Monday, July 13, 2020


Here is Peggy Hall’s latest, “Walmart & Discrimination, Part 1”

Writes a friend:
Yes, all the eternal satanic enemy has had to do is legalize every evil and mindless Christians fall for it.
Before I discovered Peggy’s videos, I used her same tactic to fend off discrimination against me for not wearing a mask in public. Recently, one day at my physical therapy clinic, after weeks of compliance, I announced to my therapist that I would no longer be wearing their “mandatory” paper mask while visiting their facility for my therapy. My young therapist was dumbfounded and tried to find a solution between my pronouncement and her employer’s policies (yes, policies). She offered to secret me away in a windowless, small consultation room where I could attempt a limited regimen instead of using their gym and open floor space. I thanked her but told her that sounded like discrimination (from her employer) against me. After all, she was well aware of my brain injury and breathing problems, which I knew I did not have to explain for any justification. Happily, for the remainder of my therapy over the next several weeks, I have had no one mention the word “mask” to me as I now arrive “maskless” for therapy.
I invite all to put on the armor of Our Lord and join Peggy Hall to fight the venomous snake, the state, and stand up for our God-given rights!
Dear Lew,
In all my years of fending off the state through reading their law and using it against them, I have seen no one better than Peggy Hall. She is right, This is a spiritual battle, in addition to a legal battle. For those without a spiritual perspective, they are easily caught up in the net of man’s law … “Well, it’s legal ….”
Hall's site is Her husband has a YouTube channel, called True Hope with David Hall.  
Call law enforcement for 3 reasons: 
1.  To alert law enforcement that you are being harassed. It's a very important demonstration for those managers and those patrons to know that you stand your ground, that you mean business. 
2.  The other reason to call law enforcement is that law enforcement agencies are going to know how ridiculous this enforcing of a mask is, that they have to send out their police and deputies to break up mask fights.  
3.  David was in Walmart, and the manager came over to stop his purchase because he wasn't wearing a mask.  David calmly tells the manager that "You are breaking California Civil Code 51, and you are discriminating against me because I am not wearing a mask."  

Here is what California Civil Code 51 states
3) California Civil Code section 51(b) establishes: “All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship, primary language, or immigration status are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever. [emphasis added].
Peggy reminds us at the end that large companies publish on their websites their policies on discrimination.  Use these.  Search online for their incorporating documents, which are usually at the SCC. 

Friday, July 10, 2020


Acupuncturist, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and Pastoral Medicine, Dr. Mark Sircus is out with an excellent piece slamming the use of masks at business establishments and civic assemblies around the world.  It is excellent.  If you are forced to wear a mask by your employer, this is a must-read.  
In the opening of his letter, he laments how the fools we've granted power to have found a way to control more and more of our lives from our social interaction right down to how and what we breathe.  And their hysterical prescription for handling a common virus is killing people, killing more people than any virus they concoct could.  Dr. Sircus begins, 
They did it this time. A group of men and women executed a well thought out plan to drive the health of the human race into the toilet. Attacking the very basics of life, they have deprived people, en mass, of the life/health-giving rays of the sun (depressing vitamin D levels) with their lock-downs. And through wearing masks, public health officials are forcing the public into hypoxic breathing conditions. Wearing a mask reduces the oxygen we breathe in and increases the CO2 intake.

Dr. Sircus reminds us that the masks cut off the amount of oxygen that is available to us, a kind of mandated, self-imposed slow suffocation, while we are forced to inhale more amounts of our own CO2.  This is not healthy folks.  And let's say that it's not healthy.  Many of us would endure mild discomfort for the sake of a deadly virus to pass.  But again, that's not how viruses work.  That's not how immunity works.  And that's not how masks work.  Sircus points to the YouTube video made by a gentleman from Canada, a man whom it is difficult to find any information on other than from the owner of the YouTube channel on which he appears.  The YouTube channel owner is Gareth Icke, and the video has only 46,000 views as of July 10, 2020.  Though the idea is gaining some traction, it certainly hasn't reached viral status.  Which means that it's going to take some effort to get that message out.  

Sircus writes
We've already seen the video presented by Canadian, There was a video showing people testing masks for the quality of air in terms of oxygen and CO2. The video has been removed (no surprise there) because it showed that wearing a mask is a health hazard. See the details below. And here is a video of Dr. Rashid Buttar giving a passionate presentation of the dangers of wearing masks. His words are perhaps crude, but he hits the right points. 
This video is excellent.  And though it may confirm some biases, for I develop sinus congestion each time I put one on, it also corroborates similar observations by lots of other medical officials, including Dr. Fauci.

