Thursday, March 23, 2023

Creation of the US Department of Education was a failed re-election ploy of Jimmy Carter,

The Fed did their job. The Fed is in control not the Yellen/Biden R. The USD is good and there will be no CBDCs.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

the reason African countries are hungry is because their ability to produce their food was destroyed by "the right to dump" by Cargill

Who wrote the agreement on agriculture that's destroyed all the self-reliance and food sovereignty of people?  You know everybody's talking scout the Ukraine war in Russia.  But the reason African countries are hungry is because their ability to produce their food was destroyed by "the right to dump" by Cargill.  Cargill wrote the agreement on agriculture.  And then the junk food industry--the Pepsis, the Cokes, the Nestles--wrote the sanitary or fight the sanitary agreement and created the Codex Alimentarius to shut down healthy food and push the food that gave us illnesses, and 75% chronic diseases. This is not conspiracy.  There is evidence that the corporations wrote the rules, then it created the billionaires. Now the billionaires rule the world, and I call them the 1%.  Not because they're 1%, they're just a handful.  

Dramatic drop in Malaria in Africa over the past 3 yrs. Those taking #IVM for prophylaxis killed off Anopheles mosquitoes. But instead we have @BillGates releasing mutant ones!

"Data have demonstrated even if you were to get infected during post-vaccination, you can’t give it to anyone else." This wasn't true. Walensky was lying to Congress.