A Short Film On Forgiveness & Holding People Accountable: https://t.co/HKDoV3P2Kk
— Kate (@katewand) November 6, 2022
Inspired by The Atlantic's profound op-ed, "LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY - Let’s focus on the future, and fix the problems we still need to solve." By Emily Oster. #CrimesAgainstHumanity pic.twitter.com/RFpoaNBH8Z
A point about being safe. This point was raised at the 1:48 mark in the context of wearing a mask. "We were all scared and we just wanted to stay safe. We didn't really know some of that stuff wasn't going to do anything. Live and learn, live and learn." One, safety is a measurement of risks. No one is permanently safe, so no one can stay safe. We can make vigilance a habit but that effort isn't really captured by the "stay safe" mantra. "Stay safe" is an instruction to be afraid. Afraid of what? Transmission initially. But health is an inside out phenomenon. If your immunity is strong internally because you do everything right, your immunity will knock at varying speed the any pathogen that invades your body. And given the dearth of information about how and why COVID was so dangerous, it was easy for too many to be afraid. The fear was designed to reduce your thinking from an adult with decades of survival skills to rely on the mass propaganda and health instruction from the singular authority, the televised Fauci, while divesting you of the wisdom you've practiced most of your life and learned from family, neighbors, and community. For most of our lives we've known to cover our mouths with our hands. We know to wash our hands. The goal was to strip you of knowledge and history and to funnel you into the shute of mass formation toward the vaccine. Masks are psychological instruments of torture and symbols of being gagged. Who can so readily and easily forget the waterboarding torture thar uses a mask placed over the face and water poured over it? The masks reduced adults to acquiescent, obedient children. The instruction was to shut up. Shut up about any detrimental effects of the masks. Shut up about any received information about COVID or about SARS-CoV-2. Just shut up. Shut up about the ridiculousness of the 6' social distancing. The wisdom of your elders in the County Health offices, your governor, the White House COVID Task Force, the CDC, the W.H.O., and the FDA know better than you. And recently, Emily Oster says we didn't know. Those agencies sure claimed to have known everything including the medicines to prescribe anybody hospitalized.
Grocery stores refused entry without one. Ditto for restaurants. They did this without themselves knowing the science behind mask-wearing. Businesses that were allowed to stay open simply and obediently deferred to the local County Health office. They'd been threatened or bribed. None of the businesses, which were and are all essential to people's lives and to a sense of enjoying a certain or high standard of living. But the unscientific refrain that got drummed into our heads from the grocery store speakers was to wear a mask to keep yourself and others safe. Not a peep about how unhealthy the masks were. People dutifully wore the masks to buy food and endured the lowering of oxygen saturation in our blood and lungs by breathing in one's own CO2. From a rational standpoint, the idea to wear masks to keep other people safe was an epic fail. Okay, if the message wasn't rational or practical and, in fact, designed to reduce oxygen saturation in our lungs and blood, what then was the intention of the message? Solely to get people sick while we're being gaslit to believe we're making a small sacrifice to protect others or the community? How do we know? Is infectivity the same the world over? Is it the same in Riverside as it is in Los Angeles, or the same in Denver as it is in Boulder?
When the government takes an inch, do they ever stop with just the inch? They commanded us to make a small sacrifice with the mask. And look at all of what we gave up.