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Showing posts sorted by date for query mass formation. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, November 6, 2022

When the government takes an inch, do they ever stop with just the inch?

A point about being safe.  This point was raised at the 1:48  mark in the context of wearing a mask.  "We were all scared and we just wanted to stay safe.  We didn't really know some of that stuff wasn't going to do anything.  Live and learn, live and learn."  One, safety is a measurement of risks.  No one is permanently safe, so no one can stay safe.  We can make vigilance a habit but that effort isn't really captured by the "stay safe" mantra.  "Stay safe" is an instruction to be afraid.  Afraid of what?  Transmission initially.  But health is an inside out phenomenon.  If your immunity is strong internally because you do everything right, your immunity will knock at varying speed the any pathogen that invades your body.  And given the dearth of information about how and why COVID was so dangerous, it was easy for too many to be afraid.  The fear was designed to reduce your thinking from an adult with decades of survival skills to rely on the mass propaganda and health instruction from the singular authority, the televised Fauci, while divesting you of the wisdom you've practiced most of your life and learned from family, neighbors, and community.   For most of our lives we've known to cover our mouths with our hands.  We know to wash our hands.  The goal was to strip you of knowledge and history and to funnel you into the shute of mass formation toward the vaccine.  Masks are psychological instruments of torture and symbols of being gagged.  Who can so readily and easily forget the waterboarding torture thar uses a mask placed over the face and water poured over it?  The masks reduced adults to acquiescent, obedient children.  The instruction was to shut up.  Shut up about any detrimental effects of the masks.  Shut up about any received information about COVID or about SARS-CoV-2.  Just shut up.  Shut up about the ridiculousness of the 6' social distancing.  The wisdom of your elders in the County Health offices, your governor, the White House COVID Task Force, the CDC, the W.H.O., and the FDA know better than you.  And recently, Emily Oster says we didn't know.  Those agencies sure claimed to have known everything including the medicines to prescribe anybody hospitalized. 

Grocery stores refused entry without one.  Ditto for restaurants.  They did this without themselves knowing the science behind mask-wearing.  Businesses that were allowed to stay open simply and obediently deferred to the local County Health office.  They'd been threatened or bribed.  None of the businesses, which were and are all essential to people's lives and to a sense of enjoying a certain or high standard of living.  But the unscientific refrain that got drummed into our heads from the grocery store speakers was to wear a mask to keep yourself and others safe.  Not a peep about how unhealthy the masks were.  People dutifully wore the masks to buy food and endured the lowering of oxygen saturation in our blood and lungs by breathing in one's own CO2.  From a rational standpoint, the idea to wear masks to keep other people safe was an epic fail.  Okay, if the message wasn't rational or practical and, in fact, designed to reduce oxygen saturation in our lungs and blood, what then was the intention of the message?  Solely to get people sick while we're being gaslit to believe we're making a small sacrifice to protect others or the community?  How do we know?  Is infectivity the same the world over?  Is it the same in Riverside as it is in Los Angeles, or the same in Denver as it is in Boulder?  

When the government takes an inch, do they ever stop with just the inch?  They commanded us to make a small sacrifice with the mask.  And look at all of what we gave up.  

Friday, October 28, 2022

Ridicule is the ultimate weapon of “Mass Formation Psychosis” destruction

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The History of WEF's Origins

Thursday, September 22, 2022

MATTIAS DESMET: The reason why they buy into the mass formation is because it allows them to control their anxiety

0:00. If you understand the mechanism of mass formation, the reason why people buy into the narrative is not because it is true or correct.  The reason why they buy into the mass formation is because it allows them to control their anxiety, to take out their frustration and aggression on someone and because it creates this new social ____ , so unconsciously, people don't care whether it's true or not.  They just sing the song of the mass formation because it connects them to each other and because it gives them the experience of meaning, because it gives them advantages at the level of anxiety, frustration, and aggression.  That's the reason why they buy into the narrative.  The more that people who [need] lead them tell them like, "Look, the narrative is wrong, it's a lie, they've been lying and manipulating you, the more they say, "Yes, we know, that's why . . . exactly why we don't care.  We want to belong to a collective.  We want to take our frustration and aggression out." So, if you know this psychological mechanism, you're not surprised at all.  

1:00. When these COVIDiots, the most powerful ones, when one of their side actually says something like "Well, actually, it wasn't that bad in mortality," or allows any of their guard down, they kind of attack him or her.  They just don't want it to end at any cost.  And I mentioned to you, the ritual stuff I love, I mentioned that I had a group of very educated friends from 25 years.  And in the interview, I mentioned how they were with me and they knew I was right.  But they didn't fall into the mass formation.  They're pretty smart.  They knew all the lockdowns were nonsense. They went along with it because they're in corporate roles and they could not be seen questioning it.  But then they left when they didn't take the vaccine, so they refused to partake in the ultimate ritual.  I've since actually met them, there was an event, once you don't mention the war, things were okay.  But there was one individual who had the personal fear of health, a specific health type condition.  Now, it's published and there are multiple papers showing that condition does not elevate your risk.  But, because of that condition, he became obsessed with the risk to him personally and he was still very angry.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Mass formation is, in essence, a kind of group hypnosis that destroys individuals' self awareness and robs them of their ability to think critically

Thank you to Charles Burris at Lew Rockwell.  