Dr. Sircus asks some poignant questions that no company manager or few medical officials are even asking.  He asks
What will be the effect will be of depriving oxygen to billions of people for years? How happy will that make people? Or inhaling dangerous amounts of CO2, what is that going to do to peoples’ health after several years or even after only a few weeks or months. 
Here is the evidence that wearing a mask is bad for you

Decreasing the amount of oxygen people are breathing, by forcing people to wear masks, is cruel and medically stupid, as Dr. Buttar points out. Under the mask, O2 readings drop from a regular 21 to an unhealthy 17.5, ringing the alarm of the official OSHA devices that measure such things.
The usual amount of CO2 in the air is approximately 400 ppm, when measured around the nose of mouth would be higher. But wear a mask and concentrations shoot up to 5,000. This is not healthy! Carbon dioxide in the air we breathe usually is at 0.0390 percent. When we breathe out, it is 4.0 percent. It is not the concentration we want to be breathing in.
The minimum oxygen concentration in the air required for human breathing is 19.5 percent. Approximately 78 percent of the air we breathe is nitrogen gas, while only about 20.9 percent is oxygen. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, determined the optimal range of oxygen in the air for humans runs between 19.5 and 23.5 percent.
What a searing indictment of the official/unofficial mandate to wear masks: they're slowly suffocating us:
Serious side effects can occur if the oxygen levels drop outside the safe zone. When oxygen concentrations drop from 19.5 to 16 percent, and you engage in physical activity, your cells fail to receive the oxygen needed to function correctly. So wearing masks is not indicated for any reason because masks represent slow suffocation.  Not quite as bad as strangling a person or killing them outright by completely cutting off their breath, but across the board, health will be depressed, and death from all causes will increase.
Please, finish reading his article., where he talks about how vitamin D effectively eliminates death from the coronavirus, and where he calls health officials death officials.  I have often called hospitals abattoirs.  

Find Dr. Mark Sircus' Facebook page here.
His website is here.

So the question then if wearing masks produces a state of chronic hypoxia in our tissues from lungs to brain to liver, then is there an antidote?  Turns out there are vitamins that can reverse this.  One is the go-to of all vitamins, vitamin D.  PubMed cites a study that reported that
Loading cells with vitamin C by DHA treatment [omega 3 fatty acids] resulted in resistance to hypoxia and hypoxia-  reoxygenation-induced cell death associated with the quenching of reactive oxygen species. 

B vitamins also do an excellent job of reversing the effects of hypoxia as reported by PubMed
Supplementations of vitamin B6/B12/folate+choline could significantly ameliorate the hypoxia-induced memory deficits, observably decreased Hcy concentrations in serum, and markedly attenuated tau hyperphosphorylation at multiple AD-related sites through upregulating inhibitory Ser9-phosphorylated GSK-3β. Our finding give further insight into combined neuroprotective effects of vitamin B6, B12, folate, and choline on brain against hypoxia. 
P-5-P is vitamin B6.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

"Taking away things that make life worth living. That was their plans, my friends, that was their plans."

Who is Dr. Pam Popper?  Her E-Wellness Solutions site has some answers: 
Dr. Pam Popper is a naturopath, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine and health, and the Executive Director of Wellness Forum Health. The company offers educational programs to both consumers and providers that facilitate informed medical decision-making, diet and lifestyle intervention, and improved long-term health outcomes. Through its own network of providers, Wellness Forum Health offers direct-to-consumer healthcare services. 
Dr. Popper serves on the Physician’s Steering Committee and the President’s Board for the Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington D.C. Dr. Popper was one of the health care professionals involved in the famed Sacramento Food Bank Project, in which economically disadvantaged people were shown how to reverse their diseases and eliminate medications with diet.
Dr. Popper served as part of Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s teaching team at eCornell, teaching part of a certification course on plant-based nutrition. She has been featured in many widely distributed documentaries, includingProcessed PeopleandMaking a KillingandForks Over Knives, which played in major theaters throughout North America in 2011. She is one of the co-authors of the companion book which was on theNew York Timesbestseller list for 66 weeks. Her most recent book isFood Over Medicine: The Conversation That Can Save Your Life.   
She's built a movement to fight against government vaccination.  Her program is called Citizens in Charge.  

Monday, July 6, 2020


Thanks to Martie Whittekin for this video.

