Sunday, July 9, 2023

Dr. James Giordano


Stay out of hospitals

Thanks to Kelly DNP.   

"The EU is fining 20,000 Euros for every International protection applicant we DON'T take in"

We're being find 20,000 euros by the EU for every single International protection applicant that we don't take in.  Let that sink in.  Is that the equivalent of a refugee?  The EU is literally incentivizing open borders, incentivizing human trafficking that comes along with open borders.  And you and me are funding it with our taxes. We signed up for something voluntarily where we have to pay $20,000 for every person that we DON'T take in.  How in God's name is the EU allowed to incentivize the dissolution of borders?

Half the nation’s tap water is contaminated with “forever chemicals.” Thirsty, anyone?

The Mountain Valley Spring Water and Sparkling Water is a good brand.  First, their water is sold in glass bottles.  Second, it's bottled in the remote valley of the Quachita (WASH-ah-tawl) Mountains, Arkansas, USA.