Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Forget stitches — there's a better way to close wounds. Joe Landolina creates gel that accelerates the formation of clots instantly which turns wound healing into a matter of minutes to hours than weeks or months.

USA Today explains that "Connective plant and synthetic tissue that grow and hold organisms' structure, called the extracellular matrix (ECM), compose Veti-Gel. Such a configuration solidifies and sticks blood platelets together to close and begin healing wounds without applying pressure, Landolina says."  The Vita-Gel stops bleeding instantly. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Read this first.  
This video makes the case for annuities over long-term health insurance.

The general case against long-term care insurance is here. Annuities are better. But, of course, annuities die when the insured does. Far better to own paid-up rental housing. Leave this wealth to your heirs.

These policies have requirements as to which symptoms qualify a person for long-term care. The company decides. If the victim disagrees, he or she has to hire a lawyer. Most victims in need of long-term care do not have deep pockets.

I figure there are better ways to solve these problems. I have discussed some of them here.
The best long-term care insurance for most people is their children. This has always been true in the West. It is best to deal with the problem of long-term care within the framework of the family. The heirs have a sense of moral commitment to provide care that extends beyond a written contract.

Before signing any insurance contract for long-term care or an annuity, discuss your options with your heirs. They may inherit more if you skip these contracts. You may get better care. Both you and your heirs should then consult with a financial planner who does not make his income from the sale of insurance. "Never ask a barber if you need a haircut."

This originally appeared at Gary North's, Specific Answers.

North continues, "The best long-term care insurance for most people is their children. This has always been true in the West. It is best to deal with the problem of long-term care within the framework of the family. The heirs have a sense of moral commitment to provide care that extends beyond a written contract.

Before signing any insurance contract for long-term care or an annuity, discuss your options with your heirs. They may inherit more if you skip these contracts. You may get better care. Both you and your heirs should then consult with a financial planner who does not make his income from the sale of insurance. "Never ask a barber if you need a haircut."