Friday, October 13, 2023

Melatonin has been shown to treat breast, colon, lung, hepatobiliary, ovarian and prostate cancers - which just happen to also be the same cancers that show up after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination

CNN journalist Sara Sinder who announced on air that "babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated" has now apologized


There are two realities. The manufactured reality the public is fed through corporate media to keep everyone happy and compliant. That is used to hide the actual reality.

Remember the Iraq War, where…100s of thousands of Iraqis were killed, more than 7,000 Americans died, the over 30,000 American suicides, the cancers, the horrific birth defects, the enormous costs of war of $6 trillion, and the billions in profits made by corporations and individuals.  --Roman Bystrianyk

Warning.  There are disturbing images of babies being born with severe birth defects that resulted from the depleted uranium that was used by the military across Iraq but particularly Fallujah. 

The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm, 2001, is an excellent documentary that also reviews the illegal policy decisions made by the U.S. as well as the horrific birth defects Iraqi babies suffered from depleted uranium used in the shells of American weaponry, used because it is denser than lead and can pierce armored vehicles.  The U.S. left Iraq an environmental disaster.  How?  The depleted uranium does not degrade for billions of years turning the environment permanently toxic. After $6 trillion spent on the wars of Desert Storm and the decade-long Iraq War, no weapons of mass destruction were ever found.  Huh.  

And who can forget this 1997 gem? 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Ex IDF commander: "It was done in full co-operation. It's impossible that the IDF did not know about this."

Thank you to Alex (Sasha) Krainer