Dictatorships are based on a primitive Psychological mechanism, namely on the creation of a climate of fear amongst the population based on the brutal potential of the dictatorial regime.  Totalitarianism, on the other hand, has its roots in the Insidious psychological process of mass formation.  Mass formation is, in essence, a kind of group hypnosis that destroys individuals' self-awareness and robs them of their ability to think critically. 

Toward the end of the interview, Desmet says this,

The point of gravity in totalitarianism is not situated in the elite, it's situated in the masses and it's situated in the ideology. 

Which reminded me of the importance of rhetoric and the example of Julius Caesar and modern-day politicians, like Boris Johnson and others.  Gaslighting the public is their ideology. 

The Psychology of Totalitarianism, Mattias Desmet, 2022. 

Other books referenced in this interview. 

The Crowd and the Psychology of Revolution, Gustave Le Bon, 2015.  

Sunday, July 17, 2022

"soon found out that most of the research in psychology was not reproducible"

Jul 7, 2022 Title Says it all - HOW the world fell into Mass Formation. This finally closes any question left remaining. For all the people who wonder: "but HOW did we over-react so much - HOW did all the experts go so crazy?" - well here is the full explanation, with incredibly expert Professor of Psychology Mattias Desmet. Also included is the SOLUTION to this awful situation - and you are part of it! Stay strong and always speak the truth of any situation, and you can help save the future for all our children. The book of books:

Fascinating interview. Psychology Mattias Desmet explains his findings early in 2003 about the methodology of psychiatry and the methodology in in science in general.  The book explains the phenomenal power of totalitarianism linked to propaganda.  Starts off with Desmet's 2017 epiphany, I was supposed to do a classical psychological study in which I was supposed to draw correlations between depression and certain personality styles.  As I started to do my research, I learned that the measurement instruments didn't really work very well.  [I wish he could be more specific.]  Instead, he asked his promoter if he could research the quality of research methods in psychology.  He soon found out that most of the research in psychology was not reproducible, not replicable.

Thursday, January 13, 2022


NCBI writes

Melatonin synchronizes central but also peripheral oscillators (fetal adrenal gland, pancreas, liver, kidney, heart, lung, fat, gut, etc.), allowing temporal organization of biological functions through circadian rhythms (24-hour cycles) in relation to periodic environmental changes and therefore adaptation of the individual to his/her internal and external environment. 

So, Melatonin helps coordinate optimal functioning of all your organs.  How can I get some of this today?  For more benefits, keep reading,   

The physiological effects of melatonin are various and include detoxification of free radicals and antioxidant actions, bone formation and protection, reproduction, and cardiovascular, immune or body mass regulation. Also, protective and therapeutic effects of melatonin are reported, especially with regard to brain or gastrointestinal protection, psychiatric disorders, cardiovascular diseases and oncostatic effects. 

Wait, you mean to tell me that melatonin helps to detox free radicals, helps with bone formation, reproduction (can't hurt any age), heart, immune function as well as regulate my body mass?  Where do I get in line for this?  And it has therapeutic effects on the brain and intestines?  Whoa.

Melatonin or 5 methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine (Fig. 1) was discovered and isolated from bovine pineal in 1958 by Aaron Lerner.  Melatonin is the main hormone secreted by the pineal gland. Extrapineal sources of melatonin were reported in the retina, bone marrow cells, platelets, skin, lymphocytes, Harderian gland, cerebellum, and especially in the gastrointestinal tract of vertebrate species [2-9]. Indeed, melatonin is present but can also be synthesized in the enterochromaffin cells; the release of gastrointestinal melatonin into the circulation seems to follow the periodicity of food intake, particularly tryptophan intake [210]. It is noteworthy that the concentration of melatonin in the gastrointestinal tract surpasses blood levels by 10-100 times and there is at least 400 times more melatonin in the gastrointestinal tract than in the pineal gland [2]. Melatonin in the gastrointestinal tract of newborn and infant mammals is of maternal origin given that melatonin penetrates easily the placenta and is secreted into the mother’s milk [11-13]. It has even been suggested that melatonin is involved in the production of mekonium [2]. Melatonin in human breast milk follows a circadian rhythm in both preterm and term milk, with high levels during the night and undetectable levels during the day [1415]. No correlation was found between gestational age and the concentration of melatonin. It is noteworthy that bottle milk composition does not contain melatonin in powder formula. Also, human colostrum, during the first 4 or 5 days after birth, contains immune-competent cells (colostral mononuclear cells) which are able to synthesize melatonin in an autocrine manner.

