Wednesday, October 14, 2020


from the Tom Woods Show

The number of deaths due to disruption of services is likely to outweigh the number of deaths due to COVID because of the diversion of resources into COVID, says Richard Sullivan of Kings College, London.  The cessation and delay of cancer care will cause considerable avoidable suffering.  Cancer screening services have stopped, which means we will miss our chance to catch many cancers when they are treatable and curable, such as cervical, bowel, and breast.  When we do restart normal service delivery after the lockdown has lifted the backlog of cases will be a huge challenge to the healthcare system.  

We read, October 6, in the Daily Mail coming out of the UK, "Health Secretary, Matt Hancock says, "Cancer patients may only be guaranteed treatment if COVID-19 stays under control."  

Almost 2.5 million people missed out on cancer screenings, referrals, or treatment at the height of lockdown even though the NHS was never overwhelmed."  They have the honesty in the UK to say that.  Experts now fear the number of people dying as a result of the delays triggered by the treatment of Coronavirus patients could end up being responsible for as many deaths as the pandemic itself."  Now we won't see that kind of effect right away.  But it does mean that people who might have lived 15 to 20 years may live just another 3 or 4.  

United Nations reported in April 2020, saying that "Economic hardships generated by the radical interruptions of commerce could result in hundreds of thousands additional child deaths in 2020."  UNICEF later increased that number to 1.2 million child deaths.  At Oxford University, Professor Sunetra Gupta has reminded us several times of the UN's predictions, that as many as 130 million people could be at risk of starvation because of the lockdown because of the possibility of famine in several dozen places around the globe.  

Now, who are the ones who don't care about human life? 

And that's not all.  In Oakland, California we have Benjamin Miller of the Well Being Trust, as co-author on a study of death and despair, that's drug abuse or alcohol abuse or suicide, that an excess of 75,000 deaths would occur, that is above what would normally occur.

The CDC itself estimates that in the United States alone there will be 93,000 excess, non-COVID deaths this year because of what's going on, including over 42,000 from cardiovascular conditions, over 10,000 from diabetes, and 3,600 from cancer.  

A recent UK study found that the risk of death because of C-19 lockdowns increased 53% among seniors with dementia and another 123% among seniors with severe mental illness.  

For four decades, Indian Nobel Peace Laureate, Kailash Satyarthi rescued thousands of children from slavery and human trafficking and he fears that that's going to be reversed.   

For options on treating cancer, start here.



I received the following email today from Dr. Tom Woods, who summarizes the Ingraham's interview with Dr. Scott Atlas.

Every now and then, something I see on Twitter makes me want to stand up and cheer, as opposed to committing an atrocity.

An example from yesterday:

Someone shared a clip of Dr. Scott Atlas, adviser to the White House on COVID-19, on Laura Ingraham's show.

Oh, was it good.

It began with Ingraham asking if Atlas thought Biden would lock America down again if "cases" began to rise in January.

Atlas replied:

"Anyone who's talking about doing another lockdown has really not been paying attention for the last seven months and is simply out of touch with average Americans.... The prolonged lockdowns are a complete disaster. They're a complete disaster for missed health care; they're a complete disaster for average working families and particularly for people who are working class and lower-income people.

"People have been killed by people who want to have prolonged lockdowns. And when I say 'killed,' I look at the data. And that means, for instance: this week it was shown that forty-six percent of the most common types of cancers were not diagnosed during the lockdown. Those cancers didn't disappear. They're there. People will present with much later, more widespread disease."

Half the people who have chemotherapy appointments didn’t show up: that’s 650,000 Americans.  Half the people who had immunizations for children didn’t come in for fear by our so-called public health experts. 

Some 650,000 Americans missed important cancer treatment, Atlas added, thanks to "the fear instilled by our so-called public health experts. You could go on and on: 40 percent of people with acute strokes."

When you close schools, schools alone, we had more than 200,000 cases of child abuse not reported during the two months of spring school closures. 

After mentioning the statistic that I've shared with you, that an astonishing 25.5 percent of people between 18 and 24 contemplated suicide in the month of June alone, Atlas concluded: "It's just completely off the rails."

"And it's much worse—not for the elites who are sipping lattes working for a tech company where I live, in Silicon Valley—for people who are average, working-class Americans, they are destroyed by prolonged lockdowns."

And then, in direct response to a question about Dr. Fauci:
“History will record the faces of the public health expertise as some of the most sinful, egregious, epic failures in the history of public policy. They have killed people with their lack of understanding and their lack of caring about not just the impact of cases of COVID-19, a virus that the overwhelming majority of people do well in. They never cared to considered the impact of the policy itself, and the policy itself has been a complete epic failure, and honestly some people say a crime against humanity — these people should be held accountable for what they did."

Darn right.


This week I went to see a play, at the Garden Theatre in Winter Garden, Florida.

That's right: in the midst of all this, there were people rehearsing a play.

