Tuesday, November 1, 2022

AUTOPHAGY: When we don’t eat, these little cellular factories have a chance to tidy up, replace broken machinery, and use up waste material.

According to Dr. Ealy, because it jumpstarts autophagy, “hunger is healing.” He has observed that depriving the body of nutrients for a three-day water-only no-calorie fast can help resolve the symptoms of a variety of health conditions, Dr. Ealy said in his October 15 talk in Arizona. 
Fasting, Dr. Ealy claimed, can help reverse damage caused by COVID-19 vaccines and other toxic exposures.

From Jennifer Margolis at the Epoch Times.  

“The most important thing you can do every single day to make sure you are getting into autophagocytosis,” Dr. Ealy said, “is to be hungry.” Hunger, Ealy insisted, is a key strategy that helps the body heal.

You can think of cells like little factories, in a way. They take all the nutrients we eat and turn them into our body and the processes that drive our body. When we don’t eat, these little cellular factories have a chance to tidy up, replace broken machinery, and use up waste material. This is autophagy. 

. . . 

ATP, if you remember back to Biology 101, stands for adenosine triphosphate. If our cells are little factories, ATP is the fuel they run on. This organic compound, which is found in all living organisms (including the most primitive unicellular beings), provides energy to living cells.

ATP consists of three components: adenine, ribose, and triphosphate. You can also think of ATP as molecular money—the currency that is needed to transfer energy from cell to cell. ATP is made by tiny organelles inside our cells called mitochondria that are considered “the powerhouses” of the cells.

Autophagy breaks cellular components down to  molecules, such as monosaccharides, fatty acids, and amino acids that can be used to produce ATP.

This is impressive: 

“Fasting is the off-switch,” Dr. Ealy said. After studying cellular biochemistry, Dr. Ealy believes that a three-day water fast, which compels the cells to engage in autophagy, can help the body clear these spike proteins, whether they are from a SARS-CoV-2 infection itself or from an mRNA vaccine.

After the three-day fast, Dr. Ealy prescribed eleven days of targeted nutrients and enzymes to further help his patient break down any circulating spike protein, he explained.

It took this patient three cycles of fasting followed by nutritional healing before she started to feel better. But the results were startling. After those cycles when she had her blood redrawn, her doctor was astonished by how healthy her hormone levels were. They were so normal, in fact, that her doctor wondered if the protocol had reversed her autoimmune condition.

VIDEO: $60 billion and counting to Zelensky, and all that Ukraine soldiers can do is offer a kid candy? While Russian troops deliver real food to Ukrainians

from Jacob Dreizin

Check out the below NY Times cover, from this past Friday.

It has TWO “above the fold” pieces on the Ukraine or Russia.

There’s nothing “above the fold” here regarding midterm polling or tough races, LOL.

I guess they have nothing “good” to write about that, to make their core readership happy.

The funniest thing here, there’s no cover story that relates to this photo of a Ukrainian soldier giving out candy.

It’s like, this is the story itself, no text, just a Ukrainian soldier handing out candy.

Of course, they neglect to mention that Russia has brought in many thousands of trucks (including semi’s with trailers) and distributed hundreds of thousands of tons of actual, real food…..

…..as well as water bottles, soap, hygiene kits, and other goods.

(Below is one scene, out of thousands of similar scenes over the last eight months.)

Naturally, Russia SEVERELY disrupted the economy when it went in, so it HAS to feed people in its areas of control…..

…..whereas Saint Zelensky couldn’t give a crap.

What’s he doing for “liberated” areas, have you seen it? How much U.S. aid is going to that?

Like, none?

$60-some billion and counting, all they could buy is one piece of candy for this photo-op.

The Ukraine can just hand out a few pieces of candy to “liberated areas starved and brutalized by Russia”…..

…..and it’s a news story, LOL.

Hey, it beats covering the midterms! Or, “where’s Kamala?

CITIZEN, YOU'VE BEEN PLAYED: Twitter's Vijaya Gadde (fired by @elonmusk last week) met monthly with DHS to discuss censorship plans.

BREAKING: 2022 has been the worst year for 10Y US treasuries since 1788.

Colonel Douglas MacGregor on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Wonderful review of the positions and attitudes of Russia and Vladimir Putin by Colonel Douglas Macgregor, retired U.S. Army Colonel, former senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense, author, and a senior fellow at The American Conservative to discuss the Russia-Ukraine war.