Monday, March 11, 2024

8 Ways Gluten and Grains Contribute to Cancer

Through farming subsidies, the government takes your money, gives it to corporation farmers who grow or raise livestock according to the specifications of Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Agriculture, then sells that food back to you, food that is poisonous and intended to kill you, not immediately, but over time.  

The 8 red circles on his chart read from top left to bottom right, 

1)  "Gluten Induced Inflammation,"
2)  "Processed Food Additives,"
3)  "Excessive Carbohydrates,"
4)  "Nutritional Deficiencies,"
5)  "Pesticides,"
6)  "Toxic Metals,"
7)  "Molds and Mycotoxins,"
8)  "Increased Risk of Infections."  

The base of the food guide pyramid included 8 servings of grains per day.  

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