Showing posts with label Russian Troops Deliver Food to Ukraine Citizens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russian Troops Deliver Food to Ukraine Citizens. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

VIDEO: $60 billion and counting to Zelensky, and all that Ukraine soldiers can do is offer a kid candy? While Russian troops deliver real food to Ukrainians

from Jacob Dreizin

Check out the below NY Times cover, from this past Friday.

It has TWO “above the fold” pieces on the Ukraine or Russia.

There’s nothing “above the fold” here regarding midterm polling or tough races, LOL.

I guess they have nothing “good” to write about that, to make their core readership happy.

The funniest thing here, there’s no cover story that relates to this photo of a Ukrainian soldier giving out candy.

It’s like, this is the story itself, no text, just a Ukrainian soldier handing out candy.

Of course, they neglect to mention that Russia has brought in many thousands of trucks (including semi’s with trailers) and distributed hundreds of thousands of tons of actual, real food…..

… well as water bottles, soap, hygiene kits, and other goods.

(Below is one scene, out of thousands of similar scenes over the last eight months.)

Naturally, Russia SEVERELY disrupted the economy when it went in, so it HAS to feed people in its areas of control…..

…..whereas Saint Zelensky couldn’t give a crap.

What’s he doing for “liberated” areas, have you seen it? How much U.S. aid is going to that?

Like, none?

$60-some billion and counting, all they could buy is one piece of candy for this photo-op.

The Ukraine can just hand out a few pieces of candy to “liberated areas starved and brutalized by Russia”…..

…..and it’s a news story, LOL.

Hey, it beats covering the midterms! Or, “where’s Kamala?