Friday, October 6, 2023

In Northern latitude countries, it has a seasonal pattern, a very clear seasonal pattern.  There are always far more deaths in the winter than in the summer so there's a winter peak in all-cause mortality.  Then you go down to a summer trough, and this pattern has been known for 100 years.  And what's interesting is in the southern hemisphere that pattern is reversed because their winter is in our summer; so they get their maximum deaths in that seasonal pattern during their winter, which is our summer and this is a phenomenon that's well known. It's basic epidemiology.  It's been known for 100 years.  It's very striking and it's not completely understood exactly what is .  There are various models as to why the deaths are always higher in the winter, including deaths that are related to cardiac problems.  The only deaths that don't follow that pattern are the main tumor-type cancer deaths.  They don't have a seasonal pattern but everything else--the infections, the heart attacks, anything that is sensitive to stress, anything stress-induced, they all have a very clear seasonal pattern, okay, in terms of mortality.  And so you know what to expect because you have a pattern that you can see for 100 years and you can see it: up and down, and up and down, and it's very regular, and then COVID hits and they announce a pandemic, they declare a pandemic on the 11th of March, 2020, and you get an immediate surge in that all-cause mortality IN CERTAIN HOTSPOTS, so only occurring in New York, Northern Italy, Madrid, Stockholm, a few places like that, very intense, very sharp surges of all-cause mortality right after they announce the pandemic.  So the fact that it is coordinated, the fact that the timing of the event is related to a political event, the announcement of the pandemic, and that it is synchronous around the world, and that it's only in those hot spots, from our perspective, this cannot be the spread of a viral respiratory disease because it's well known that the time from the seeding of a new pathogen in a population to when you get an actual surge in mortality that time is extremely sensitive to the details of the population, of the society, of how they contact each other, and so on, and it can vary by months or years even.  So to have synchronicity like that is impossible even with modern airplanes because even if you send out flights from the source all at the same time, then that's the seeding where they land, but then the time between that original seeding to when you get a surge in mortality is highly dependent on the local circumstances, so you can't have synchronicity like that.  So this was clearly not related to COVID-like spread or anything like that at the beginning.  So that was the first thing we noticed, and then we kept studying all-cause mortality.  Yeah, I've written more than 30 papers on COVID-related things, analyzing data, and so on, and what we find, Dr. McCullough, is that the excess all-cause mortality is inconsistent with the viral respiratory spread, absolutely inconsistent with it.  Because it does not cross borders if you look at European countries are states in the United States you can have mortality in one jurisdiction and it stops at the border and it's not in the other so this mortality at the beginning was related to what was being was related done in those jurisdictions so for example we wrote a paper with John Johnson at Harvard University we co-authored a paper where the where he showed that when you compare US states if you take states that share a border and one locked down and the other didn't the all cause mortality in the locked down state even though they're very similar and they're sharing a border is always higher significantly higher than in the non-locked-down state so we're able to, we have a lot of reason to come to the very firm conclusion what I believe now is that all of the excess all cause mortality that occurred before the vaccines were rolled out between when they announced to that time is all due to lack of treatment and aggressive medical protocols in big hospitals and a aggressive and aggressive government measures that isolated people and stress them out including very vulnerable people like the 11 million who are disabled by serious mental illness in the United States so when you look at the age structure of this mortality and it's geographical distribution and it's association with all these things that they know were being done in these jurisdictions we have concluded that there was there there is no evidence for a particularly virulent new pathogen that was spreading that in fact all the excess mortality everywhere we've looked in the world can be understood in terms of this is what happened when you do this to people this is what happens when you stop treating them for all the usual things that they have and when you destroy their lives and stress them out and force them to be isolated this is what you get you get you get this kind of mortality and so this mortality is very heterogeneous until you start the rollout of the vaccine then once you start rolling out the vaccines because that was done pretty much simultaneously around the world you have everywhere and increase in all cause mortality you move into a regime of higher all cause mortality and when you stay there while you're rolling out the vaccines and then every time you roll out a booster and you get a peak an extra Peak of all cause mortality associated in time with that booster and this is stunning so you can do it by age group you so you can look at the 90-plus-year-olds and you can look at the 80-to-90 year olds and so on and you see a very sharp booster rollout because they did it very quickly and given jurisdiction and immediately follows it is a very sharp on unprecedented peak in all cause mortality so this is extremely clear it cannot be an accident therefore you can quantify it.  

Ivermectin weakens the blood brain barrier?

September jobs not seasonally adjusted: Government Jobs: +1 million; private sector jobs, -400K

Thursday, October 5, 2023

PUTIN: If Trudeau didn't know, then he is an idiot; if Trudeau did know, then he's a villain

There’s literally an empty plot of land near the Mar-a-Lago worth $200,000,000.

And if the banks were defrauded, why aren't the banks bringing a suit? d And if the appraisers were complicit in the supposed fraud of padding the value of Mar-a-Lago, does that mean that they're co-conspirators?  And why aren't they appearing in court?  Asking for a friend.