Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Great Interview of Mike Adams by John B. Wells

I found this interview of Mike Adams by John B. Wells revealing, disturbing, and consoling. A few take-a-ways from this interview were one, that Prozac contains almost 20% fluoride.  He says that you'll always find fluoride in mind-altering or psychotropic drugs because of its reactivity.  Oh, joy!  Medicine that dumbs individuals down.  Later in the interview, Adams explains that Vitamin D3 is more effective than any vaccine in treating all infectious diseases, including cancer. In fact, he said that Vitamin D3 deficiency can bring about a carcinogenic environment in your body.  So take your Vitamin D3.  Be healthy. Be safe. Later in the interview, Adams talks about the apathy in Americans where they allow themselves to be shot.  Nobody charged the shooter in Aurora, Colorado on July 20, 2012.  Nobody rushed him.  Their actions were herdish.  But we still don't know the whole story.  Still later in the interview, Adams talks about Fast and Furious and the lawlessness prevailing in the United States.  He said that people can easily deal drugs and launder money if, and only if, they are part of the cartel, like HSBC, Wachovia, while raiding raw milk distributors in a small co-op in Venice Beach, CA and arresting an Oregon resident for saving rain water as part of his perma-culture.  

I like this comment made about Mike Adams at Rationalwiki,"He thinks Scientology (of which he is an ex-member) is treated unfairly.[4][5][6] According to Adams, this is due to attempts by anti-religious bigots and (you guessed it) Big Pharma to oppress their belief system in order to protect their profits." At the 1 hour, 12-minute mark, Adams argued that death by doctor is 6200 times more likely to occur than is being shot by an individual with a gun.  He points out that the exposure to radiation is cumulative that causes genetic mutations.  Miso soup protects against radiation as does spirulina.  Bentonyte clay without aluminum.  Eating good is a natural day-to-day detox.  Eat well, nourish your body every day. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Why the History of the American Diet Matters

16-minute video by Stephan Guyenet on why America's food history matters. Fascinating and will indict you to eat simpler foods.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Amazing Pineapple--It Digests Protein, Fights Gout, & Raises Alkaline PH

 I've been eating raw pineapple lately.  I am trying to stay away from fruit because of the sugars, but pineapple has a fantastic effect on my muscles and energy.  I wrote a nurse friend of mine, and he mentioned that bromelain is a great digestive enzyme that has the ability to clean your system.  Even better, I thought.  The enzymes in bromelain do a good job of breaking proteins.  Even Paleo nutritionists recommend this, primarily for the digestive enzymes that break down proteins found in meat.  I've heard that it is a good cancer remedy as well.  So if you're a big meat eater, then I encourage you to include a slice of pineapple on your plate or as a garnish to your pastrami sandwich to-go.  Also, if you want all of the nutritional benefits of the foods you're eating, bromelain and other digestive enzymes in pineapple help to absorb those nutrients better.  I have over eaten on meat, and after 18 hours I do not always see the whole meal pass through me as it used to when I was younger.  Age then is a factor.  As we put on the years, our digestive tract may slow down.  Then more than ever try a slice of pineapple.  It's refreshing during the summer when it is in season. Bromelain also helps to treat gout.  What do I mean by "treat"?  I mean that if you incorporate pineapple into your high-meat diet, then you can either prevent gout outright or discourage its formation.  That's what I mean by "treat."  Eat healthy and stay well.  Here are some excellent tips on how to eat fruit properly.
Pineapple is amazing.  In addition to breaking down proteins and making them more available in digestion, pineapple also has a high alkaline content at 7.4 ph.  A healthy mouth that supports good dental enamel has an alkaline content of 7.6.  So, as Dr. Ellie Phillips suggests, eat 1 slice of pineapple before and after a dentist visit.
Karen Roth, holistic nutritionist, reviews the health value of raw pineapple.


Verstraeten Study Proving That Thimerosal in Vaccines Causes Autism and A Lot of Other Neurological Diseases

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reporting in 2009 on the Simpsonwood Conference of 2000.  Here is some additional information on the Verstraeten Study.

The 2000 Simpsonwood Conference.  Here is Kennedy's report on the Simpsonwood memo.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Farmageddon: The Truth About the Food and Dairy Industry

Packers, slaughterhouses, and the feedlots have the money; and that's who controls the beef industry and USDA.  A whole revolving door, from the pharmaceutical and the beef industry to the USDA and get legislation passed on their pet projects.  USDA spends a million dollars plus monitoring small farmers.

Linda Detwiler is the USDA's spy who goes out onto small farms and harasses Americans.  Way to go, Linda!  Here is a book covering the mad sheep fiasco.

Several farmers in this documentary make the excellent point that food grown on a small farm allows a consumer to know where the food they consume comes from.  So if anything does go wrong, the consumer can contact that particular farmer.  Contrast that scenario with food grown at a large agri-farmer in several different states.  It's much more difficult to find the source of bad food through large farms.  I remember that in 2006 when there was the spinach scare in California that it took over a week to locate the source of the tainted crop.

Rawesome Foods in Venice, CA has been "raided" a few times in the past 3 to 5 years.  Because it is a membership co-op, it is open only 2 days a week, Wednesdays, 12-8, and Saturdays, 9-4.  Watch this:
It is interesting to learn who greenlights the warrants and on whose behalf. You have the LA County District Attorney's Office, LA County Police, and the LA County Sheriff's Department. That's quite an expenditure of law enforcement to take down a tiny, contracted farm in Ventura County. Didn't know that LA County has jurisdiction over Ventura County.  LA Building & Safety is threatening to shut down Rawesome Foods because of "illegal" structures.