Showing posts with label Grains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grains. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

Grains Are Depression Foods?

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

DR. ANNA TOKER: all grains are inflammatory, in particular wheat. Whole wheat is probably the worst thing that you could do for yourself

What the hell are people talking about when they say, "eat whole grain foods"?

Hey, it's Dr. Anna Toker, your friendly neighborhood colorectal surgeon.  And I know people are pushing you to eat whole grains because it sounds hearty, and they use the blood sugar argument: whole grains are less likely to spike your blood sugar compared to processed or bleached type grain material.  Here's the problem: all grains are inflammatory, in particular wheat.  Whole wheat is probably the worst thing that you could do for yourself because of a protein called gluten, and more importantly, a protein component called gliadin which is always inflammatory in everyone, and the problem is almost all grains, including oats and quinoa and things that you would do on a gluten-free diet, contain proteins that are very similar to gliadin and can also stimulate your intestines to make a toxin called zonulin.  So when you consume a grain whether it's a whole grain or a processed grain, don't matter, any grain will cause this inflammatory response.  That toxic molecule called zonulin that your body naturally makes in response to the presence of these grains is likely the leading cause for almost all chronic human illness, and that's because it causes leaking of the microscopic membrane of the intestinal tract which leads to autoimmune disease, metabolic disease, and, yes, likely even cancer.  The first step in that process is a destruction of your blood sugar control, so any grain, whole grain or not, is damaging your body's ability to control its blood sugar, and long-term that damages your health.  So to live longer, to live better, to avoid chronic illness, get the grains out of your life.

Find more insights from Dr. Anna M. Toker at Instagram.

Monday, March 11, 2024

8 Ways Gluten and Grains Contribute to Cancer

Through farming subsidies, the government takes your money, gives it to corporation farmers who grow or raise livestock according to the specifications of Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Agriculture, then sells that food back to you, food that is poisonous and intended to kill you, not immediately, but over time.  

The 8 red circles on his chart read from top left to bottom right, 

1)  "Gluten Induced Inflammation,"
2)  "Processed Food Additives,"
3)  "Excessive Carbohydrates,"
4)  "Nutritional Deficiencies,"
5)  "Pesticides,"
6)  "Toxic Metals,"
7)  "Molds and Mycotoxins,"
8)  "Increased Risk of Infections."  

The base of the food guide pyramid included 8 servings of grains per day.