Tuesday, September 26, 2023

"I hope that you have received the information I sent regarding LNG [Liquified Natural Gas] opportunities in the state of Louisiana"

Monday, September 25, 2023

$1 Billion Dollars and Counting to House Migrants in New York City for 3 Years

Ethyl Mercury from the vaccine was gone from their blood in a week; the methyl Mercury from the tuna fish a month later, 2 months later, was still there. it was lodging there and causing severe inflammation

I don't even think that Fauci is capable of telling the truth.  Here with Jake Tapper, he says that, 

The thing that always gets misconstrued is that thimerasol, which does not cause any difficulty, the mercury in thimerosal is ethyl mercury, which is very different from the methyl mercury in fish, which when you get an accumulation of it, the fish are contaminated, can be a problem.  It's an entirely different type of mercury.  So that's the big misperception that is out there. 

Really?  Because Robert F. Kennedy, who knows a thing or two about vaccines and how their manufacturers have fared in court, says that 

Instead, the reason ethyl mercury was disappearing from their blood is that Ethel Mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier much easier than methyl mercury from the vaccine and was going directly to the brain of these animals and it was lodging there and causing severe inflammation and we now know that it's there 20 years later.  Out of sight of the blood samples.

MEP, Christine Anderson to Globalist Tyrants: GO TO HELL!

ROBERT BARNES: Much of American criminal justice is just a PR campaign that rarely has anything to do with law, truth, or justice.

Here is the direct link.

He ultimately was acquitted of all the felony charges, half the misdemeanors, and what a lot of people don't know, 9 of the 12 jurors wanted him not guilty of everything.  But three of the jurors lied to get on to the jury and hijack the jury until they convicted him of something, minor misdemeanors and then he'll go home, not knowing that the embarrassment to the government on minor misdemeanors to the maximum possible sentence.  What was fascinating is that if you get the news headlines the day after the verdict, it was "Wesley Snipes Wins!  Big Victory," etc.  A year later, most Americans don't even know what happened in that trial.  They think, "Oh, I thought Snipes was convicted for tax evasion."  He was actually acquitted of tax evasion, acquitted of  tax fraud, acquitted of tax conspiracy.  But it shows you how much the government manipulates these cases in the court of public opinion.  Much of American criminal justice is just a PR campaign that rarely has anything to do with law, truth, or justice.

A similar thing happened with some of the Branch Davidian survivors following the government's firebombing of their homes.  In the trial of some of the survivors when the government was trying to make the case that they had acted unlawfully on the first exchange, the jury was getting ready to acquit them on all sorts of stuff.  But a few of the jurors said, hey, we can't just let them walk Scot-Free.  And so they all agreed to assign what they thought were relatively minor charges, and the judge, on the basis of those minor charges, threw the book at them.  The jurors later contacted the people who were convicted and apologized, saying, "You know, we had no idea that the judge was going to give you that harsh of a sentence.  If we'd known that, we wouldn't have let these people convince us to vote guilty on what were very trivial charges."


Extraordinary thing is that it couldn't have happened but for the corruption of Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and the DC Mayor, Muriel Bowser.   I told people that you didn't have to worry about it getting out of hand beforehand because I said on January 6th the capital is the most secure building in the world.  The security in the capital itself has over 2,500 police.  Why do they need 2,500 police just for the House and the Senate that's a good question.  Then they also have the availability of the National Guard and the US Military.  Nobody's going to get anywhere near that.  And instead, there was an unusual absence of police activity that day.  The police activity that did occur was when people were outside the capitol they were throwing sound grenades and all kinds of things actually physically assaulting and attacking January 6th protesters, and then they would suddenly withdraw.  The doors were left open.  Some people who went down there were invited in by security, by the guards.  People went down to the Capitol when and were often misdirected by the capitol police to where they ended up.  Actual evidence has never been fully produced for the world to see, that's the video tape from multiple different sources what took place you know we've never seen it.  If that evidence looked bad for the January 6th people, we would have seen every bit of it instead we've seen none of it what are they so scared of and wanting to disclose it.