Monday, March 1, 2021

Hasidic couple is kicked off flight because their 18-month-old had no mask. Passengers & crew applaud.

The World Is Saying No to Vaccines

The tide is turning.  More and more people, real people, working people with families have your back when it comes to the threat of vaccines.  Here is an excellent, wordless message for anyone around the world to understand.  

Interesting that the messengers in this video use sign language.  Do the producers here assume that most people are deaf to argument opposing vaccines or are somehow immune to good advice to NOT get the vaccine?  I would say that all vaccines are bad.  Let your immune system fight off disease.  If it needs help doing so, then rely on vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, and quercetin. 


 Thanks to Robert Wenzel at TargetLiberty for this tweet.

Sunday, February 28, 2021


1:55  We no longer have a pandemic.  We have a planned, controlled demolition of the human race.  We heard early on that zinc, high-dose vitamin C, we’ve known forever that vitamin D is the base molecule of your immune system that needs to support you.  And I was saying early on that if you’re going to get tested for anything don’t get tested for COVID, don’t get tested for SARS-COV2, go get your vitamin D levels tested.  And make sure your vitamin D levels are between 80 and 100 in order for it to be therapeutic to protect you from infection.  

Get zinc level tested because they can do that' it's actually a blood test.  And zinc as a mineral is a co-factor in more than 200 enzymes.  And so enzymes are like the energy, the energy factories that make things happen.  A co-factor is like a key that turns things on and makes them work.  So zinc is important for more than 200 enzymatic processes in your body.  Hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionosphere, so that zinc could hook up with the enzymes and do its job.  It would bind to the surface of the cell and drive zinc into the cell, making zinc more absorbable.  

Quercetin functions as a zinc ionosphere that helps zinc get into the cells.  Quercetin drives the zinc into the cells, and so it gives you this natural holistic approach as a prevention to keep your body's enzymes function very well in the presence of zinc.  35-50 mg every day.  And if you start to get sick with fever, aches, body aches, it doesn't have to be SARS-COVID2, it can be any other sickness, it could influenza, it could be pneumococcus, it could be any other virus or bacteria.  You want to double the amount of zinc that you're taking every day--double it and take it daily until you start feeling better.  

Vitamin D: 80-100

Zinc: 35-50/day unless you're feeling sick.  Double it until you start feeling better.  Take zinc with Quercetin, 500mg once a day.  If you get sick, take 500mg twice a day.  

Vitamin C: the best form of vitamin C is vitamin C ascorbate.  It's the salt form, not citric acid, but the salt form.  Dr. Tenpenny recommends the powdered form because you can give it to people of any age from infants all the way up to centenarians.  About 3,000mg/day.  

Fauci doesn't even treat patients.  I don't think he's treated patients in 35 years, maybe more.  He's been a political wonk . . . in a department working for the government.  So what the heck does he know about vitamins or homeopathy?  And it never ceases to amaze me how political wonks, mainstream MDs, and mainstream DOs, mainstream doctors, claim to be experts in something that absolutely know nothing about.  How can you make any statement about vitamins if you don't know the mechanism of action or about how they work in your system?  How can you make statements like that that homeopathy is going to harm you if you know absolutely nothing about homeopathy?  So it never ceases to amaze me 

Manganese, calcium, magnesium, and so on for proper functioning of the Kreb's Cycle.  

Doctors function like glorified pharmacists.  Sometimes the pharmacists know more than the doctors.  Sugar, milk, bread burn through your minerals and provide only empty calories.  

"When they sacrificed [the experimental animals], what they found was that all of the lungs were filled up with Type I, pro-inflammatory macrophages and zero Type II [or healing] macrophages."

The former mayor of Nevada City, Reinette Senum, interviews Dr. Sheri Tenpenny.  Dr. Tenpenny's website that reviews vaccination articles is VaxxterAnd here is her website.

2:25 I grew up in a chiropractic family.  I was not vaccinated as a child.  I had all the age-appropriate measles, mumps, and chickenpox, and I am soon-to-be-63-years-old and think that's the reason I am as healthy as I am.  And I can ride the pony pretty hard and I never get sick because my immune system was allowed to be exercised and do what it is supposed to do at that age-appropriate level.  And my parents didn't vaccinate me with all of those poisons.  And part of that was my mom grew up in the deep south and she was we were too poor to be vaccinated.  And my dad entered into the Korean War and got all of those shots in the military and was never so sick in his entire life.  And so when they got married, and I was born, they said "We're not doing that." And so by the grace of God that didn't happen to me.  