·         Masks reduce the intake of oxygen to dangerous levels, leading to carbon dioxide toxicity. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has documented the risk. Watch Peggy Hall’s video on OSHA, masks, and oxygen. Low oxygen levels not only affect the brain, but they also interfere with immune function. The THA website has a much longer list of negative effects of low oxygen.
·         Masks accumulate moisture. Germs are trapped near your mouth and nose, increasing the risk of infection.
·         Wearing a mask causes you to touch your face more frequently.
·         There is (little to ) no scientific evidence that supports healthy people wearing masks. The THA site gives quotes from even the World Health Organization and CDC that agree about the lack of science. (They have now flip-flopped on that view. It does not seem to be because of new science but apparently that their earlier negativity was designed to keep consumers from hoarding scarce medical masks.)
·         Masks obscure your facial features and impede normal social interaction.
·         Masks make it hard for hearing-impaired people to understand you and they scare kids.
·         Face coverings give a false sense of security and cause people to forget to keep their distance.
·         They can interfere with your field of vision if not worn properly.
·         Taking them off can catch onto and remove hearing aids. (Found mine on the ground in a parking lot.)
·         Masks symbolize suppression of speech.
·         Although the N95 respirators used in medical situations are more effective and better studied, there is at least some evidence (much of it circumstantial) that cloth face coverings may help a little. They help mainly to keep infected persons from spreading the virus in that “they may prevent larger expelled droplets from evaporating into smaller droplets that can travel farther.”
·         You may be “required” to. (Keep in mind that a governor’s or mayor’s Executive Order is not a law that can compel a citizen to do anything. Police should only enforce laws not Executive Orders.)
·         Makes people around you feel safer.
·         Serves to remind people that there is still a pandemic.
·         Keeps the peace.
My summary thoughts:
·         If it feels right, wear a face covering, especially when you cannot keep a good distance from strangers and when businesses make it a policy.
·         While wearing one, make it a point to breathe deeply through your nose.
·         Take the mask off the minute you can.
·         Wash the reusable ones frequently.
·         Don’t worry if your mask isn’t a color-coordinated designer model like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi always has around her neck. I may get one with a mustache on it. 
·         Smileeven though no one will know.
·         Whatever you decide about masks, make sure you keep your immune system strong with enough vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, and selenium. Obviously, stay away from not only sick people but those young folks who may have been exposed and not know it.  

Those are the thoughts of Martie Whittekin.  

My thoughts?  Abandon the mask now.  Don't be a sheep.  Your own, innate immune system destroys most viruses and bacterial.  There is nothing unique about this COVID.  How in the world you can trust government medicine is beyond me.  

Saturday, July 4, 2020

"a face mask is basically a giant Petri dish you have strapped to your face"


We've all seen people tug, pull, grab and smear the outside of their facemasks, including mask proponents Trump, Fauci, Newsom, etc.

Following is an interesting 2019 medical study which points out the common contamination problems associated with face masks.
Respiratory pathogens on the outer surface of the used medical masks may result in self- contamination. The risk is higher with longer duration of mask use... Respiratory pathogens may be present on used masks layers and lead to infection of the wearer... While using masks, or during long periods of time of re-using them, these pathogens may cause infection through hand or skin contamination, ingestion, or mucus membrane contact.
Following are more excerpts. The most interesting parts I highlighted in bold text. You can read the full study here.

Contamination by respiratory viruses on the outer surface of medical masks used by hospital healthcare workers Page 7 We also aimed to identify the area on the mask surface with maximum respiratory virus concentration. A laboratory-based pilot study showed maximum fluorescent contamination on upper sections of the masks, which is also the likely area to be touched on removal. Of the three positive tests in the hospital-based pilot study, two samples were positive from the outer sections of the mask, while one sample was positive from the middle section. In the main study, we were able to check the location of contamination on a quarter of mask samples. Of the 38 mask samples, one or more viruses were isolated from four (10.5%) samples–two from the middle section of masks and two from the right section of the masks. This presents a large area of potential contamination which place HCW at risk when removing a mask. These data may assist in developing policies on for doffing of masks after an encounter with infective cases. As a general rule, HCWs should not reuse masks, should restrict use to less than 6 h and avoid touching the outer surface of the mask during doffing, and practice hand hygiene after removal.

Page 6 Theoretically, there may be a risk of infection [to the] wearer if contaminated masks are used for a prolonged time. Currently, there are no data around risk associated with reuse and extended use of masks and other PPE. One study showed that the influenza virus may survive on mask surface and maintained infectivity for at least 8 h [25]. Our study showed very low infection among HCWs who used masks for ≤6 h. High virus positivity on masks samples worn by HCWs who examined > 25 patients, may be due to more frequent clinical contact with infective cases and transfer of more pathogens from patients to mask surface.

