Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bristol Stool Chart

I thought that this was important.  It's important to learn that stools are categorized into shapes and densities with each one indicating constipation or the ideal stool or the least ideal.  I though that this was useful.

This description of how to manage a healthy bowel was the best description that I could find on the internet.  It is quite good, logical, and reliable.  It comes from The Free Dictionary

Bowel training reestablishes the bowel's normal reflexes by repeating a routine until it becomes a habit. Naturally the patient must be able and willing to cooperate. Some patients are so convinced they need daily laxatives that they are afraid to do without them. It takes time for a changed diet to effect the bowels and for the bowel to regain its normal rhythm. Trust and patience are necessary.

After gaining the patient's cooperation, the next step is to optimize the diet. Healthy bowel movements require ingestion of a large amount of liquids and bulk foods. The patient should drink two to three quarts of liquids every day, with liberal inclusion of prune juice and perhaps coffee for their natural laxative effect. Bulk comes from unrefined foods. Oat bran, wheat bran, brown rice, green vegetables, apples, and pears are a few examples of high residue foods. Many patients will benefit from adding bulk preparations of psyllium. Constipating foods like bananas and cheese should be avoided until a natural rhythm is well established.

To assure that stools are soft enough to pass easily, it is a good idea to add a pure stool softener like DOSS (dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate), two to four per day as needed. DOSS also helps prevent impaction.

There is usually a time of day when bowel movements are more likely to occur. In anticipation of this time, the patient should participate in activities that stimulate a normal bowel movement. Walking, eating unrefined foods, and drinking prune juice or coffee, encourage natural evacuation. It is acceptable to use lubricants such as glycerine suppositories or oil enemas at this time. For severe constipation, water enemas may be needed to initiate a movement.

It is also important for the patient to recognize the urge to defecate and to respond right away to that urge. The longer stool sits in the rectum, the more water the rectum will absorb from it, making it harder and more difficult to pass.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Oh, this is rich. Big-Agra shuts down artisan farmers across the great United States because of, get this, "improper labeling," yet Big-Agra has marshaled 25 million dollars so far to defeat California Proposition 37 that asks food manufacturers to tell the truth about GMO's in the foods they grow.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Heavy Metal Toxicity Raises Your Electromagnetic Sensitivity

A great article.  Caveat emptor.  This is not for the sick of heart.  You will come to a realization that a whole industry is set against you.  They're not but it will feel that way, because not only did they allow horrible damage to occur but they recommended it.  Here is a video on biological dentistry with Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Glaros.  Mercury through dental amalgams produces kidney damage.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Great Interview of Mike Adams by John B. Wells

I found this interview of Mike Adams by John B. Wells revealing, disturbing, and consoling. A few take-a-ways from this interview were one, that Prozac contains almost 20% fluoride.  He says that you'll always find fluoride in mind-altering or psychotropic drugs because of its reactivity.  Oh, joy!  Medicine that dumbs individuals down.  Later in the interview, Adams explains that Vitamin D3 is more effective than any vaccine in treating all infectious diseases, including cancer. In fact, he said that Vitamin D3 deficiency can bring about a carcinogenic environment in your body.  So take your Vitamin D3.  Be healthy. Be safe. Later in the interview, Adams talks about the apathy in Americans where they allow themselves to be shot.  Nobody charged the shooter in Aurora, Colorado on July 20, 2012.  Nobody rushed him.  Their actions were herdish.  But we still don't know the whole story.  Still later in the interview, Adams talks about Fast and Furious and the lawlessness prevailing in the United States.  He said that people can easily deal drugs and launder money if, and only if, they are part of the cartel, like HSBC, Wachovia, while raiding raw milk distributors in a small co-op in Venice Beach, CA and arresting an Oregon resident for saving rain water as part of his perma-culture.  

I like this comment made about Mike Adams at Rationalwiki,"He thinks Scientology (of which he is an ex-member) is treated unfairly.[4][5][6] According to Adams, this is due to attempts by anti-religious bigots and (you guessed it) Big Pharma to oppress their belief system in order to protect their profits." At the 1 hour, 12-minute mark, Adams argued that death by doctor is 6200 times more likely to occur than is being shot by an individual with a gun.  He points out that the exposure to radiation is cumulative that causes genetic mutations.  Miso soup protects against radiation as does spirulina.  Bentonyte clay without aluminum.  Eating good is a natural day-to-day detox.  Eat well, nourish your body every day. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Why the History of the American Diet Matters

16-minute video by Stephan Guyenet on why America's food history matters. Fascinating and will indict you to eat simpler foods.