Thursday, September 3, 2020


It's amazing how wrong, deliberately so, Fauci and his team of mayors, governors, and CDC officials have been in recommending precautions against COVID.  From masks to six-feet apart to ventilators, the health establishment's the triumvirate of talismans against a monster virus, they're all intended to make sick people sicker and healthy people sick.  
Check out what Martin Armstrong says about ventilators.



Having taught medical folks at all levels (medical students, residents, fellows and practicing physicians), this makes me feel sick.

Keep up the good work.


REPLY: I do not think people realize how dangerous it is to be put on a ventilator. Here the headline was: “A NYC Coronavirus Patient Died After Her Ventilator was Set Too High Under the Care of Inexperienced Medical Residents.” My first son died on a ventilator at Children’s’ Hospital in Philadelphia for the very same reason. It burst his lungs. You would think that if a car can now parallel park, why can’t a ventilator sense when someone is incapable of accepting that much air?

Hospitals are DANGEROUS. They killed my mother, as the doctors refused to release her, always finding one excuse or another, and kept her in bed for weeks until they weakened her to the point that she did not have the strength to walk again.

They threw me into a COVID wing and said I needed two negative tests to be discharged. I received one test before and I told them I was leaving, but they said that my insurance would not pay the bill. I said I did not care, I would not stay there for two tests because they knew they were invalid anyway. I told them I would leave and they would have to call the police and shoot me in the back if they wanted me to stay. They finally administered the second test and I walked out.

A friend had a baby in a Philadelphia hospital. They tested the mother and said her test was positive. They took the child away at birth and she never saw him. They finally gave her another test and it was NEGATIVE. They had to return her child.

Hospitals are trying to create monopolies and they are in this for the money. The first time my mother was in a hospital, they released her to rehabilitation. That doctor changed all her medicine and nearly killed her. During her next stay in the hospital, they pulled the same shit. My sister looked at this woman asking again if they would release her to rehab. She asked this woman, “If she was your mother, would you send her here?” The woman could not answer but silently shook her head — no.

The entire COVID scam is enriching hospitals beyond belief. They have financial incentives to keep you and to put you on a ventilator. I even question their claimed data that blacks are more susceptible to COVID. The government pays 100% of people without insurance as long as the hospital claims it is COVID. Do they really have COVID or are they just milking the system?

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


I was reviewing Bill Sardi's e-book on gallbladder tonight when I came across this fact.  He says
Cholesterol gallstones are associated with fatty liver (non-alcoholic). The surgical removal of the gall bladder (cholecystectomy) is a risk factor for fatty liver. This gives rise to the importance of tactics to dissolve gallstones and preserve the gall bladder as surgical removal of this organ only represents disease substitution, not disease resolution. 
This information does two things for me.  One, it vindicates me in warning a friend of mine NOT to remove her gallbladder.  There was a cancerous growth on her gall bladder, and so her doctor recommended its removal.  She was of the mind to remove any diseased condition or state rather than use supplements to assist her body's destruction and removal of a tumor.  I don't know whose advice she was guided by--her doctor's, her father's, her coworkers--I have no idea.  But she would not listen to me, and so she ended up having her gallbladder removed.  I warned her that it was a major organ.  And this information bears that out.  But her preference for surgery scared me.  I'd wished I'd known then what I've learned since reading Sardi's e-book.  He cites one nutritional compound called D-limonene as an alternative to gall bladder removal.  
D-limonene is a dietary supplement known as a cholesterol controlling agent. It is derived from citrus peel. Over two decades ago it was shown to be an effective alternative to gall bladder surgery. [Am J Digestive Diseases 21: 926-39, 1976] Dlimonene was confirmed 15 years later as an effective alternative to gall bladder surgery. [Gastroenterology Japan 27: 536-45, 1992]
Two, I've learned of the serious consequences of having the gallbladder removed: fatty liver, the same condition that alcoholics suffer from.  This friend of mine died from liver cancer.  She went the chemotherapy route.  Surgical removal of the gallbladder also increases cholesterol levels.  So there's little good that can come of its removal.   

To maintain a healthy gallbladder and to prevent gallstones, one should take daily amounts of vitamin C.  
In an amazing study, 16 patients scheduled for gall bladder surgery were given 500 mg of vitamin C four times a day (2000 mg total per day), and this raised the natural production of ursodeoxycholic acid, the natural chemical in the body that helps to prevent gall stones. [European J Clinical Investigation 27: 387-91, 1997] Human studies confirm that people with low circulating levels of vitamin C have a greater risk to develop gallstones. [Archives Internal Medicine 160: 931-36, 2000] 

