Showing posts with label Natural News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural News. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2022

"They . . . came to the conclusion that upwards of 90% of government websites “create cookies of third-party trackers without any consent from users.”

The gistupwards of 90 percent of government websites “create cookies of third-party trackers without any consent from users."

The answerdon’t visit any government COVID websites in the first place, and you won’t be tracked

(Natural News) European researchers put together a study revealing that government-run Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) information websites are a privacy-invading nightmare – let the public beware!

Entitled “Measuring Web Cookies in Governmental Websites,” the paper, which was funded by the European Research Council (ERC), the European Union (EU), and the Spanish government, explains that government websites are basically being used as “a single point of monitoring and tracking for the entire population of a country” using web cookies.

Researchers looked at three different types of websites, including the official governmental websites of “G20” countries around the world; websites of international organizations such as the United Nations; and popular websites used by the public for Fauci Flu tracking and information. They looked at each site’s use of cookies and came to the conclusion that upwards of 90 percent of government websites “create cookies of third-party trackers without any consent from users.”

“Web cookies have been exploited to collect information about users’ online activities and interests,” the paper explains (Related: The Transportation Security Administration [TSA] also spies on air travelers).

“Non-session cookies, that are created by trackers and can last for days or months, are widely present even in countries with strict user privacy laws. We also show that the above is a problem for official websites of international organizations and popular websites that inform the public about the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Here’s a tip: don’t visit any government COVID websites in the first place and you won’t be tracked

The world’s largest economies, in other words, are engaging in undisclosed and potentially illegal spying and surveillance schemes via official government websites that the public uses to learn about COVID and engage in other forms of propaganda consumption.

Of the 5,550 governmental websites and more than 118,000 URLs administrated by governments, more than 50 percent of their cookies belong to third parties, while anywhere from 10-90 percent originates from known trackers.

“Most of these cookies have a life span of more than a day and many an expiration time of a year or more,” the study reveals.

Roughly 60 percent of government websites use at least one third-party cookie while 95 percent, or nearly all, of them, are creating cookies without user consent. Third-party cookies, by the way, are “known to be tracking users for data collection purposes,” the study explains.

Government websites about the Chinese Virus are the worst offenders, as 99 percent contain hidden cookies that were placed there without user consent.

“For example, the very popular website with global maps about the COVID-19 cases, maintained by Johns Hopkins University, add cookies from 7 trackers,” the paper further reads.

“All the other Top 10 websites are official national information websites in European countries that have three trackers or more. The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is also in the Top 10, with cookies associated with three trackers.”

It used to be that this type of thing only occurred in overtly communist countries such as China, which leads the way in totalitarianism. As of late, however, the United States and other Western powers appear to be emulating the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) model by imposing “social credit score”-type systems in their respective countries.

The Fauci Flu quickly became a catchall excuse to invade people’s privacy, force certain restrictive behaviors, and even commit medical rape in the form of mandatory masking and “vaccination.”

It turns out that even on the web the government is violating people’s rights and tracking their behavior without permission. The full scope of why the government wants to track people’s online behavior has yet to come into view.

More related news can be found at

Thursday, November 11, 2021


There are several mechanisms by which you want and you can destroy spike proteins.  Remember, these are toxins, and these are the compounds that are wreaking havoc on your blood vessels in every organ where they exist.  And what you might want to know, or maybe you wouldn’t, is that the lipid nanoparticle that houses the SARS-CoV-2 virus is attracted to organs in your body that contain lots of lipids or fats—your brain, your adrenal glands, your ovaries, or testes.  It’s now known and it’s been found that they go to the heart and other vital organs.  Dr. Peter McCullough observed this.

So you want to immobilize these spike proteins immediately so that you can abort any further damage to your vital organs. 

How to do that?

One way is to block them.  The spike proteins land on the ACE2 Receptors.  The goal here is to block the spike protein from landing on the ACE2 receptor.  But if you do that, where do the spike proteins go?  Good question.  Not sure.  But as to blocking this process, use dandelion leaf extract.  Keep that in mind.  

from Natural News

(Natural News) The engineered spike proteins from SARS-CoV-2 can be STOPPED by a common “weed” that is exterminated from lawns every year. A German university study found that the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinalecan block spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptors in human lung and kidney cells. The water-based dandelion extract, taken from the plant’s dried leaves, was effective against spike protein D614 and a host of mutant strains, including D614G, N501Y, K417N and E484K. 

