Wednesday, August 19, 2020

"When will Dr. Fauci be brought to justice for his incompetency that resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 Americans?"

The truth has a funny force to it.  Some say "The truth will out."  Ah, not always, or if it does it's decades later if that.  But here we have the most recent report on the benefits of Hydroxychloroquine from Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft.  The bombshell news appears in the second paragraph, 
The latest international testing [reported at] of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug. 
This is not just an embarrassment; this is criminal negligence at best, and criminal mass murder at worst. 

Hoft continues
That could have been lowered by possibly 80% if HCQ use would have been promoted in the US!
We are talking over 100,000 American lives could have been saved! 
In all honesty, when has the government in deed or in word cared, aside from the value of political rhetoric about children, was ever in the business of protecting American lives?  

Here's a graphic for you:  

 What a damning indictment.  

Hoft finishes
Here is the website that has compiled all of this international data.
Even developing nations Ukraine, Greece, Cuba, Morocco, Indonesia and Algeria fared better than the US under Dr. Fauci!
To this day Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC and the FDA refuse to promote the use of HCQ in the early treatment of hydroxychloroquine.
The American Thinker reported that the US has up to 30 times more deaths per population than countries that promoted its early use!
Hoft finally asks the pertinent question, 
When will Dr. Fauci be brought to justice for his incompetency that resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 Americans?
Via American Thinker:
If Fauci wants an empirical study, the mother of all empirical studies is an analysis of Third-World COVID-19 mortality rates prepared by Bruce E Dale, PhD, University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University and Mark A Howard, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine:
The average death rate in the five countries (India, Costa Rica, Australia, South Korea and Brazil) that have made early and prophylactic use of HCQ is about 6.0 per million inhabitants. In contrast, the US death rate is 167.0 per million inhabitants, almost 30 times as many deaths per million citizens.
The US has almost exclusively used HCQ on hospitalized patients, late in the course of infection. These late-stage treatments have largely failed. We (the authors) have the strong impression that acceptance of HCQ has become politicized. We cite below some of the evidence that, in our minds, HCQ has become closely associated with Trump. This unfortunate association has made an objective, scientific evaluation of the risk/benefit ratio for this medication much more difficult…and we believe this has cost and will cost lives.
…If the US does not make better use of this safe, cheap and effective drug HCQ to treat COVID-19, we can expect to suffer tens of thousands more deaths than would otherwise occur. What a (completely preventable) tragedy! 
Wow, this Hydroxychloroquine has become a virulent issue.  There was this

Here is an article Dr. Ramin Ouski, a cardiologist at John Hopkins, penned in The Hill, titled "Hydroxy Hysteria: When Saving Lives Collides with Politics and Bureaucracies," The Hill, April 9, 2020.  

And who can forget the

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