Saturday, November 19, 2022

Elongated skulls discovered on Peru’s south coast on the Paracas desert peninsula in 1928 CE.

Looks like the parents of this Peruvian tribe bound their babies' heads with stiff turbon-like bandage, even wood slats bound to the baby's head, to make it grow into a cone.  Purportedly for distinction, to have others recognize the tribe or the class of people as elite or unique.  

Artificial cranial deformations usually involve tightly binding a baby’s squishy head with bandages or clamping it into between wooden planks in order to distort its growth. This is just one insight into one culture’s use of elongated skulls, so it doesn’t necessarily represent all instances of it. After all, it occurred in countless different groups throughout history.

Ukraianian Civic Leaders Trained Its People & Children for 10 Years to Hate & to Kill Russians. What Good Neighbors

Dr. Pavlevsky on What's in the Vaccines


 So because these injections are experimental and are only being used under the EUA, we do not know the full list of ingredients that's in them.  No one knows.  We do know that there's supposed to be mRNA to manufacture spike proteins.  We found out that there's mRNA in there to stop the body from stopping the body to remove the mRNA. We do know that there's nanoparticles in there.  We know that there's  Polyethelene Glycol in there.  What else is in there?  We don't know, and no one is holding them responsible for letting us know what is in the shots.  The German doctor that you mentioned, Andreas Noack,  found that it wasn't graphene oxide that was in it; it was graphene hydroxide.  And the potential for graphene hydroxide, based in his scientific understanding was that it breaks apart in the bloodstream and causes razor blade cuts into the endothelial lining of the blood vessels.  Now, we're seeing people with increased clotting in their blood, strokes.  We're seeing over a hundred soccer players internationally who've already collapsed and died onto the field.  And he raised the suggestion that the action of the graphene hydroxide is what's causing these blood clots, heart attacks, and these strokes. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Alex Jones responds to Elon