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Showing posts sorted by date for query SRI LANKA. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, October 14, 2023

"for thousands of years nobody had to tell humans what to eat. We intuitively knew what to eat, like a cow knows or a lion knows. We weren't confused about what we should be eating"

what we did is that we took essentially a recipe for metabolic destruction: 6 to 11 portions of grains, no saturated fats, animal oils must now be seed oils, and we put it on to our children, not to mention prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, but most effectively in the school children so that by the time you come out of high school you're metabolism is not in a good place.  Your health is bad, you are physically addicted to sugar and flour and it's hard to recover at that point.  So I think that would be the number one way that they altered our food supply is through the public school system which then has us addicted and thinking, psy-op'd into believing, that this is all natural and healthy, and you come out of high school, come out of the public school system and now you're compromised.  And not only are you sick physically, but you're sick mentally.  You're not as able to discern.  Your critical thinking skills erode from these waste products that have been put into us [in conjunction with the lack of nutrition] for decades.  --Matthew Lysiak
Here are Tom Woods' show notes.

In the early 1950s, Eisenhower had a heart attack and the country was in a state of near panic.  He was out for many days, and the idea of people just walking around and being struck was jarring.  So there was a race to figure out what was causing these heart attacks. Eisenhower smoked 4 packs of cigarettes a day but Ancel Keys had this theory that the diet that we had been eating for thousands of years in terms of animal fats was the culprit.  And his colorful idea was that the saturated fat worked in your body and clogged up your arteries and that the high cholesterol caused heart attacks.  And he was able to push this theory to what is considered conventional wisdom.  The seven countries study a 12-year-old could read it and see the flaws in it.  These were observational studies which were the equivalent of handing out flyers to somebody that asked them what they had been eating, and they are notoriously unreliable.  He also cherrypicked which countries he would use to bolster his argument so the data

Poorly run observational studies run by the 7th-Day Adventist church. 

John Yudkin from England was a brilliant scientist.  He posited that sugar has more of a correlation using Ansel Key's own data we'll look at this sugar is clearly more relevant here but after Nixon completely decoupled from the gold standard on August 15th, 1971.  And the currency began to degrade.  The two most important things that people consume are energy and food.  And you can go 10 years without buying a sofa.  You can go 20 years without buying a house, but we need energy and food every day.  And you notice very clearly the upticks everybody knows the gas price everybody knows how much food costs because we have to shop every day so there was a concerted effort and I document this throughout my book to tilt the table so to speak to people like Ansel keys to studies that affirm the point of view that we should be eating cheaper food because nothing gets people more riled up and I will point to Sri Lanka in 2022 where the price of meat went up by over 100% for a short period of time and the people stormed the palace the leaders had to flee and there had been several hundred food protests since 2020 about the high price of food so they understand how or our leaders understand how this is a very vulnerable point for them but instead of raining in the currency what they've done is altered the definition of Health so this is why people like Ansel Keys be promoted and people like John Yudkin who actually had real science behind him be devalued.

That seems to be happening in quite a few areas not just in health.  What's the relationship in this story between Proctor and Gamble and hydrogenation and American Health?

This is a part of my book where I learned a lot where I was researching I was going through old newspaper clips about what cottonseed oil was initially used for Procter & Gamble had excess cottonseed oil which was a waste product nobody really thought of cottonseed oil as something that people ate it was waste it was cottonseed and they came up with this idea to have it as a new fat.  I look at this part of history as a really remarkable feat in marketing because you know for thousands of years nobody had to tell humans what to eat.  We intuitively knew what to eat, like a cow knows or a lion knows. We weren't confused about what we should be eating.  But Procter & Gamble began a marketing campaign in the early 1940s or even earlier to push cottonseed oil as a food into the food supply.  To do this, they brought in a lot of nutritionists who are on their payroll they infiltrated some government groups to make it seem more legitimate and as a result, they went from holes and in ways that people perceive seed oils as something that was a foreign substance not fit for human consumption.  By the end of the 50s, it was widely held and you can go look at the advertisements from this period to . . . really interesting they'll show a woman a housewife and she'll be like well I'm a modern housewife I don't want my kitchen smelly with it with lard that's disgusting I'm using Crisco which is what the modern woman uses it was a really magnificent campaign because it ushered in for the first time foreign it's not food it's something different it's something that should not be consumed by people these foreign objects entered the food supply and it turned out to only be the beginning.