Read some more.  


Saturday, January 1, 2022


Monday, June 4, 2018


We live in violent times. Americans are seven times more likely to die of homicide and twenty times more likely to die from shooting than people in other developed countries.1 Between 1984 and 1994, the number of young murderers under age eighteen in the U.S. increased threefold.2-4
In the 1990s, a new form of deadly violence raised its head in America. The first mass school slaying occurred in 1992 when Wayne Lo killed a student and a professor at a remote school in Massachusetts. This act set the stage for an escalating pattern of chilling destruction aimed at students and carried out by students, violence that increases every year. From the 1999 Columbine shootings in Colorado to the recent shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, Americans are desperately searching for answers.
In his book Confronting Violence: Answers to Questions About the Epidemic Destroying America’s Homes and Communities, George Gellert, (1997), MD, discusses “tested strategies to prevent violent crime” without providing any evidence that any of these strategies—electronic tracking, hotlines, education, and traininghave actually worked. In fact, it is obvious that they have not.5
The disturbing tendencies we see today contrast strongly with Dr. Weston Price’s descriptions of harmonious, well-nourished primitive cultures—from smiling, joyful South Sea Islanders to highly spiritual Gaelic fisherfolk to Swiss villagers celebrating “one for all and all for one” during their summer festivals.6 Likewise, Dr. Francis Pottenger described peaceful, harmonious behavior among well-nourished cats. Both cats and humans degenerated into disharmonious behavior patterns with the change to foods devitalized by heat and processing.7
Modern commentators are blind to the solution, a solution that is in plain sight: clearly defining good nutrition and putting it back into the mouths of our children, starting before they are even conceived. . . because food is information and that information directly affects the emotions, the nervous system, the brain, and behavior.
The brain and nervous system require specific nutrients to function properly, and the evidence is overwhelming that nutrient deficiencies can lead to aggression and violent behavior. Let’s start with the fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins A, D3, and K2, so important in the diets of primitive peoples.
Preformed vitamin A, called retinoic acid, is critical to brain development. Receptors in the amygdala, hippocampus, and other paralimbic brain regions suggest that vitamin A signaling plays a vital role in cognitive function.8 When vitamin A is lacking during gestation, as it is for most mothers in our fat-phobic society, children may be set up for abnormal behavior patterns later in life.
In animals, vitamin A deficiency results in problems with spatial learning and memory. Vitamin A deficiency may lead to dopamine receptor hypo-activity and the typical symptoms of schizophrenia, such as flat affect, apathy and lack of insight, as well as hallucinations and delusions. 9 Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe and serious brain disorder. People with schizophrenia hear voices and believe people are controlling them.10
Recent studies from the U.K. show that low levels of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) are associated with increased risk of depression and panic. Researchers from the Children’s Hospital and Research Center in Oakland, California, defined the role of vitamin D in neurological health, pointing out the wide distribution of vitamin D throughout the brain. The vitamin affects portions of the brain involved in learning and memory, as well as motor control.11
Vitamin D is very much involved in production of serotonin, the molecule of willpower, and delayed gratification. Decreased serotonin activity can lead to an inability to create and act on well-formed plans.12
There are many vitamin D receptors in the brain. Bright light going through the eyes increases serotonin productionsunglasses block this effectand sunscreen blocks the vitamin D formation in the skin.13
Studies with rats show that the production of serotonin is directly related to duration of bright sunlight. Sunbathing and exposure to bright light during the day can have a similar effect to antidepressants and, of course, are far safer. Other ways to boost serotonin in the dark of winter are exercise, massage and happy memories,14 and, of course, vitamin D-rich food.
Calcitriol, the hormonally active form of vitamin D, accumulates in the adrenals, and this stimulates the production of the gene for tyrosine hydroxylase, which is involved in serotonin production. Serotonin synthesis is thought to be dependent on the duration of light exposure the previous summer.15
Less is known about the correlation between vitamin K2 status and behavior. However, research has shown that vitamin K2 is involved in the biochemistry of nervous tissue and is needed for the formation of myelin.16,17 Vitamin K2 contributes to the biological activation of proteins Gas6, which are involved in many cellular functions such as cell growth, survival, and apoptosis. In the brain, vitamin K2 also participates in the synthesis of sphingolipids, an important lipid present in high concentrations in brain cell membranes. Vitamin K2 can affect psychomotor behavior and cognition.18 Weston Price cured a child of seizures with high-vitamin butter oil, rich in vitamin K2.19
All these vitamins were consumed in very high levels in primitive diets.19 Today, due to disastrous dietary advice, most people avoid the dietary sources of these critical nutrients—egg yolks, butter, organ meats, meat fats, goose and chicken liver, cod liver oil, fish eggs and oily fish, and some fermented foods like sauerkraut.20