Wednesday, January 25, 2023

ARIZONA: with 99.999% confidence that 291,000 bad signatures were accepted in the 2022 election. Now you add this to the 300,000 ballots that we know had no chain of custody.

At the 00:35 mark, she mentions Wendy Rogers.  And Shelby Busch at the 00:55 mark.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

“ya these jabs were crap but here trust us on the next one"

JOHN JAY SINGLETON: If you think a hospital is there to care for people who are sick, okay, but by that standard WE DON'T HAVE THEM.

John Jay Singleton and
Jobs are not jobs.  
What is being presented to us? 
Everything that doesn't serve me is crumbling away.  
we're being offered an opportunity.

Just because they call it a school doesn't mean it's a school anymore.  

Should I sue if my employer is not doing anything about it?  

Time to lay back and see what's going on or is it time to take action?  

00:37  A lot of people want to live their lives the way they've been living it.  And they're reluctant to realize, that in my opinion, they should do is look at what they've observed and make a conclusion based on what they're seeing without any premise about what they've done in the past.  I know that sounds cryptic, but . . . 

If you see that children are being forced to wear masks at a school, why would you take your kids there, you have to realize that that is no longer a school if it was in the past.  That observation alone: it's not a school.  So, we don't have schools.  We don't have hospitals.  If you think a hospital is there to care for people who are sick, okay, but by that standard WE DON'T HAVE THEM.  What we have is a euthanasia-type program administered.  I mean you go to the hospital to be murdered today.  This is what's happening.  

What do you think a COVID ward is?  

SINGLETON, Exactly, if you can't get that, you're lost.  You're lost.  The analogy I give all the time is if I'm out in public somewhere at a restaurant or a bar, and some dude comes over and punches me, well, I'm not going to wonder what to do.  As soon as I get up if I'm not out for a while, as soon as I get up I'm going to start swinging some fists, you know.  I don't care if he's twice my size I'm not going to let someone take a shot at me like that.  

MARISSA, 02:15  Schools are not schools; hospitals are not hospitals.  Same with jobs:  jobs are not jobs.  If your employer is saying that to have this job, to get a paycheck, you have to waive your rights, you have to stick things in your body that you don't want to do, and undergo experimental injections.  So jobs are not jobs either.  What is being presented to us?  On the one hand, you get all anxious about this and say everything is crumbling away; on the other hand, you can go, "Wow, everything that doesn't serve me, is crumbling away, because the corrupt systems are being revealed and we're being offered the opportunity to stop aligning with them, stop connecting and giving our energy to them.  Let go of the corrupt!  Let it go!"

SINGLETON, 03:08  Yeah, it doesn't exist anymore.  Just because they call it a school doesn't make it a school.  So your attitude should be, "Okay, if that's what's going on in our society, let's just take it at its face value and my employer says that I have to do these things, well that's not my employer.  Maybe I'm involved in an internment camp of some kind.  Maybe I'm involved in a cult.  Think about those who are involved in a cult.  I don't think that they realize it.  

MARISSA, 03:37  Ponder this question.  What you give your energy to is what you make manifest.  So if you're giving your energy to this cult-like, false-premise, rights-waiving entity, then you are making that happen.  I'm not accusing anybody or being judgmental, but you are part of the problem because you are energizing the problem.  

SINGLETON, 04:05  I told my friend that the other day.  He wants the same lifestyle and travel and all that.  I said, "Why are you participating in all this?"  He told me that his wife tested positive for COVID.  I said, like, there isn't any COVID and  I said what are you doing.  He said, "Yeah, but his wife believes in it."  I said, okay, but you're participating in it.  You're making it bad for guys like me.  Just because you want to keep your same lifestyle, this is not a time to do that.  We're under attack.  It's the time to fight.  It is time to stop doing the things that perpetuate these problems, and so he didn't want to hear that.  He agreed with me, but they don't want to get this in their head but what does it take?  If I see you at the mall, and you're with your family and your wife and your two kids, and I come over to you and say, "Hey, man, I wish your children were sterile so they can't have children.  What would you do?  Would you think about that?  Would you want to fight me?  What if I pushed you down?  You should fight!

MARISSA, 05:00  You'd know what to do.  It's a matter of taking blinders off.  And thinking that this is anything other than that.  WE.  ARE.  AT.  WAR.  All you have to do is step and align yourself to the side that says "I do not accept this" and things will fall away.  It will open up.  The falling away process actually makes way for the new.  So when you're not giving all your energy trying to graspingly hold onto a job that no longer serves you or forcefully stuff your kids into a school that no longer serves them, or use a medical service that is not about health.  If you distance yourself from that, you make room for other things.  I've seen so many say, "I don't want to go to a hospital" figure out something else out.  People who say I don't want my kids to go to that school, figure something else out.  We have so many people in Zunga, I get letters all the time, No, I'm doing homeschool and coop, or we have a pod, or we're doing this stuff.  It's not like you have to be a teacher, don't think that way.  You can get your kids into a situation that is much more productive.  They learn how to educate themselves.  They follow their interests.  That's the way

06:42  For years, we've been babied by division of labor.  So I go to the grocery store like it's my 2nd refrigerator.  I don't know how to clean a deer.  I wouldn't want to do that.  I'm glad that someone else is going to do all that stuff and I can just go buy it.  That's cool.  It's a good use of human labor.  But we've been babied by it because we lack knowledge now.  Don't be confused when. . .  recognize what is happening and take the appropriate action.  We've created a resource.  We're with you.  You're not alone.  

