Showing posts with label Dr. Kary Mullis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Kary Mullis. Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2023

"because polio was over. The CDC's budget was getting decreases back in the early 80s"

MULLIS. The CDC was looking for something like that when it came along.  They were looking for it already.  They were hoping there was going to be a new plague because polio was over.  The CDC's budget was getting decreases back in the early 80s.

CURRAN. There was double-digit inflation, very high unemployment, a rapid military buildup, and a threat to decrease all domestic programs.  And this led to reductions in force of the public health service, particularly the CDC.

GALLO.  The Centers for Disease Control, the CDC, in Atlanta was under threat for reduction and even theoretically for closure. 

MULLIS. There were memos around the CDC saying "We need to find a new plague."

DUESBERG. For them to justify their expenses and their existence to make their careers, they have to find infectious diseases.

MULLIS. We have to find something that will scare the American people so they'll give us more money.

CURRAN. Once people recognized that this was likely caused by a virus, media attention went from no news coverage to the most-covered news story in history.

People went from neglecting it to fear and panic.  Maybe I can get it.

SONNABEND. All of a sudden AIDS was a very  [fungible] project.  And I suppose the psychology they worked on was "Well, in Congress, this was widespread, heterosexual Congressmen, and if they feel that they can't fuck around without being worried about AIDS, they're going to let the dollars out.  And it worked.

MULLIS. Suddenly, there was a lot of money available for anybody who wanted to study HIV, and nobody ever looked back and said "WHY do we want to study HIV?"  Bob Gallo said on television "It causes AIDS."

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Fauci Is Terrified of Debate

Kary Mullis,

Science is being judged [and] funding is being done by people who don’t understand it.  And who do we trust?  Fauci?  Fauci doesn’t know enough to—you know . . . if Fauci wants to get on television with somebody who knows this stuff and debate him, he can do it, because he’s been asked.  I’ve had a lot of people—president of the University of South Carolina asked Fauci if he’d come down there and debate [Kary Mullis] on stage because I wanted somebody from the other side to come down there and balance my [position] 

Friday, December 25, 2020

"Dr. Anthony Fauci doesn't mind going on television . . . and lying directly into the camera"

Thanks to Robert Wenzel's "The Inventor of the PCR Test on the Lying Fauci," @ TargetLiberty. 

Commenters to this thread point out that Mullis was talking about the HIV virus and not COVID as though that were some meaningful difference to point the severity of COVID over HIV.  In Chapter 5, "AIDS: The Virus Hunters Converge," of Peter H. Duesberg's book, Inventing the AIDS Virus, he points out that "Now came the big question: Which virus to blame?  Finding one would be the easy part; since AIDS patients were inherently full of infections, virus hunters would almost have too many choices."  Duesberg's conclusion was that AIDS is not the result of a specific virus but rather the destruction of different immune functions from lifestyle and diet.  For the cancers associated with AIDS, nitrite inhalants were cited as the primary culprit.  

Interestingly, the areas where absorbed concentrations of volatile nitrites would be expected to be highest--the skin surrounding the nose and in the nasal/pulmonary mucosa-are also reported to be the areas in which KS occurs in persons with AIDS.