Showing posts with label Undecylenic Acid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Undecylenic Acid. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2024


12:58  Castor oil does kill yeast in the gut.  If you're going to take capsules, take them frozen.  That way they pass through the small intestine and get directly into the bowel and they don't break down until they're in the bowel.  This way you're not burping up castor oil, and it gets it right into the gut which is really what you want. 

13:20  Castor oil, especially when you take it in frozen capsule form, and why I love it as an antifungal, is that the component of the oil that's in it is called Undecylenic Acid, and that particular acid is in many antifungals.  It's similar to caprylic acid, which comes from coconut oil.  When it's broken down into MCT Oil, you've taken out the long-chain fatty acids, and what you're left with is caprylic acid which is very good against candida.  It kills fungus, it kills viral.  So you're not just buying castor oil from the castor bean, but you're mainly getting the Undecylenic Acid that comes from castor oil, and that's the antifungal.  

14:43  She recommends rotating antifungal remedies because you want to keep changing in case the fungus strains change their form to avoid detection and elimination and to survive.  

15:15  Used topically, it's been scientifically proven to raise T-cell count and your lymphocytes, your white blood cell count.  It's amazing.  Because it was such a healing plant, they called it the Palma de Cristo because the leaves of the castor plant looked like the pierced hands of Christ on the Cross.  

Here is the brand that Wendy endorses, Home Health Original Castor Oil