Page 7 Conclusion: To maintain the functionality and capacity of the health care workforce during outbreaks or pandemics of emerging infections, HCWs need to be protected. This study provides new data, which will help developing policies for a safe workplace environment. The study shows that the prolonged use of medical masks (> 6 h) and frequent clinical contact in healthcare settings increase the risk to health workers through contaminated PPE. Protocols on the duration of mask use should specify a maximum time of continuous use.

Page 1 Abstract
Background: Medical masks are commonly used in health care settings to protect healthcare workers (HCWs) from respiratory and other infections. Airborne respiratory pathogens may settle on the surface of used masks layers, resulting in contamination. The main aim of this study was to study the presence of viruses on the surface of medical masks.

Methods: Two pilot studies in laboratory and clinical settings were carried out to determine the areas of masks likely to contain maximum viral particles. A laboratory study using a mannequin and fluorescent spray showed maximum particles concentrated on the upper right, middle, and left sections of the medical masks. These findings were confirmed through a small clinical study. The main study was then conducted in high-risk wards of three selected hospitals in Beijing China. Participants (n = 148) were asked to wear medical masks for a shift (6–8 h) or as long as they could tolerate. Used samples of medical masks were tested for the presence of respiratory viruses in upper sections of the medical masks, in line with the pilot studies.

Results: Overall virus positivity rate was 10.1% (15/148). Commonly isolated viruses from masks samples were adenovirus (n = 7), bocavirus (n = 2), respiratory syncytial virus (n = 2) and influenza virus (n = 2). Virus positivity was significantly higher in masks samples worn for > 6 h (14.1%, 14/99 versus 1.2%, 1/49, OR 7.9, 95% CI 1.01–61.99) and in samples used by participants who examined > 25 patients per day (16.9%, 12/71 versus 3.9%, 3/77, OR 5.02, 95% CI 1.35–18.60).

Most of the participants (83.8%, 124/148) reported at least one problem associated with mask use. Commonly reported problems were pressure on the face (16.9%, 25/148), breathing difficulty (12.2%, 18/148), discomfort (9.5% 14/148), trouble communicating with the patient (7.4%, 11/148) and headache (6.1%, 9/148).

Conclusion: Respiratory pathogens on the outer surface of the used medical masks may result in self- contamination. The risk is higher with longer duration of mask use (> 6 h) and with higher rates of clinical contact.

Protocols on the duration of mask use should specify a maximum time of continuous use, and should consider guidance in high contact settings. Viruses were isolated from the upper sections of around 10% samples, but other sections of masks may also be contaminated. HCWs should be aware of these risks in order to protect themselves and the people around them.

Keywords: Mask, Health care workers, Viruses, Infection control

Virus positivity was significantly higher in masks samples worn for > 6 hours. Most of the participants (83.8%, 124/148) reported at least one problem associated with mask use. Commonly reported problems were pressure on the face (16.9%, 25/148), breathing difficulty (12.2%, 18/148), discomfort (9.5% 14/148), trouble communicating with the patient (7.4%, 11/148), and headache (6.1%, 9/148).

Page 2 Reuse and extended use of masks are also common in many parts of the world, particularly during outbreaks and pandemics [8, 9]. Respiratory pathogens may be present on used masks layers and lead to infection of the wearer [10]. In hospital settings, these pathogens may be generated from breathing, coughing or sneezing patients or during aerosol-generating medical procedures [11]. Studies have shown that influenza virus can remain airborne for 3 h after a patient has passed through an emergency department [12]. While using masks, or during long periods of time of re-using them, these pathogens may cause infection through hand or skin contamination, ingestion, or mucus membrane contact [10]

Previous studies show that influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) may survive on the outer surface of PPE [11–14]. A study showed that influenza viruses may survive on hard surfaces for 24–48 h, on cloth up to 8–12, hand on hands for up to 5 min.

Page 2 If health departments do not provide clear guidance on the use of masks in these situations, HCWs may continue using contaminated masks and may get infection [15]. The risk of self-contamination of HCWs is influenced by the mask itself, its shape and properties, and the virus concentration on its surface. To our knowledge, only one study examined the presence of contamination on masks and various bacteria were isolated from the outer surface of medical masks [16].

The main aim of this study was to study the level of contamination on the surface of medical masks.

Page 2 The aim of this pilot study was to identify areas of maximum virus concentration on the surface of masks...In all three experiments, most particles were concentrated on upper right, middle and left sections of the masks (Figs. 1 and 2).

Currently, there is very limited data on the testing of mask surfaces for the presence of pathogens. In previous studies, influenza virus was detected on over 50% of the fomites tested in community settings during the influenza season [17].