Monday, October 31, 2022

Because "let's forgive", right? Nope.

Imagine this person telling you to forgive the damage, loss, and horrors of the last 3 years.   

No Amnesty for Defenders of Mass Murder

I answered with the following,

"Pandemic Amnesty" Is a Much Watch

1.  Read the article.

2.  Read the critique.

3.  BTW, big pharma, big tech, & big gov't will not be surrendering big COVID anytime soon.  Why would they?  Would you dismantle or burn to ashes your cash cow?   

These folks implicitly endorse mass murder.  Have they not paid any attention to the numbers?  Are they just responding to the feelings of society or reading their Ouija board?  

"Ultraviolet C Band of light had germicidal properties due to it’s ability to break apart the DNA of organic matter"

UVC is a particular wavelength of light.  

All three bands have germicidal properties that make them beneficial for multiple applications in facility management, including:

Coil Irradiation in HVAC systems to boost energy efficiency and reduce maintenance.

Air Disinfection through the use of Upper Air Germicidal Irradiation units, which is very effective at controlling the spread of influenza virus, the common cold, and most every other airborne pathogen.

Surface Sterilization is a newer application and there are a variety of devices sold that claim to do this.  Although the technology is sound the efficacy of how the different systems deliver the UV-C light to the surfaces to be sterilized/decontaminated is questionable.

    It was discovered way back in the 1890’s that the Ultraviolet C Band of light had germicidal properties due to it’s ability to break apart the DNA of organic matter.

"When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device or 'antenna' known as a vitamin D receptor, with which it searches for vitamin D,", and if there is an inadequate D level, "they won't even begin to mobilize."