We have to talk about John Harvey Kellogg we see this name all the time we probably think he's like Walt Disney or something not really it turns out.

My wife had this idea I recently saw a screenplay and she thought I should write a horror movie based on John Harvey Kellogg because his life and I would not have to fictionalize it his life was what most people would consider a monster.

This book could be a documentary no problem at all, right? This would be fascinating for people who don't read books; it would give people at least something to think about.

And John Harvey Kellogg was a doctor and he became very close to Ellen Gould.  She was the one who founded the Seventh-Day Adventist Church to give your audience a little context The Seventh-Day Adventist Church was invented and brought into existence by Ellen Gould who, a young girl was hit very hard by a rock.  She came up out of a small coma with a disability to have visions from God, and God told her that we're on the precipice of apocalyptic destruction as a society.  The reason we are in this state is that we are eating too much meat which is leading to carnal desires, and the carnal desires, particularly masturbation, are the source not only of all disease but sin and the coming apocalypse is about to be brought on by all these people eating meat which led to carnal desires.  John Harvey Kellogg came along and they became very close.   He was a doctor.  It's hard to underestimate his influence at the time: he toured the country giving speeches, he wrote books, he wrote pamphlets, and he had a practice.  He was very influential he was a celebrity doctor at the time he'd wear a white suit and put a bird on his shoulder but his recommendations for young girls who came into his practice and had signs of depression, or even if they had a sore throat in one instance, he would recommend and suggest that the cause of it all was that they had been masturbating secretly.  Some of the things that he decided to do or prescribe were carbolic acid or to leech them or to perform surgeries without anesthesia so that the subject could remember the pain associated with sexual pleasure.  So he was a pervert on levels that just strained credibility and who would later go on which is really in his wheelhouse he would want to become a eugenicist, who was responsible for taking away the fertility for 200 women in Michigan to produce, because they were just not fit socially.  He was actually able to get laws passed in Michigan to accomplish that.  And I would argue that he's been more successful than people realize because for 50 years we've been eating Kellogg's Corn Flakes.  And his science was not off.  The sex drive of Americans has decreased; we've become less fertile so he's been astoundingly successful.  His legacy persists.  Every morning when some little boy wakes up and eats sexually repressive foods, like Kellogg's Corn Flakes or corn-based food and skim milk which has inhibited the male sex drive and the female sex drive and has arguably put our entire societal existence at a bit of a risk in terms of fertility rates, that that has contributed to [the health and food calamity in this country].  There are there are other factors.

Now I understand when you say that when you read Safe's version of the story you know this can't be right. The central thesis of the book is that the Federal Reserve, particularly after the removal of any lingering connection to gold placed on it in the middle of August in 1971, you wind up with rising food prices which lead to unrest.  So naturally there would be a movement toward pushing these other types of so-called food.  Is there any other way that the government privileges this particular approach to the American diet?