4:35  With more babies, you have to start asking yourself, "What's in the needle?"  I'm very passionate about letting people know what's in these vaccines and why you must refuse because these vaccines are deadly.  Vaccines are classified as a medicine, but by definition, a vaccine is a molecule that is injected into your body that generates an antibody.  It does that.  The problem is that the antibodies that it generates are deadly, and it's going to take somewhere between 4 months and 14 months before we see the full ravage of what's going to happen to people who are vaccinated with this vaccine.  

"That's scary."

"And it should be."  Because one of the things that . . . we're at a critical juncture in time for all of humanity . . . on a lot of different levels.  And we are past the time of handholding, pussy-footing around, being careful to not offend anybody, and being so careful with the snowflakes  . . . 

that we've surrendered our convictions, personal sovereignty, and self-respect.    

6:05  We're at a crossroads.  This is life-and-death.  And I already have friends and loved ones who have received the vaccination.  We also have reports of doctors dying.  We even have reports at our local hospital of being getting the vaccination and within 20 to 40 minutes they stroke out.  The same thing in Sacramento, a doctor stroked out.   

6:36  We've been doing these vaccinations in America for [one] month, and in 30 days we have over 40,000 adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Database (or VAED).  [Okay, not sure if this VAES is what Tenpenny is referring to.  She said database, which is a general term, of course, but it's a bit ironic that she would advocate a gov't database while she criticizes the gov't tool of Dr. Fauci.]  172 pages long.  We have over 40,000 adverse events.  We have over 3,100 cases of anaphylactic shock.  We have over 5,000 neurological reactions, which can range from headaches to numbness to paresthesia to headaches to vertigo to feeling like you can't feel your hands or your feet.  30 days!  And it's been estimated that less than 10% of actual adverse events are reported to VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.  Can you think of any product that has been made in the history of the planet that within 30 days after it has been introduced that we have 40,000 people complaining of side effects that not only is still on the market but [that the marketing] is a full-court press with paid actors, telling us how great they are for getting the vaccine?  And we're offering people $500 if they just get their vaccine.  [In my local grocery store, I saw a sign written on an 8 x 11 sheet paper offering $100 if customers get the vaccine.]  And we've got nurses and doctors singing and dancing around, celebrating that "I've got the vaccine!!  I've got the vaccine!!"  Well, they're not going to be so happy, folks, when they start to get their Bell's Palsy, when they start to get their neuropathies, when they get their cardiac arrhythmia.  When they get their ITP, their auto-immune reaction that causes them to die of a blood disorder, they're not going to be so happy then.  We're never going to see pictures of those people. 

Ah, no, they'll be scrubbed relatively quickly.  A dear friend of mine was in the Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital last week, in the ER, and he saw a nurse coming in in a wheelchair, and he thought maybe they were testing out the wheelchair or something, he didn't understand why she was in the wheelchair.  And they put her in the bed next to him and they, of course, pulled the curtain around her, and the doctor comes in and checks her, and basically, she can't swallow.  Her throat kept swelling up, and she can't swallow.  And so the doctor asked her, "Did you get the vaccination?" and she said, "Yeah, about 40 minutes ago."  And he goes, "Oh, yeah, I got the vaccination, and I lost mobility of my arm for about 36 hours."  This alone should be proof of how stupid doctors are and what they'll expect you to put up with.  

9:10  He says "Good for you for getting the vaccination," and I am thinking, she's going into anaphylactic shock!  She's being injured.  This is just the beginning.  You don't know what the rest of the effects are going to be.  I was floored that he was not concerned and that just the two of them had already been injured.  The MO or propaganda teaches people to have a low-threshold of concern about the vaccines, "Don't be alarmed.  People are going to get maimed.  People are going to die.  Just expect that."  

10:40  You did a beautiful job, by the way, of breaking down what's in the different vaccines.  Find that breakdown here.  Pfizer, Moderna, or what they didn't put in, because Moderna doesn't identify what is in their vaccines, or AstraZeneca.  