Okay, so the dandelion leaf extract works against spike proteins in the lungs and in the kidneys.  That's at least two organs.  And although the test was conducted in-vitro, my assumption would be that the dandelion lead extract could work on cells in other organs.  One comment did give me pause, 

Better yet, dandelion extract could prove to prevent infections altogether, by blocking the precise channel by which the spike proteins attach and cause viral replication. 

I wasn't aware that the spike proteins cause viral replication.  It was my understanding that they're responsible for the clotting and degrading organ tissue wherever they reside, like the capillaries, brain, spine, and so forth.  

Good to know that there are additional products that can perform the same function as dandelion lead extract in blocking the spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 receptors.  As far as I know, the ACE2 receptors are the target for the spike proteins.  What do they do when they can't land anywhere on the cells?  

Those other products are Hesperidin, Licorice root (not the candy), pomegranate peel extract.  It sounds like the blocking function is not 100% but is measured in percentage.  

Other natural compounds have been investigated using molecular docking studies. Nobiletin is a flavonoid isolated from citrus peels. Neohesperidin, a derivative of hesperetin, is a flavanone glycoside also found in citrus fruits. Glycyrrhizin is a molecular compound extracted from licorice root. All three of these natural substances also block spike proteins from binding to ACE2 receptors. Hydroalcoholic pomegranate peel extract blocks the spike protein at the ACE2 receptor with 74 percent efficacy. When its principal constituents were tested separately, punicalagin was 64 percent effective, and ellagic acid was 36% percent effective.

For example, I'd read that Resveratrol blocks the spike protein from attaching to the ACE2 receptors by 98%.

Saturday, December 28, 2019


Mike Adams has a new article out, titled "Profile of a CIA-Funded Vaccine Propagandist: Lena Sun at the Washington Post Attacks Natural Health Pioneers While Pimping Deadly Vaccines."  Find it at Natural News.  (If you've got the time, the videos in that article present some alarming and valuable information.  Thanks to Lew Rockwell.
(Natural News) The Washington Post is a CIA front, owned by Jeff Bezos, founder of, who also built much of the CIA’s “private cloud” data processing infrastructure after winning a $600 million contract from the agency in 2013.  In the years since, the Washington Post has functioned as pure propaganda, pushing fake “Russia hoax” news, smearing Trump administration officials and promoting the lies of deep state criminals like John Brennan and James Comey who are still trying to pull off an illegal political coup.
“The corporate media serve the function of manufacturing consent for government policy by systematically lying to the public about what science tells us about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines,” writes health policy analyst Jeremy R. Hammond on his website.
CIA-funded is quietly turning into a pharmaceutical retailer
But the Washington Post’s malicious propaganda and lies don’t end with geopolitics: They’re also in bed with Big Pharma, pushing the vaccine industry’s talking points while smearing all the pioneers of natural health and health freedom. That’s because Jeff Bezos is quietly turning into a pharmaceutical company, having already purchased one online pharmacy company for $1 billion while rapidly expanding its state pharmacy licenses to be able to retail prescription drugs across America.
According to media reports, Amazon believes it could earn $50 billion a year selling prescription drugs, and it has hired a team of drug industry experts in preparation for launching nationwide prescription medication retail operations.
But to maximize its drug profits, Jeff Bezos needed a way to suppress the sales of nutritional supplements and natural health products that keep people healthy. After all, healthy people don’t need prescription drugs and Amazon’s Big Pharma profit model relies on keeping people popping medication pills every day for the rest of their (miserable) lives.
Jeff Bezos uses the Washington Post as a weapon to attack the natural health industry
The Bezos solution? Unleash propagandists like Lena Sun at the Washington Post to smear natural health pioneers like Dr. Mercola, claiming natural health supplements are “unapproved by the FDA.” (Because they’re not drugs, so of course they’re not approved as drugs.)
Lena Sun is, essentially, the “vaccine deep state” propagandist for the CIA front known as the Washington Post, a malicious, anti-America, anti-health, anti-human disinformation rag run by spooks and truly evil people who want the worst for America. These people not only want to see America overrun by illegal immigrants via open borders policies, they want all Americans to stay sick enough to need prescription medications from, which will be announcing a nationwide drug retail operation very soon.
To keep people sick, malicious anti-journalists like Lena Sun have to lie about the safety of vaccines as a way to convince people to keep taking the very shots that spread infectious disease and contaminate their bodies with aluminum, mercury, squalene and other toxic chemicals that are deliberately formulated into vaccines. So Lena Sun, obviously under orders from the vaccine deep state, falsely writes that all vaccines are safety tested against the entire childhood vaccination schedule before being released. It’s an outright lie, of course, and she refuses to retract it, but that’s how the CIA rolls: just gaslight everybody while demanding anyone who questioned your lies be silenced or discredited.
If you see this woman on the street near D.C., hide your children because she wants them to be maimed with medical violence in the form of vaccines:

In April 2017, Lena Sun wrote a Washington Post article arguing that it’s “a bad idea” for parents to space out their children’s vaccinations rather than strictly complying with the routine schedule recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The concern many parents have is that too many vaccines or too many at one time may be harmful.
[Lena Sun had written] “The effectiveness of the vaccine schedule is tested extensively to ensure that the vaccines in the combination don’t interfere with one another and can be easily handled by the infant and the child’s immune system. No new immunization is added to the schedule until it has been evaluated both alone and when given with the other current immunizations.”
But that is a brazen lie. The Institute of Medicine (IOM), which the CDC itself relies on as an authoritative source, acknowledged in a 2013 report that “existing research has not been designed to test the entire immunization schedule”. As the IOM reiterated, “studies designed to examine the long-term effects of the cumulative number of vaccines or other aspects of the immunization schedule have not been conducted.”
I contacted the Washington Post to point out their error and request a correction. I sent several emails providing them with those sources and then spoke to Lena Sun on the phone. She confirmed that she and the editors had received my request for a correction. She also acknowledged having looked at the IOM report I’d provided. She nevertheless refused to acknowledge her error, instead unthinkingly and absurdly accusing me of having taken the IOM quote “out of context”—as though there was some context that could fundamentally alter the plain meaning of the IOM’s statements so as to accord with Sun’s opposite claim.
Both Lena Sun and her editors know better, but to this day, the article on the Post website continues to lie deliberately to parents by telling them that no vaccine is added to the schedule until it’s been studied for safety when given along with all the other vaccines on the schedule.
Lena Sun is a filthy propagandist for the CIA and the vaccine deep state
Lena Sun is such a deceptive, filthy propagandist for the CIA and the vaccine deep state that Children’s Health Defense (CHD) recently took the time to point out Sun’s vast array of lies and deceptions. Here’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s article entitled, “Lena Sun’s Function at Washington Post: Blindly Defend Vaccines.”
Article by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 
Sun’s function at Washington Post is blindly defending vaccines and defaming all who challenge the Pharmaceutical Paradigm. Because her editors anoint Sun with absolution from fact-checking, her hatchet jobs are parades of reckless invention. She refuses to retract her 2017 assertion that all new vaccines are safety tested against the entire schedule even after investigative journalist Jeremy Hammond confronted her with CDC and IOM’s definitive disavowals.
Sun’s latest targetDr. Joe Mercola earned Sun’s ire by financing Barbara Loe Fisher’s National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) which publishes scrupulously sourced vaccination science. Sun attacks @drmercola for recommending vitamins and other remedies which, Sun complains, are not approved by the FDA. FDA receives 50% of its budget from Pharma.

According to Cochrane Collaboration founder Peter Gotczche, FDA approved drugs are now the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Prescription drugs kill over 200,000 Americans each year. Half die from drug side effects and half from errors by doctors who prescribe those drugs without the encyclopedic understanding required to keep track of their myriad contraindications and interactions. Facts sourced herehere and here.
FDA routinely approves useless and absurdly lethal drugs because Pharma’s control of medical journals has made virtually all the science that FDA relies upon unreliable.
Lancet editor Dr. Richard Horton acknowledged in 2002 that the journals that publish the drug studies upon which FDA bases its approvals “have devolved into laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry” and that “half the published science is probably untrue.” BMJ editor Dr Peter Doshi calls Pharma’s clinical trials “misleading” and NEJM editor Marcia Angel said “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published.” The world’s leading authority on medical research, Dr. John Ioannides said that 90% of FDA’s published medical information is flawed and riddled with conflicts.