There are still some of us who intend to live.

It would be one thing if the authorities didn't constantly move the goalposts. But we can't get straight answers out of them, and places keep getting locked down because of meaningless "cases."

With people like this, how do we know if we can ever truly live again?

Why would we sit around and wait, when the people in charge have repeatedly shown themselves to be quacks and charlatans -- and deadly ones, to boot?

So yes, some of us are just going to go ahead and do it.
If that sounds appealing to you, you're very much a fit for the Tom Woods Show Elite, where smart dissident voices congregate.

Who knows how many tens or even hundreds of millions of deranged lunatics are out there.

Whatever the number, time to get yourself to a haven away from them:

Tom Woods 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Thursday, October 1, 2020


One thing that you'll never hear from Fauci is the opinion of different world-class epidemiologists. He won't hear of it. He controls the narrative on COVID and he will shame anyone else and call them names, like "outliers," and claim that any conflicting opinion is "misleading." Anyone pulling this in academic circles would be considered a skunk. Note how Dr. Scott Atlas tells Ingraham's audience that the President relies on several experts, doctors like Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford, Martin Kulldorff at Harvard, John Ioannidis of Stanford, and Drs. Gupta and Heneghan at Oxford University. This is science, where you consider differing and opposing opinions to arrive at a sharper understanding of a topic. As for Fauci, he's not being removed from the White House COVID Task Force because Trump doesn't want to offend Fauci's partners, like Bill Gates.  

Here you'll find Rand Paul telling Fauci that his mitigation measures in the form of the lockdown, mask-wearing, and distancing of 6' have not stopped or reduced cases or deaths.  And if that is the case, Rand Paul, claims, why shouldn't we abandon these mitigation measures?  As per usual, Fauci gets defensive and attacks Rand Paul.  

Friday, September 25, 2020


Martin Hill at NoMaskInfo provides us with some excellent insights, meaning facts, about President Trump's position on vaccines in general and on COVID vaccines in particular.   What I didn't know was that Trump was anti-vaccine for at least 10 years.  If that were the case, why is he now advocating giving Americans a COVID vaccine administered by the military?  

Hill provides us with a caption to President Trump's speech where he slammed Biden and Harris' criticism of his plan for a vaccine.  There is so much signaling that is going on surrounding issues that I can't help but like Harris in the interview below where she rejects Trump's vaccine, whether for political reasons or for health reasons.  If it's for political reasons, then she's signaling her opposition to the globalist Bill Gates and his ilk.  Here is Harris' comment on a Trump vaccine,  

And here is Trump's speech on vaccines.  Note how he is praising the speed of the vaccines, praising their efficacy without any real or fake numbers other than it's going to be "really great." When did he become a snake oil salesman for the vaccine companies and big pharma?  What did he think exactly?  And one must ask now, in retrospect, did Trump lay the groundwork for the democratic wing of the establishment gangs to run a game on Americans that he primed into "patriots" so that he could serve the lambs to the slaughter by way of the justice system?  One wonders.

President Trump at a rally in Winston-Salem, NC on 9/8/2020 decried what he described as "reckless anti-vaccine rhetoric" and anti-vaccine conspiracy theories."

Hill provides an excerpt of Trump's speech:

Biden and Kamala Harris are undermining science and risking countless lives with their reckless anti vaccine rhetoric -that's what they're talking about. So now they know we have it. And it's only a small amount of time. So instead of saying 'that's a great thing we're gonna save lives,' they're trying to disparage it. And they're trying to make it politics. And they're trying to do so. And now what's gonna happen is we'll have it, and people won't want to take it. And that's really bad. Okay? That's really bad. But the Biden-Harris effort to spread anti-vaccine conspiracy theories, only because they know we're close to putting it out and getting it out there, we're gonna get it out fast. The vaccine will be safe, these are the greatest companies in the world that do this - the greatest labs, the greatest doctors. It'll be effective, and it'll be delivered before the end of the year; and maybe as I said much sooner than that.

Hill follows that up with this point, 

Notice how Trump tries to characterize anti-vaccine sentiment as "left-wing," when the exact opposite is true. It's generally independents & right-wingers who are vocally opposing Gates poison covid scamdemic vaccines & face masks. Whoever Trump's advisors are who are feeding him these talking points are very stupid. Not to mention that Trump has made at least 100 anti-vaccine tweets & comments in the last 10 years, including this famous one:

 Then Hill presents us with this tweet from Victor.  

So, Trump for years was anti-vax.  What happened?  Was he bribed?  Threatened?  Back in June 2020, Trump went on film to recommend the value of the Gavi Vaccine Alliance.  

This site is titled, Children of God for Life.  Keep it close.   

Perhaps the final word on vaccines comes from the unlikeliest of sources, from the young, articulate, Dr. Leland Stillman.  He cites the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.  In the video, he explains what they've paid out: $4.4 billion paid out to people who've suffered from privately held products.