Murdoch doesn't want people talking about Mr apps because Tucker Carlson the most popular TV News host in the Modern Age had to resign yesterday or was separated from his employment for talking about what according to the LA Times in the New York Times for talking about Ray Epps this was a very unusual case of the man who got a 60 Minutes profile while bragging in text to his kid about how he helped organize January 6th into an event to that could lead to people being criminally prosecuted and punished while he himself has never been criminally prosecuted and punished he's not the only one they found in the proud boys trial a friend of mine a colleague in Norman pattus is one of the defense lawyers and by the way in the old school Robert Kennedy Style Democratic liberal who is defending some of the proud boys including Joe Biggs in that trial has found more evidence of government misconduct and malfeasance and misfeasance then in any case he's ever been a part of and he's had the privilege of being a part of unfortunately two many in our legal system going on Decades of representation you can recognize Norm as an old civil rights Lefty because he still has a ponytail like that still popular as if it was then 1960s in that case what they found is now there now approaching over a hundred informants infiltrators and instigators that day people that were on the government payroll who were the ones directing people to go into the building directing the people to confront the capital police directing people to try to take things once they're inside the building directing people to be confrontational and that's just one aspect of the degree to which January 6th was very much a Fed-surrection not an insurrection.  7:53

The British gas exploration rights to Gaza marine gas field expire in 2024. After this Gaza could grant these rights to Russia. Something very concerning to Washington.

It's not a spiral of violence, Frau Von Der Leyen. Its genocide, openly declared and carried out by the apartheid state of Israel

Zionism Is Not Judaism. Netanyahu needed this war for political survival