Lena Sun puts her trust in government authority instead of science.
I’ll take my chances with hard science, inquisitive, skeptical minds and thoughtful, compassionate healers like Dr. Mercola.
[CHD NOTE: The irony in Lena Sun’s headline followed by an ad for a pharmaceutical is inescapable.]
Read more news exposing vaccine propaganda and the “official lies” of the corporate-controlled media at
The bottom line: CIA-funded vaccine propagandists are everywhere in the corporate-controlled media, and they don’t care how many children DIE.
Stated flatly and honestly, vaccine propagandists are child murderers. And the thing is, they know that’s what they are, just like abortion and infanticide activists know they’re also child murderers.
These are dark-hearted, twisted, serial criminal-minded individuals who actively seek out ways to maximize the harming of children with toxic vaccines, laced with neurotoxic substances like aluminum, squalene and Thimerosal. Understand that harming children is not a “side effect” of the vaccine agenda, it’s the primary goal.
After all, how can the public be counted on to believe the propaganda lies and deep state drivel published by the Washington Post if they aren’t first partially lobotomized with mercury in flu shots? One of the key functions of vaccines is to literally damage the brains of children and keep the IQ of the population suppressed. That’s why vaccines are intentionally laced with neurotoxins like MSG, formaldehyde, mercury and aluminum. These are all admitted ingredients in vaccines, according to the CDC.
Only a lunatic, a child murderer or a vaccine deep state propagandist would ever demand a healthy child be injected with such substances. Yet this is the official position of the Washington Post, to no one’s surprise.

Another function of vaccines, of course, is to cause widespread infertility and spontaneous abortions as part of the global depopulation agenda that’s also pushed by these same journo-demons who claim to be writing about “public health.” (In truth, they actually want to see much of the public exterminated.)
The Washington Post is anti-human, pro-communism propaganda written by journo-demons who despise humanity and seek to destroy children
Have no illusions: When you read the pages of the Washington Post, you are reading anti-human propaganda, which is exactly why The Washington Post also accepted bribes from communist China to publish hundreds of pro-communism propaganda articles, helping communist China achieve a positive reputation while it engages in the most vile human rights abuses of the modern world: Organ harvesting, human trafficking, targeting Falun Gong members for torture, rape and executions… these are all “values” that the Washington Post embraces.

No doubt Lena Sun also embraces these same values, for you don’t see her writing anything critical of the Washington Post’s advocacy for the murderous communist regime known as mainland China. Harvesting organs, raping women, torturing people who meditate and trafficking in human organs all seems to be perfectly fine with Lena Sun. And vaccinate your children too, see? Now you’re in alignment with the health-destroying agenda of the Washington Post, the CIA, communist China and all those who seek to destroy life, liberty, and America itself.

The creatures at the Washington Post are demons pretending to be journalists. They’re not even human anymore. They’ve surrendered their dark hearts to the Prince of Darkness, and that’s who’s talking to you through the Washington Post now: Demons that seek the total destruction of human health, human freedom, and human rights. And who do they attack? Dr. Mercola, myself (the Health Ranger) and other good people who have dedicated their lives to protecting human health from the medical violence of the vaccine industry.
We are bad, you see, for teaching people how to eat healthy, consume nutritious foods and avoid toxic prescription medications. The “good” people, according to Lena Sun and the Washington Post, are those who promote child mutilations, medical violence, chemical violence against children and the mass chemical contamination of the population with neurotoxic chemicals.
Heck, there’s probably even a Pulitzer Prize in there somewhere for the WaPo journalist who can manage to maim the greatest number of children with mandatory medical violence that causes febrile seizures, comas, and death — all admitted side effects of vaccines.
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CHD is also indexed at Censored.News, where you can see real-time headlines from all the most censored news sources across the web.

CHD is also indexed in the new search engine, which is set to launch in early January, focusing on connecting users with the truth about health topics like vaccines, fluoride, GMOs, 5G networks, geoengineering, natural cancer cures and more.
Read for the truth about vaccines on a daily basis, free from the evil, twisted, demonic agendas of the corporate-controlled media.