Thursday, October 5, 2023

"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood," Mister Rogers

Ryan Carson is the young man slain on the streets in Chicago.  He was an activist for George Soros.  Incredibly, his fiance or girlfriend refused to give a description of the assailant.  

FEMA's EMF Radiation Broadcast lasted longer than you think it did. "it went on over 30 minutes as proven by high the meter spikes. "

Because of all the precautions we took to avoid it and we still got these readings show the invisible power of frequencies and how easily they can reach us anywhere with frequencies, in other words, Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). Our exposure was probably much lower than those who did not take all the precautions. We did but this is proof they lied about the 2:20pm only as it went on over 30 minutes as proven by high the meter spikes. Also, sources reported that when they turned on their phones again earlier at 2:30pm they still got the test in their phone. That is because they continued until 2:42pm!! So everyone got zapped several times with the higher spikes.

The housing bubble is about to go pop..... No buyers and horrible rates. Things are about to get really bad really fast

WESTALL: We used it in the Iraq War. CALLANDER: Yes, the Voice to Skull technology was used in Operation Desert Storm.

Thank you to Sarah Westall. October 02, 2023.

Todd Callender, attorney and activist, joins the program to warn listeners of the dangers of frequency weapons in the hands of nefarious actors. He also updates us on the lawsuits he filed against the Department of Defense. You can see more of his work on TruthHub at or on his channel directly at

From a legal perspective, this is really quite concerning because the powers that have granted unto themselves the right to destroy us from a legal perspective.  So when we filed suit, and when I say we I mean I filed the first suit, there were a dozen other lawyers right there behind me because we all had DOD clients and that's where the mandates started.  The courts responded the same way.  The Department of Justice who represents the DoD, I thought for sure I filed a temporary restraining order, and here is Lieutenant Colonel Teresa Long, flight surgeon in the Army, says that these are fulGHzm Polyethylene Glycol that's the base components to antifreeze.  Here you go DoD: you can't give people antifreeze in a shot.  It's never been done before.  And I thought, well, maybe they'll just stop this.  No, they didn't stop it: they fought harder.  To answer your question, we've been fighting with them for 2 years now, who the Department of Justice represents and we got thrown out of the 10th Circuit en banc, meaning that the entire 10th Circuit looked at her case because we did oral arguments in front of the 10th last November, November 18, 2022.

2:50. What Sharry Edwards talked about acoustics on 9/28/2023.  We're going to talk about the same thing.  He's got documents and a panel of doctors that he'. . . .  He has sued the Department of Defense and he still has some lawsuits with them he talks about some of the things that he's learned and some of the main outcomes of his lawsuits

4:00. There's a 5G warning going on.  Do you think it's legit?  Do you think we need to prepare?

5:00. I brought the W.H.O. and Pfizer into Cuba.  My family has tested vaccines over the last 20-30 years including mRNA shots cuz I'm the one seeing the clinical data coming back so for that reason when Lloyd Austin said that he was going to have all 1.4 million active duty service members take an experimental shot where all the test animals had died all at the same time.  Yeah, I couldn't stand by, so that's why I ended up suing the DoD and as a result of doing that we had something like 210,000 prospective plaintiffs in our plaintiff class with that came thousands and thousands of people looking for help.  And a whole lot of whistleblowers from the inside, not just from the DoD, but the government itself, not just the US government, various governments places around the world, even firsthand witnesses, some of who include FEMA whistleblowers, experts in the electronic warfare business either currently or passed; quite a few of them.  So this led me on this long journey, and we got a team of researchers by the way we created a company called Vaxx Choice and we created a repository of all the evidence that we were gathering along the way in the case against DOD and HHS it's called Vaxx Choice and we came to arrive at a certain conclusion that back in 1976 the Russians were way ahead of the US in terms of the electronic warfare.  We found a DIA, that's Defense Intelligence Agency declassified document that talked about the use of EMF electromagnetic frequency radiation to effectuate changes in people's bodies.  It's a weapon, so the Russian military was using it.  The US military started researching it and they've been usingit. 

WESTALL, 6:55. We used it in the Iraq War. 

7:00. Yes, the Voice to Skull technology was used in Operation Desert Storm.  All the Iraqis were dropping their weapons and surrendering to the nearest white person because they were told that Allah said put down your weapons.  So Voice to Skull technology is in fact one of those frequencies. So in the process of going against the dod in this weapon they created otherwise known as the COVID vaccine.  It was our DOD that created it by the way; it is a weapon, what stops them from using other weapons like electronic warfare, like 5G? Some of what We Came Upon were very strange scientific papers included things like studying things like what happens to lipid nanoparticles that control or that hold they're like little bombers that contain messenger RNA and synthetic DNA they release those contents into people's bodies which is what happened with the covid shots they genetically modified people.  So we're now looking at scientific papers that say use of an 18 GHz signal can cause these lipid nanoparticles to swell and release their contents.  It becomes effectively a remote detonation device, if you will, and in those little nanoparticles we found lots of scientific papers that talked about what kind of pathogens would be in there. These were not therapeutics,  Albeit, lipid nanoparticles have been used as carriers for cancer drugs.   . . . companies tested those.  But what we found were chimera pathogens, like Marburg, E Coli, Ebola, staphylococcus.  Both bacterial and viral at the same time.  So when you find patents in addition to scientific studies and the plausibility: we've got motive, we've got means, we've got opportunity.  Motive we know from the 1994 UN Cairo population that infected countries on this planet agreed to get rid of 7 billion people.  It's in the Agenda for the 21st Century, now known as Agenda 21.  Means: we have a 5G network all around us.  