The way the government has manipulated the food supply is like an octopus with tentacles.  One of the ways is by directly giving subsidies to the corn industry which has gotten trillions of dollars in subsidies to sugar, soy, and corn, these three effects of the fiat money printing channeled productive energy from Americans into soy, sugar, and corn has distorted the marketplace as a result of that we have increasingly put more corn and soy and sugar into our foods.  In the 1960s, high fructose corn syrup wasn't a thing.  We had cane sugar.  Natural sugar that was in our Coca-Cola wasn't good, but it was better metabolically for our bodies.  Another way that the government has done it is through brute force.  In 1980, we came up with the dietary guidelines for Americans.  This wasn't as bad as it would get eventually.  It basically told  Americans to eat less meat and to eat more grains.  This came into fruition heavily in 1992 with the food pyramid because it was the first time the government told us specifically what not to eat and this was 6 to 11 servings of grain. People who grew up in the 90s remember this and it wasn't just a bunch of bureaucrats throwing out propaganda; if they wanted people to abide by that, we could ignore it.  This now became instituted in every public school in the country.  So what we did is that we took essentially a recipe for metabolic destruction: 6 to 11 portions of grains, no saturated fats, animal oils must now be seed oils, and we put it on to our children, not to mention prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, but most effectively in the school children so that by the time you come out of high school you're metabolism is not in a good place.  Your health is bad, you are physically addicted to sugar and flour and it's hard to recover at that point.  So I think that would be the number one way that they altered our food supply is through the public school system which then has us addicted and thinking, psy-op'd into believing, that this is all natural and healthy, and you come out of high school, come out of the public school system and now you're compromised.  And not only are you sick physically, but you're sick mentally.  You're not as able to discern.  Your critical thinking skills erode from these waste products that have been put into us [in conjunction with the lack of nutrition] for decades.

I like to make a brief plug if I made for one of my listeners, Hal Cranmer, who runs assisted living facilities in Arizona and it's called A Paradise for Parents @  One of the things that he does there is to make sure that they eat actual food.  He's very deliberate about that.  They're not going to eat according to the ridiculous food pyramid, what 11 pieces of toast a day?  

Tom, that is criminal, and just so that your audience knows and we go through this in the book and I want to give a hat tip to Nina Teicholz of The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat, and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet, 2015.  She uncovered that people who come up with these dietary guidelines are all shills of industry.  

Thursday, September 8, 2022

"A giant amount of money is being given [by the tax-payer] to the elite and people who toe the line."

From Doug Casey of International Man @ Lew Rockwell.

So what’s going on? What’s the deeper cause behind it?

The great Covid hysteria was the catalyst that put WEF’s “Great Reset” in motion. Even though the flu itself turned out to be a big nothing, it brought on a collapse in economic activity. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, a place few think about, seemed to lead the way. Its rulers decided to make it the most ESG-compliant country in the world at the very time tourism collapsed because of the pandemic hysteria. The government banned imported fertilizers in 2021, and production of tea and rice collapsed 50%. Sri Lanka made the news because of the depths of its self-caused disaster. I wonder, since Sri Lanka is an island with a very authoritarian government, whether this was an experiment to see what happens if you cut off all fertilizers and create an agricultural crisis in a country. Does it sound crazy? I think it’s a real question. It’s crazy—but it’s exactly what happened.

. . .

In today’s world, taxes are paid mainly by members of the middle class. People in the lower classes don’t pay income taxes. Taxes are somewhat irrelevant to people in the upper classes—apart from the fact that they’re the ones who’ll get most of the new MMT money. It’s the middle class who will be taxed to withdraw the money that comes in the top of the funnel.

The theory is that the $400 billion the bill authorizes will go into society where the elite say. Then $400 billion will be withdrawn through taxes from the middle classes, aided by 87,000 new IRS agents. That’s exactly what they’re going to do, and that’s exactly what MMT intends.

The State puts money in at the top, in “smart” places, and they extract money from the economy from places, and people that they don’t think are worthy. It’s a catastrophically dangerous way for the government to totally capture and manipulate the economy. That’s what the perversely named Inflation Reduction Act is really about.

And they’ll do it without making it seem that way. It’s diabolically clever.

Monday, July 25, 2022


Thursday, July 21, 2022

2023 the Year from Hell?


They just don't understand currency . . . ever.  

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics

9:15  “Oh, the dollar is going to crash, and gold is going to go up.”  That does not happen. 

The U.S. is the reserve currency of the world.  We will be the last to fall, not the first.  And what makes things really worse for the world is the dollar going up, not down, because you have all of these emerging markets that issue debt in dollars, so you have Sri Lanka falling, Lebanon falling.  In China, you’ve got all kinds of riots.  Even three years ago, Beijing was warning the provinces and banks, “Do not borrow in dollars.  But they were borrowing in dollars because, oh, geez, it was a cheaper interest rate.  And they had no concept of foreign exchange risk.  I saw that in the 1980s when I got called in to solve such a crisis that was in Australia.  