11:50  Three things about the Pfizer vaccine.  There are about 72 vaccines approved for use here in the United States.  I know you've got an international market, an international audience, some of the vaccines differ a bit by ingredients and dosage schedules internationally, but here in the U.S., we have 72 vaccines that are approved for use.  So not all of them are used in all people.  Like, for example, the cholera vaccine is approved, typhoid vaccine, Japanese encephalitis, anthrax--I mean those are approved and are used unfortunately in the military.  But there are about 72 common vaccines.  Chickenpox, MMR, etc.  We have never, ever, ever used mRNA [Messenger RNA] in any vaccine, ever.  We have RNA vaccines.  The measles vaccine is an RNA virus, the poliovirus is an RNA virus, but the difference is that in those vaccines the virus in part of the vaccines is wholly intact.  So when your body generates an antibody it's against the outer coating proteins of that virus.  What we're doing with this new virus is that we're taking a little piece of that virus' genetics, specifically associated with what's called the "spike protein," and we're injecting that into the body, creating something called a non-neutralizing antibody, which in essence, instead of taking that mRNA and gobbling it up and making it go away, like what happened because when you get a measles vaccine and you get the measles that makes it up and makes it go away.  This non-neutralizing antibody actually creates something called antibody-dependent enhancement.  And they refer to that as ADE.  ADE allows that little piece of messenger RNA to start replicating on its own.  When you create an antibody to that spiked protein, antibodies get inserted into other parts of your DNA as a Trojan Horse.  That's one of three represented as a Y, and the two arms of the Y are called FAB fragments.  And the stem, the bottom part of the Y, is the FAC fragment.  The FAB fragments are the parts that grab hold of the virus and generally neutralize it.  The messenger RNA grabs hold of it but loosely binds itself to . . . and when the FAC fragment hooks onto the macrophage and tries to kill it, it gets taken inside and that messenger RNA gets released.  And that’s where it starts to replicate over and over again.  It’s like having an On-button but no Off-button.  And that whole mechanism which I just described to you—they actually give a name.  They call it a Trojan Horse mechanism because it allows a portion of that virus to get inside your cells, start to replicate and even get inserted into other parts of your DNA as a Trojan Horse.  Now, that's one of three mechanisms.  

The second mechanism is when you create this non-neutralizing antibody to the mRNA, that FAC segment hooks onto the spiked protein and can actually go into your lungs and attach to your lung tissue and can create what is called "diffuse alveolar damage."  Which is a diffuse injury to the cells inside of your lungs where you breathe.  It starts to break them down and destroy them.  What those antibodies do is that they cause various degrees of puss, bleeding, and damage to your lungs.  So as you get this mRNA, you create this antibody.  The antibody carries the messenger RNA into the cells in a trojan horse mechanism, and the antibody starts to go and damage the lungs, and the third and even more sinister thing is that that spiked protein antibody can attack your macrophages.  Now there are two types of macrophages: Type I and Type II.  Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that gobble up the bacteria and viruses in your system that aren't supposed to be there.  

They are your TH1 pathways, hyper-vigilant white blood cells.  Type I macrophages are pro-inflammatory, and they show up at the infection and start creating cytokines and other things to blow off the infection.  Very, very aggressive and highly inflammatory, which is what you want.  The Type II macrophages are anti-inflammatory, so as you start to recover, the Type II macrophages come in and quell the aggressive response of the Type I macrophages and clean up the debris of the initial onslaught of your immune response.  Type I kills off the infection, and Type II heals it.  When you have this antibody of the spiked protein, which is the full intent of these vaccines, that antibody kills your Type II macrophages.  It attaches to them and inactivates them.  So in the experimental animals that actually died of lung infection and inflammation.  When they sacrificed them, what they found was that all of the lungs were filled up with all of these Type I, pro-inflammatory, highly-cytokine types of macrophages and zero Type II macrophages.  Animals with infection but no vaccine, no spiked antibody, began to heal.  So those are three of probably seven mechanisms of how this vaccine is going to cause a problem. 

The antibodies to the spiked proteins are going to destroy your lungs. 

The antibodies to the spiked proteins are going to shut off your M2 macrophages.  

The antibodies to the spiked proteins, or loosely bound to your RNA and invade your cells and DNA through a Trojan Horse phenomenon and make it start replicating are going to destroy your lungs.  

It's the antibody exposure that leads to antibody enhancement 

36 different coronaviruses in the environment, 7 of them known to infect humans, and they've been around for 60 years, long before COVID-19 ever showed up.  So we're going to get these non-binding antibodies confronting the Coronavirus and it will start killing people.  

Regarding the Miami doctor, Gregory Michael, MD, a 56-year-old Ob/GYN in private practice in Florida, he died from complications of immune thrombocytopenia, or ITP, two weeks after getting the vaccine.  

Some people will die from the vaccine directly, while a whole lot of people are going to get horribly sick and develop a horrific list of auto-immune disease.  

Further reading . . .

on AstraZeneca vaccine.  

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Mizz Levine Refuses to Answer the Question