Sunday, January 2, 2011

Green Leaves & Tops of Plants: It's Where the Nutrients Are.

Taken from Chapter 5 "Why Is It Hard to Love Greens?" of Victoria Boutenko's Green for Life 

Green leaves were never included into our food pyramids as a separate group because humans never looked at them as real food.  Carrot tops have several times more nutrition than the roots, but the opinion that greens are for rabbits, sheep, and cows, has been preventing us from eating carrot tops in our salads.  We routinely throw away the most nutritious part of the carrot plant!  The roots are much more palatable to human taste than the tops because the roots contain significantly more sugar and water.  The tops are bitter from the abundant amount of nutrients in them.

Curcumin Inhibits Alzheimer's Disease

Curcumin is the Indian spice Tumeric.

Dr. Barry Sears says,

NAC is a hydrophobic derivative of amino acid cysteine. It is only this hydrophobic derivative that can cross the blood brain barrier to enter into the brain. Other hydrophobic polyphenols, such as curcumin, can also do this. This is why high dietary intakes of curcumin are related to reduced incidence of Alzheimer's.

Monday, December 27, 2010


According to Dr. Arthur De Vany, celery raises testosterone levels . . . in men and women.  Men, eat more celery.

Purpose of Exercise?

"Purpose of exercise is to alter your metabolism, not to burn calories.  Pleasure of life is the energy you spend; not trying to restrict your caloric intake or burn up the calories you've taken in.  Afterall, that's just time in the gym; that's not life."  Arthur De Vany

Foods That Rob Strength Versus Foods That Build Strength

Foods That Rob Strength:
1.   Soy
2.   High Fructose Corn Syrup
3.   Corn, Corn Starch, Corn Oil, Corn Chips, Modified Corn Starch, Corn Meal, Corn Syrup.  Are you beginning to see a corny pattern here?  The Corn industry has infiltrated the food supply, and I don't use that term "infiltrated" lightly. 
4.   I like coffee.  I like the smell and I like the taste.  Follow your gut with coffee.  Continue being cognizant of your alkaline/acidic balance.  

Foods That Build Strength:
1.   Olive Oil
2.   Brocolli
3.   Spinach
4.   Kale
5.   Leeks
6.   Lean meats: white meat chicken, turkey, and fatty fish--sardines, salmon, mackerel.
7.   Cheeses: cottage cheese, goat cheese, and others.
8.   Plain yogurt

Cancer-killing nutrients in vegetables & spices:
       Raw Carrots (alpha carotene, beta carotene, Vitamin E)
       Raw Broccoli (sulforaphanes/isothiocyanates)
       Raw cabbage (isothiocyanates)
       Green Asparagus (saponins)
       Beet root/red beets (proanthocyanidins or PAC's)
       Turmeric (curcurmin)