10:25  You have a low-glow interest rate but now you need twice as many dollars to pay back.  

10:35  That's what happened in Australia.  The bankers were selling Swiss mortgages.  "Oh, you'll save interest."  But then the currency swings and suddenly you owe 20% more.  The same thing happened in Europe when the Swiss franc and the euro peg broke in 2015.  They again had sold all of these Swiss mortgages to save money on interest.  So you've had the same thing.  You've had all of these emerging markets, and people in China doing things in dollars because the interest rate was virtually zero, 0%.  Oh, gee, look at how much we're saving, and now the dollar is going up and you're seeing bank runs and this is what we're talking about here.  Actually, really the first financial crisis I was called into was in 1973.  It was Franklin National Bank that failed, and it failed basically on a 7% move of the Italian lira.  They were funded basically from Italy, and that brought down Franklin National Bank.  Ever since then just about every financial crisis and currency crisis I've been called into.  Oh, get the guy that did that one.  They just don't understand currency . . . ever.  

12:08  In 2008, when Anheuser Busch got bought by InBev, the euro was $1.60 to the U.S. dollar.  Wow, what a deal.  Now, you fast-forward two or three years, or however many years that was, uh, 14 years, now the euro is par with the dollar.  And you're saying that anybody holding dollar debt in Euro is going to get creamed with this exchange rate because now they've got to pay back even more dollars, right?  

12:40  This is one of the major financial problems that's been going on since the 1970s.  They still do not teach foreign exchange risk in universities.  It's mind-boggling.  When I got called in in 1985, when they were forming the G-5, I wrote a letter to Reagan, telling him that he was going to create a crash in 2 years.  "Oh, yeah, you shouldn't go out of committee, . . . "  You just sold a 1/3 of the national debt to Japan and then you stand up and say that you want the dollar down 40%?  Don't you think they're going to sell?  And they just scratch their head and they say, "Well, why?" 

13:35  Gas deal.  Currency moves can be much worse than interest rate moves.  

13:48  Oh, yeah, currencies can move 20% to 30% in one to two years.  The British pound was like $2.40 in 1980, and it went to par at $1.03 in 1985.  

14:12  What about Deutsche bank?  What about Commerce Bank?  What about Credit Swisse's credit default swaps?  What about Germans and the gas that is cut way back and the economy tanking.  What about these banks?  Don't they have to have a good economy to stay afloat?  

14:29  Absolutely. 

14:30  Could we have a crash in Deutsche Bank?  Because it was the most systemically dangerous bank, according to the IMF, and nothing's changed.  Isn't Deutsche Bank the most systemically dangerous bank still in the world?  It could take down at least Europe?

14:50  All of these things are very real crises.  I can tell you that in speaking with the top three banks in New York City, they refuse to accept any European sovereign debt as collateral.  Period.  That is what started the whole RePo Crisis in 2019.  The real story was they were not willing to accept any sort of collateral on Europe from the European banks on an overnight basis.  You had Merkel coming out and saying "Oh, well we're not going to bail out Deutsche Bank," and she had to say because she refused to allow Greek banks to be bailed out.  Now you're on the opposite side of the table.  Why would you deal with Deutsche Bank if she just said "if they went belly up, sorry, we're not bailing them out."  So that's why the Fed had to step and start becoming the market maker in the RePo markets because banks are not willing, in the United States, to accept any European sovereign debt.  Period.  

16:06  Do you think this is what Socrates is picking up in the August-September time frame--that there's going to be a debt crisis?  

16:15  This is, I think, honestly why they're pushing for war.  This is Schwab's idea, and I've been on the opposite side of the table from him.  Even in our Rome conference, March 2019, Nigel Farage came to be our guest speaker, and he said 

SRI LANKA: The country is completely destroyed after implementing WEF policies. But how? Through ESG, otherwise known as the Woke Corporate Culture

When I see this happen, I shake my head and think of the Who song, "Won't Get Fooled Again," 1971.  Then I realize that none of these revolutions serve the working or the middle class.  It means more slavery as long ESG persists to make corporate culture woke.   