SAMe looks like the preferred compound for pregnant women.  
S-adenosymmethionine (SAMe) is a dietary supplement that has been used to successfully dissolve gallstones during pregnancy. [British J Obstetrics Gynecology 105: 1205-07, 1998] 
Taurine as the savior of the gall bladder?  That's what Sardi says.  In fact, nowhere else with any other nutritional compound does he make that claim.  Let's see why.  
Taurine is a savior for the gall bladder. It is an amino acid that is the chief among dietary supplements for gallstones. It’s easy to see why. Taurine is required to produce bile. [J Nutrition Science Vitaminology 33: 239-43, 1987] Supplemental taurine can improve bile flow and thus keep the bile thin enough to prevent stone formation. In one animal experiment, 71 percent of rodents fed cholesterol developed gallstones. When the tissue taurine level in these cholesterol-fed animals was chemically reduced the number of animals that developed gall stones rose from 71 to 100 percent! But when these same animals were provided with supplemental taurine the formation of cholesterol gallstones dropped to zero! [Life Science 74: 1889-98, 2004] 
In fact, the subheading for the section on Taurine, he puts in parentheses (zero gallstones).  So there's that.  

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

"When will Dr. Fauci be brought to justice for his incompetency that resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 Americans?"

The truth has a funny force to it.  Some say "The truth will out."  Ah, not always, or if it does it's decades later if that.  But here we have the most recent report on the benefits of Hydroxychloroquine from Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft.  The bombshell news appears in the second paragraph, 
The latest international testing [reported at] of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug. 
This is not just an embarrassment; this is criminal negligence at best, and criminal mass murder at worst. 

Hoft continues
That could have been lowered by possibly 80% if HCQ use would have been promoted in the US!
We are talking over 100,000 American lives could have been saved! 
In all honesty, when has the government in deed or in word cared, aside from the value of political rhetoric about children, was ever in the business of protecting American lives?  

Here's a graphic for you:  

 What a damning indictment.  

Hoft finishes
Here is the website that has compiled all of this international data.
Even developing nations Ukraine, Greece, Cuba, Morocco, Indonesia and Algeria fared better than the US under Dr. Fauci!
To this day Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC and the FDA refuse to promote the use of HCQ in the early treatment of hydroxychloroquine.
The American Thinker reported that the US has up to 30 times more deaths per population than countries that promoted its early use!
Hoft finally asks the pertinent question, 
When will Dr. Fauci be brought to justice for his incompetency that resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 Americans?
Via American Thinker:
If Fauci wants an empirical study, the mother of all empirical studies is an analysis of Third-World COVID-19 mortality rates prepared by Bruce E Dale, PhD, University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University and Mark A Howard, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine:
The average death rate in the five countries (India, Costa Rica, Australia, South Korea and Brazil) that have made early and prophylactic use of HCQ is about 6.0 per million inhabitants. In contrast, the US death rate is 167.0 per million inhabitants, almost 30 times as many deaths per million citizens.
The US has almost exclusively used HCQ on hospitalized patients, late in the course of infection. These late-stage treatments have largely failed. We (the authors) have the strong impression that acceptance of HCQ has become politicized. We cite below some of the evidence that, in our minds, HCQ has become closely associated with Trump. This unfortunate association has made an objective, scientific evaluation of the risk/benefit ratio for this medication much more difficult…and we believe this has cost and will cost lives.
…If the US does not make better use of this safe, cheap and effective drug HCQ to treat COVID-19, we can expect to suffer tens of thousands more deaths than would otherwise occur. What a (completely preventable) tragedy! 
Wow, this Hydroxychloroquine has become a virulent issue.  There was this

Here is an article Dr. Ramin Ouski, a cardiologist at John Hopkins, penned in The Hill, titled "Hydroxy Hysteria: When Saving Lives Collides with Politics and Bureaucracies," The Hill, April 9, 2020.  

And who can forget the

"a time will come when medicine will organize into a [. . . ] dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others."

Originally appeared at No Face Mask.  Thank you, Robert Wenzel, for posting this video at your TargetLiberty.
Who is Dr. Ben Tapper?  Read about him here.
I don't wear a mask, I see over 200 patients a week.  I come in close proximity with every patient I come across.  
Americans make up 5% of the world's population yet we take in 65 to 70% of the world's pharmaceutical drugs.
And yet 80% of Americans are suffering from chronic disease associated with poor lifestyle choices.   
700,000 Americans will die of heart disease this year alone.
600,000 will die of cancer.
300,000 will die of obesity this year.  When is enough enough?
If this is truly about health, then mandate healthy living, exercise, good food choices, chiropractic, outlaw tobacco, cigarettes, processed sugars.
I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who stated that 
if the people want the government to decide which foods we eat, what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in a sorry state as those souls who live under tyranny.
We must eat well, move well, think well, and we can be well.  In other words, your level of health is the genetic expression of your lifestyle choices.  
Benjamin Rush, a medical doctor and a signer of the U.S. Constitution, said
Unless we put medical freedom in the constitution, a time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others.
That time is now! 
These masks have absolutely nothing to do with health but everything to do with complying with a false-flag, tyrannical agenda.  

Tuesday, August 18, 2020