Sunday, July 17, 2022

"soon found out that most of the research in psychology was not reproducible"

Jul 7, 2022 Title Says it all - HOW the world fell into Mass Formation. This finally closes any question left remaining. For all the people who wonder: "but HOW did we over-react so much - HOW did all the experts go so crazy?" - well here is the full explanation, with incredibly expert Professor of Psychology Mattias Desmet. Also included is the SOLUTION to this awful situation - and you are part of it! Stay strong and always speak the truth of any situation, and you can help save the future for all our children. The book of books:

Fascinating interview. Psychology Mattias Desmet explains his findings early in 2003 about the methodology of psychiatry and the methodology in in science in general.  The book explains the phenomenal power of totalitarianism linked to propaganda.  Starts off with Desmet's 2017 epiphany, I was supposed to do a classical psychological study in which I was supposed to draw correlations between depression and certain personality styles.  As I started to do my research, I learned that the measurement instruments didn't really work very well.  [I wish he could be more specific.]  Instead, he asked his promoter if he could research the quality of research methods in psychology.  He soon found out that most of the research in psychology was not reproducible, not replicable.

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