Just when you thought you had momentum for more freedom, restitution, and a new life, bam!  More slavery.  Pelham@resist_05 is right, "Sri Lanka . . . citizens use QR codes to buy fuel rations.  The country is completely destroyed after implementing WEF policies."

So why does this happen?  How does this happen?  How does a seemingly organized body of purported workers or purported middle-class take to the streets, overthrow the police, raid the presidential palace, and set the president on the run toward his getaway ship or plane (actually, if it's a ship, it's not a real getaway), and then the following week you the people being forced to implement social controls that they'd never dream of and that turns them ever deeper into serfs?  

Well, there's an answer for that, and it's called ESG, an acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance [policies and controls].  Control over who, or what?  The corporation that you work for.  James Lindsay is hands down the best on this.  He knows it inside and out.

This is the WOKE culture.  You should know how it works so that you can inform others.  A Social Credit Score for corporations already exists with corporations all over the world.  


ESG is a set of metrics, environmental, social, and governance metrics.  How well is your company performing?  Do you have environmental controls in place?   Do you take proactive recycling, whatever?  And your “E Score” (of the ESG) goes up. 

Do you have a woke culture?  Are you doing diversity training?  How many diversity officers do you have?  Do you have a full office of diversity officers?  Your “S Score” goes up. 

How are you governing your company?  Are you governing it according to these best practices?  Which will also include having Diversity Officers.  Then do you have ESG officers coming in to oversee the whole thing?  Even more commissars, even more bureaucracy.  Then your “G Score” goes up.  Are you playing along by all of the rules that we’ve set arbitrarily at Davos?  Well, how in the Hell did they get anyone to go along with this? 

A) They offer them financial incentives.  If you lose some money, we’ll make sure that it comes back to you by implementing this.  

Or, B), you’re Blackrock or Vanguard or Goldman Sachs, those being the 3 biggest asset management firms, and they say, 

Oh, you want to have your company publicly traded, your ESG Score has to be above X.  

Oh, you wanted to have this kind of capital infusion, 

Oh, you wanted us to handle your assets for you and to make this kind of a return?  

Oh, you want to be put in a higher return category?  Your ESG Score has to be so high. 

Basically, your ESG Score has become . . . the big fear, if they win, if we get a full-blown social credit system over the average individual, they created a social credit system for corporations already that’s called ESG.  ESG is the social credit system in corporate America.  And if that falls apart, then it all falls apart.  But right now, the logic is, “Oh, you need a replacement HR training for diversity so that you can get your S Score up so that you can participate, but you don’t want to give people “Woke” stuff, so you give them a fake one as if the Diversity and ESG Commissar that you’re eventually going to have to hire isn’t going to root that right out of you sooner or later.  This is why it’s like creating fake training, creating a fake diversity training when you didn’t need diversity training in the first place actually reifies the logic of your destruction anyway.  It is a short-term solution that IS no solution. 

Why is it all happening?  Well, I just painted for you the big-picture picture of how all the world is being destroyed right now.  All the corporations then collude with the governments to make all of this stuff go so that each can apply their strengths where they’re allowed to, the governments can make mandates, they can make laws, and they can make executive orders.  They can’t censor people but Facebook and Twitter can, so they have a back and forth deal there. We won’t bust up your crooked business if you do our stuff for us.  That aspect of how it works is also there, but the big thing that makes it all go and all the corporate participation—all the corporate participation—comes down to the fact that asset management firms can jerk them around by a social credit score with the letters ESG. 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

“Two years ago I gave scant thought to acronyms like WHO, UN, WEF. Now I watch them with the same attention I give to dogs that look like they might bite.”

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Protesters storm the presidential palace in Sri Lanka's capital.

It started like this.

BTW, Linsday tags his posts with ESG, which means Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Criteria

Friday, May 13, 2022