Sunday, January 1, 2023

Take COVID seriously before you become the anecdote

Okay, I've made this case before but no one cared.  Now McCullough corroborates my observation . . . that if you've caught a COVID infection, your body will become thrombotic, meaning that you too will start to manufacture fibrin clots seen by some embalmers.  Perhaps not the same size as those manufactured by the vaxx'd but still you can develop clotting.  So be aware.  Get some Nattokinase and some Serrapeptase.

Last year in Russia, 400 people were arrested for things they said on social media. In Britain, that number was 3,300

His name is Konstantin Kisin.   

Remember that Dr. Robert Malone "insisted older people SHOULD be vaccinated". Remember that.

It truly is remarkable that so many folks in the alternative medicine world not only endorse Robert Malone but defend his positions throughout because they're impressed by his degrees.  Do they even know that he has admitted to working with deep-state actors?  And American alternative health advocates defend Malone?  Go figure.   

When someone comments and it falls on the right side of history, I'll commend them.  And really since the summer of 2022, Malone has been improving his message really ever since Peter Breggin and his wife called him out on mass psychosis.  Then I find this gem this morning by Dr. Richard M. Fleming.

The Simpsons Knew. Episode from 2010


IVM and HCQ kill an industry, better than they kill a virus

This is from 2020.