Wednesday, March 17, 2021

"This pandemic is not a real medical pandemic"

The consensus from doctors around the world is that the COVID-19 virus is harmless.  They all reject the extreme measures by governments around the world.  

The first speaker in this video is Dr. Andrew Kaufman, a medical doctor, and board-certified Forensic Psychiatrist.  I am glad that the video started with him for his statements are a bombshell.  By the way, he has all the right enemies.  

Dr. Kaufman says,

This pandemic is not a real medical pandemic. 

The covid vaccine has not proven safe and effective because there’s not been enough time.  In addition, there has not been a clear definition of any new disease for which it can be tested against.  There has not been a virus that has been purified or shown to be the cause of an illness; thus, there is no target for a vaccine.  Bottom line is, that since no additional deaths have occurred in relation to a new disease, there is simply no need for a new vaccine. 

Seasoned warrior, Jon Rappoport has made the same claim as have a handful of other esteemed journalists, doctors, and scientists.  

Belgium doctor, Dr. Hilde de Smet, says the same thing, 

There is no global medical pandemic. 

She says that the imposition of a global "emergency," that it grants the pharmaceutical industry to skip the time-intensive animal trials.  Unfortunately, the vaccine manufacturers and their pharmaceutical PR machines have sold the general public on the virtues of rushing untested medicines to the public.  This is not public health.  This is a mass catastrophe.  

If there is no pandemic, what is the point of issuing a vaccine that claims to vaccinate you, and even claims to make you immune to the COVID-19 virus, yet for which there is no new virus?  Some have argued that it is gene therapy or gene tinkering, turning people's bodies into viral factories that destroy the host and infect a greater number of people.  

Patients are being denied informed consent.  

Irish professor, Dolores Cahill, tells us that 

We have good news.  The Coronavirus and the lockdowns were not as severe as was thought.  We know that we can treat viruses with vitamins D, C, and zinc.  

Bill Sardi added that Lysine also remedies viruses

I think she's spot on with regard to the virus--it does not cause severe illness.  She's wrong on the lockdowns if what she says is unedited.  The lockdowns have been an unmitigated disaster.  She's been good on the vaccines as well.

Here Prof. Dolores Cahill reads the concluding statement of an abstract on the mRNA vaccines.  It reads (and you can see it for yourself in the video), 

Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.

So the literature itself ends with a call to action that says “CAUTION!!”  And yet folks are running to the doctor, getting in lines that snake around a stadium parking lot, to their local Walgreens pharmacy for a promise of immunity that the vaccine cannot and does not deliver.  One, vaccines mutate, so how can a vaccine chase down a mercurial virus?  The best that the vaccine can promise is that it promises that you are vaccinated, not immunized.          

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Best Lamb Burgers Ever?

Monday, March 15, 2021

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: 10 Mechanisms of Harm From the Moderna & Pfizer mRNA Vaccines

Tenpenny starts by saying, "This is a very well-designed killing machine."

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny presents ten mechanisms of harm that the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines can and will cause in people.  I was shocked to learn that Israel has a 100% vaccine mandate.  So if you're Jewish, you will get vaccinated.  Thanks to Lew Rockwell over at LRC.  This is a very well-designed killing machine.  

From The Childrens' Health Defense, Tenpenny explains that 

. . . we’re gonna talk about these mechanisms of injury, and they are documented on these slides as MOI, which stands for Mechanisms Of Injury. Next slide, please. The first Mechanism Of Injury that many of you have probably heard about is anaphylaxis, and what is the anaphylaxis? But it’s shock. It’s that you have a severe allergic reaction where your blood pressure drops, you stop breathing, and your tongue swells, you can stop breathing, you have a rash profound across your body. So anaphylaxis, this was the number of the anaphylactic cases as of January 10th. And again, I’m sure there’s more since then. The Moderna vaccine reports 2.1 cases per million, the Pfizer vaccine about 11 cases per million. Now, here’s where I think it’s really interesting and problematic, that the symptoms of onset range from anywhere from 13 minutes after your injection to up to 30 minutes. And now they’re doing all these drive-by vaccines where you can drive into a police department, a fire department, I saw pictures of them, that first responders were giving shots out people’s windows, that you stick your arm out the window and you can get a shot. 

In reference to Polyethylene glycol, she adds that it was discovered in the 1960s with use beginning in the 1970s.  It's a chemical that binds to proteins, and it now looks like an abnormal protein and your body attacks it.  The spike protein is what causes cancer.  She also says that the antibodies produced by the different mRNA vaccines can attack your own organs.  

She writes

Many of these reactions have been attributed to an additive called polyethylene glycol, which is another whole big discussion in and of itself.  And then it’s been estimated that up to 30% of the population has a history of allergies and allergic reactions, and I would make a wager that it is much, much higher than that, because if you think about all the people that have asthma allergies, eczema, and they have any sort of allergic reactions, anybody that’s on steroid medications, anybody on a biologic, all of those people are subject to risk of anaphylactic shock. And then there are non-anaphylactic allergic reactions which are severe can end up people in the hospital and those can, again, occur within 15 minutes to one day. 

If you're looking for corroborating evidence of harm from the vaccines, Alex Berenson has a good link on Twitter.

If you're looking for protection from the Corona or any other virus, use zinc, vitamin D, selenium, and or Lysine. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Whitmer Is Going the Gov. Cuomo Route


Actor Questions Fauci on Vaccines