Friday, December 3, 2021


CDC Director & CDC: Illegally moved Vaccine Safety Database (VSD) to a private contractor where it is NOT subject to FOIA requests

SARS-CoV-2 is a vascular disease, it is not a respiratory disease

I created this post because I liked this photograph of the fibrin [fibrous proteins] developing in the blood vessels following the introduction of the spike proteins found in the vaccines.  I am trying to translate and then relay accurate information on what is happening in the body and how to correct it.  Not easy with the vaccines given all the moving parts.

Not so easy trying to figure out what people are dealing with.  

FYI, S1 Subunit is a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that induces pro-inflammatory responses that alert your macrophages (immune cells in your body that eat and destroy invading pathogens) and murine

But new information clashes with old and appears contradictory.  Here is one example.  This writer argues that one should not use anti-platelet or anti-coagulants to treat platelet or fibrin clots because SARS-Co-V-2 uses the same pathways and channels as do these anti-coagulants, creating a condition in the platelets themselves, called hyperactive platelets.

I did not know this when I recommended the enzyme Nattokinase to folks following them getting a vaccine shot.  Here is a list of common anticoagulants, or anti-platelets as the writer prefers.  Anti-platelets are medicines that prevent blood clots from forming.  Read about the different types of anti-platelets, how they work, and their side effects here.  

Okay, but what do people take to prevent the blood clots generated by the immune response to the spike proteins?  The author doesn't answer that, doesn't, in fact, even suggest any remedies, leaving his message just another alarmist post that is not so helpful.

Immune antibodies that would occur in a natural infection are reduced after the vaccination

Thursday, December 2, 2021

"Infection with anosmia means all but certain brain infection resulting in loss of brain grey matter"?