9:00. Who all agreed to that? 

9:03.  The worlds' governments.  The United Nations effectively had a convention in Cairo, Egypt in 1994 after the review of Climate Accords, and in that convention subject to the result of Henry Kissinger's paper in 1974 or so on the overpopulated they agreed the world is overpopulated and they need to get rid of 7 billion people.  This is a convention amongst the UN nations.  And by the way, the UN has a Population Division, and they've had it since then.  There is actually a plan to depopulate the planet; you're in the middle of it, Sarah.  We're in the midst of their de-population plan.  So you got motive you got means, and whether that's the COVID shots, which are full of poisons; the nanoparticles with polyethylene glycol: that's the base components to antifreeze.  We found that in the shots.  And then you have the opportunity: we now have a 5G system. While we were all locked down locked in our houses.  What happened? Essential workers installed 5G platforms, mass; everywhere.  Not just regular 5G; these are the new and improved versions that have fazed the race, according to our electronic warfare people.  That means they'll use your devices effectively as targeting apparatus so it's not just that everybody's getting cooked with microwave oven frequencies but it's directed to people and we don't have to ask whether they would do this because it's already happened you might remember the protests in Canberra, Australia and those people got cooked Active Denial System microwave radiation. 

from Wikipedia,

(ADS) is a non-lethal directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military,[2] designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control.[3] Informally, the weapon is also called the heat ray.

10:40.  There's a lot of evidence to the years that people in different countries and I've done reports in many documentaries on DEW weapons, that they're just energy weapons that the government has.

10:50. They're not hiding it, Sarah. They brag about it.

10:55. It used to be much more accessible on the internet like you could search for it and you could find the top energy weapons that each country is using and then they'll go through discussing all these different energy weapons that used to be easily accessible now we've been locked down in our ability to learn.

11:12. In some respects but they've already told us that this is what they're going to do; they've already built the weaponry to do it; they've already launched a genocidal effort in humanity with the COVID shots.  They're all poisons; they're all designed to kill people.  Why would we not do that.  BTW, I've spent the last 3 years fighting the DoD in court, bailing people out of, some people call them hospitals, some people call them death camps, because they were literally getting paid to kill people. Do we really have to wonder?  They said they were going to depopulate.  And so on October 4th you got FEMA says that we're going to test it.  BTW, it's not just your regular old Emergency Broadcast System test.  This is everywhere all the time across the United States including Hawaii and Canada it's every spectrum of signal: it's your phone, it's your computer, it's your television, AM/FM radio

12:11. Is this the first time . . . that FEMA has ever done that?  

12:12.  The first time.  Yes, so why do they need every frequency, all at once, at the same time?  So there's your means and your opportunity. 

12:30. We can do things to protect ourselves we've got experts I'm a lawyer I'm not a doctor or a scientist we have scientists and medical people who will tell you what to do.  Dr. Gleaton, Colonel Peter Chambers, who is not only a medical doctor and a Green Beret but he is also the victim of an attack, an electronic attack that they call AHI, The Havana syndrome the Anomalous Health Incident.  

13:01.  Different universities were studying it when they zapped the Havana Embassy.

13:13. Colonel Chambers was zapped.  He was zapped on the southern border of the United States; worse, he was zapped in Washington DC.

13:22. I know a lot of people who have been directly targeted and I've done some interviews over the years but they feel so attacked and lonely because to be targeted people don't know really really how prevalent this is It's a future medical issue but most medical doctors aren't trained in the engineering.  I believe that frequency and how they are attacking us is the future of all medicine so medical doctors are not trained in it and to an engineering way of thinking.

14:20. Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet will testify effectively that the frequency ranges in the 5G spectrum can cause any malady known to man, and she said that 90% of the acute radiation poisoning symptomatology symptomatologys shares, it's the same, as though you were to have Ebola or Marburg, hemorrhagic fever.

14:50. Yeah, every frequency, every mineral has its own frequency.  If you're short on calcium you can take the frequency for calcium.  I have Sharry Edwards on all the time. She's able to hear 200 times more.  She came up with this whole new bio-acoustic medicine.  As amazing as Rife is that's a subset of what can actually be done.  Once you make up a map of frequencies that form the matrix of who we are, they can write the book.

16:24.  What I had come to find as part of the evidence that came out of the 5th Generation Warfare documents between China and the United States effectively, as always, are in a race, a weapons race.  Three digits to the right of a decimal point in terms of identifying  your frequency is enough for them to have understood each and every person individually.  So with the phased arrays and 5G, if you gave over your DNA taking your stupid COVID-19 PCR test and they digitized it they would have the capability to direct to you and nobody else because they've made it now three places to the right in terms of how finite and accurate it is how to identify beings .  We are all electrical beings.

17:55.   What was causing the lip and nanoparticles to swell was the modulating frequency.  It wasn't just one, but it was also pulsed.  The weapon systems  seem to be not just one frequency, they're multiple and they're pulsed.  It's not just one current or beam.

18:22. They've been studying these for decades they are so far ahead because they know what Sharry Edwards is teaching people and they understand the engineering; they've been studying that for decades.

18:37.  And they wrote it down.  See the patents: they've written it all down.  19:00. What can you do about it?  We have a lot of victims.  BTW, our law firm we have victims that have been targeted individuals at these fusion centers and these poor people have been playing for ages I don't know if you know Hope and Tevant we're targeted individuals and they had to flee to Morocco.  So we've asked our clients you know what is it that you do you've been plagued like this for 20 years what do you do to escape it, and we actually got some answers to that. 

This is why Trump is sitting in a Manhattan courthouse right now