07:22. You don't have to figure out how to engage in the fight we can partner with you on that and help you through it you just need to get your mind in the right place and say I'm going to fight.

07:28. Yeah and so this is what you do.  People go, "Well, gosh I have to use a court?  I have to sue?  Can I have an attorney?" Nope. You don't need one.  There isn't one.  Even if there was one, the law is designed for you to have the remedy and it's not beyond your ability to know how to do that, and you don't have to do that yourself.  We can do all that.  We can write it up.  Like Marissa and I were discussing before this recording, we know that the language we are writing in letter letters and disputes like your conferences like your free employment termination meetings, all the steps that lead to court . . . this language is intended to not only advance your legal argument, it's to empower you to understand what those are because there is no such thing as a religious exemption.  That's for babies.  Medical exemptions, religious exemptions, that's for babies.  Stop doing that.  There is a law, there are many laws, and they are all in your favor.  And you just have to use them.

So, what is involved?  So people start with us.  The first thing we do is the first hour is where you are doing a complaint to your internal Human Resources some agency that is a little bit different than that and then right within the same hour we're going right to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on the FED level.  and all we care about is documenting it we don't care what they say whether we get our right to sue letter or not

"I did everything I could to protect her but I still couldn't protect her from these evil people that murdered her"

Here is the interview.

Hospitals were getting a $39,000 dollar kickback for putting patients on a ventilator, so when we said we didn't want her on a ventilator or her to be given Remdesivir, whatsoever, they immediately made a sign, DNR, Do Not Resuscitate.  So they knew that my mother was going to die, so for people complaining at home, you know, the arm-chair conspiracy theorists, they want people to die because this is the problem: they were not able to get Emergency Use Authorization on the vaccine if there is any sort of remedy for COVID0-19.  If there's any available remedy.  Now, you can technically call Ivermectin an available remedy.  Because of that, because Ivermectin actually works against COVID-19, it would have negated the vaccine, they denied people like my mother Ivermectin.  And then they use Remdesivir when they know from the studies that half the people die from the trials, they gave it to people like my mother behind our back, knowing they had the legal liability to give it to her whatever they wanted because that was the government protocol for COVID, so they murdered my mom right in front of my face slowly . . . .  

She died on October 21, 2021, thirteen days after his birthday.  Really sad.  I still have the last gifts my mother gave me--the notes and cards.  She was my biggest fan, watched all the stuff, and then 2 weeks later, she's dead.  Life is fragile.  I didn't expect to lose my mom.  She did everything.  She wore a mask.  She got vaccinated because she would have lost care from her doctor, she didn't even tell me about it, only told her sister.  She didn't even want me to know because I was so anti-vaxx.  So once again, they killed with the vaxx, they killed her with Remdesivir, they killed her with the protocols.    

My mom was in an accident when I was younger, and my mom was on disability, I took care of my mom, I took care of my mom.  I TOOK CARE of my mom, that's why I feel immense guilt.  I did everything I could to protect her but I still couldn't protect her from these evil people that murdered her.

How could you give her Remdesivir when we both told you not to give it to her?  Did they wait until she was asleep and then give it to her?  Did you figure out how they gave it to her without her consent?  I was very lucky to be in the room with her for 4 hours a day of visitation.  But, Dan, there are so many wires, so much stuff going in and out of there.  And because of intubation, they have what is called a C-Pap machine almost, it just blows in the air.  It was very uncomfortable.  One is Remdesivir, and one is steroids, I don't know.  It doesn't matter.  We told them no Remdesivir, no Remdesivir whatsoever.  My mom was fine.  The only reason she went to the hospital is that she was that she got it too fast, she hit her head and almost fainted.  She did not really even want to go to the hospital.  Long story, short, she called the hospital, and they told her that her breathing is fine.  And the second time, she got up so fast she hit her head and got nervous, thinking that she should go into the hospital because she'd never fainted like that before.  And the next thing you know, those first two days she and I were sitting there, having a conversation, drinking McDonald's milkshakes, and once they started administering Remdesivir, my mom's entire organs filled up with fluid and she died in my arms 5 days later.  

And when you asked to give her Ivermectin at Baylor University Hospital, 

They had 11 different cords going into my mother, they told you it wasn't part of the protocol because it wasn't part of the government, or what was their excuse?  They looked at me like I was a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist like I was They may as well have thought I was QAnon when I asked for that in that hospital. 

The worst of it all was when I was talking about Ivermectin, they had the police escort me out because those nurses were so nervous because those nurses said I was going to do something to them after my mom died.  I'm just saying that's how they treated me.  I would never hurt a nurse, but they were so nervous because they were treating me like absolute crap, like I was an anti-vaxxer, making me feel guilty while I was watching my mom die.  The last thing I'm going to say is nothing scares me, Dan.  When I go into a protest with Antifa, I could care less.  I watched my mom die.  I was so scared to go to that hospital every single day.  So nothing will ever be as bad as 

John Zingsheim survived a 10-month stay in the hospital after finally being treated with Ivermectin.