Showing posts with label Zbigniew Brzezinski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zbigniew Brzezinski. Show all posts

Saturday, January 6, 2024

2008: Scarborough's Fawning on Clinton Gets Schooled by Zbigniew Brzezinski

Clinton and his supporters love citing how hard Clinton worked to win a peace accord in the Middle East.  Turns out not so much.  In fact, Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski explains what really happened in a short takedown on Morning Joe 

SCARBOROUGH.  And I both know that Clinton gave Arafat and the Palestinians everything they have wanted.

BRZEZINSKI.  You have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it's almost embarrassing to listen to you.  If you were to look more closely at what happened in the Clinton Camp David discussions, you would know that what you have just said is just absolutely wrong. There were all sorts of provisions and catches in the so-called proposal, and it wasn't rejected. The negotiations went on in Taba and then there were elections in Israel; Sharon came in and everything got aborted.

You're repeating slogans.  You're repeating slogans.  He did not walk away.  What he said was I'm going to take the proposal to all the Arab capitals and see how they react because the proposals were controversial.  And then negotiations went on even after Christmas where Clinton and Arafat met, and they were going on in Taba in January after Clinton was already leaving office and then the process got aborted. 

Here is the 2008 interview.