Showing posts with label 5G. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5G. Show all posts

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Lehman crisis in 2008 coincided with the first pandemic, the Swine Flu

Barry Trower, 5g, 79 years old, M5 and MI6, navy diver, trained to defuse mines.  You have to worry about microwaves.  degrees in physics, mathematics, and medicine, deep state wanted him not to be able to testify, in UK can only testify if you have a degree.
Microwave radiation 3g, 4,g, but more so 5g is more dangerous than vaccines.  Create any symptom of any disease.  Turn peaceful people into serial killers, takes 30 minutes.  mass shootings did not occur before the 1999 Columbine, created by radiation. 

A woman who is extremely well-versed in radiation in Australia.

Marc Steele, 5g weapons expert.  when you turn 5g on your phone, it's not even 5g, for it would explode your phone.

Multiple scientists came out and signed a petition that it

Arman Jiabia, silicon valley engineer, street lights can kill.  Policed by AI, because they've removed all the good cops, being replaced by robocops, Mind control through this weapons system. 

Also true is what Trower says, our bodies emit and produce electrical energy.  If the frequencies of our bodies are not in sinc with the earth and universe, that is disturbing because it makes us sick.  disconnects us from spirituality.  

"National Security" reasons.  Mr. Global canceled bank accounts from his law firm.  Supposed to stand trial on invented charges.  Relying on fact-checkers alleged that he said.  they sold his place in Germany and they held the purchase from the buyers.  3 crooked lawyers from Berline kept his proceeds.  His cohost decided to run amok and spread lies.  Resistance seemed to go against each other.  Gives an example of Malone's lawsuit complaint against Breggin and his wife.  Simone Gold.  Founder of World Council for Health, Tess, Lorri  Board members of that organization left.  Going after the faces of the resistance.  

Controlled opposition is created on purpose or from outside influence or is an ego issue.  And real enemies out there that aren't our friends.  

Jose Bittelne, an alternative journalist from Switzerland, living on Zanzibar in Tanzania, says at the end of each of his shows, "Don't believe in what I am saying.  Check for yourself."  Because that's what the opposition does and tells you to only trust "the trusted media" or only "trust the experts."  She was featured in a 60 minutes hit piece, talking about domestic terrorists saying "that she was responsible for leading Australians into becoming extremists or whatever."  Simultaneously, she was de-banked by ING, which has links to the World Economic Forum.  She also got reports from the United States that it's been happening en masse over there, people being refused loans just because of who they are and what they stand for.  Clearly, this is the early stages of the social credit system, Dr. Fullmich, and clearly it's an attack on those with a public presence.  It means we're doing something right. 

Also, a sign that they're moving too fast.  They
Hans Folve, digital currency, it's not quite ready yet.  They tried it out in an African country but only got 5% compliance.  Silicon Valley Bank went under is an attempt to crash the system but prematurely.  So they can tell the public the financial system is unstable, so we can issue digital currency from one world bank.  Credit Swisse went under as well.  Maybe Deutchebank will go under.  It's the most criminal bank in the world.  Most major corporations make their money on the criminal side, not in legitimate businesses.  

An attempt to crash the system to cause a run on the smaller banks to push people into larger banks.  If there are only 3 or 4 choices, who happened to be aligned with the globalists, they tell you that they're doing CBDC.  One idea is to create a run on the larger banks so that everyone puts their money in the smaller banks.  That's what Maria did after she was de-banked; she found a community bank.  Disconnect from the globalists.  Their system is totally corrupt.  It's beyond repair.  Don't talk to a robot on the phone.  

Most large banks are criminal.  The lesson through which they learned this was the Lehman crisis in 2008, 2009 coincided with the first pandemic, the Swine Flu, their first attempt to divert our attention from what they've been doing because what happened then during the Lehman crisis, the world economic crisis, the Euro crisis,  What led up to this was outright fraud where the banks were trying to sell predatory loans.

Friday, April 7, 2023

2 hours of cellphone exposure on rat brains showed that 2% of their brain cells were dark and shrunken (photos}. Go back to a landline.

The electrification of the planet attributes to aggressiveness in wild animals.

Is there a way we can protect ourselves in our world, in our little world?

No, the basic problem is the cell phone and the wireless technology that we use.  It's affecting everybody's health, and it's the reason so many people are taking sleeping medication, antianxiety meds, and antidepressants.  It's the reason for the increase of neurological diseases.  

If I have my cell phone turned off, is it still picking up signals?  

It's still active to a degree.  If you want to be totally unirradiated, you have to take the battery out of it.

You say that your medical career was cut short because of an X-ray overdose.  How did that happen?

It was unrelated to medical school actually . . . a very large number (40, I believe) of dental X-rays in a short amount of time.  

Do you think it has anything to do with the increase in dementia or Alzheimer's? 

Yes.  We know that it does.  We have studies that show too, like Leif Salford (photos) in Sweden on rats for 20 years, and he exposed them to a cellphone once for 2 hours, and 50 days later he sacrificed them and looked at their brains and he saw that 2% of their brain cells were dark and shrunken.  This was after a single exposure to some of it.  He started getting interviews worrying about the effects of early onset of Alzheimer's disease in young people.  

What I tell people is that if you really want to protect your health to get rid of your cell phone, but the real emergency is 5G, that we should not be embracing it.  It must be stopped, or I fear for the future of our planet.

Bottom line: is the solution to have landlines and just forget about all this uh . . . 

Yes, that is the solution if we want to have a future in this world, we've got to give up wireless technology and go back to landlines.

For more on the connection between EMF radiation and diseases, check out these discussions here by Dr. Tom Cowan

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Susceptibility to 5G radiation has to do with how much metal you have in your body, as well as the quality of the water in your cells

I don't know about you, but ever since 5G wireless was rolled out back in January my phone becomes so hot after a few minutes that I have to put it down.  That heat is coursing THROUGH my body causing cells to age and die, which may be an debilitating force of COVID along with the millions of genetic packages of spike proteins that so many were injected with.  And I wonder the toll on organ tissue, like the brain, kidneys, and spinal tissue that this radiation has on these body parts.

Further, if I ever go to bed with the phoe near my bed, my sleep is poor and interrupted.  And my tongue will sting or burn.  So there's that. 


This is a better explanation of the threat from 5G, given by Dr. Tom Cowan.  

2:14.  Diseases are poisoning. In 1918, there was a pandemic, and with every pandemic in the last hundred and fifty years, there was a Quantum Leap in the electrification of the Earth.  In 1918, in the late fall of 1917, there was the introduction of radio waves around the world. Whenever you expose any biological system to a new electromagnetic field, you poison it, you kill some, and the rest go into some kind of suspended animation so that interestingly they live a little bit longer and are sicker.  And then starts World War II with the next pandemic with the introduction of radar equipment all over the Earth, blanketing the entire Earth in radar Fields, the first time humans have ever been exposed to that.  In 1968, there was the Hong Kong flu and it was the first time the Earth has a protective layer in the van Allen belt which essentially integrate the cosmic fields from the Sun and the earth from the moon and Jupiter, etcetera, integrates that and essentially distributes that to the living beings of the earth and we put satellites emitting radioactive frequencies in the van Allen belt within six months we had a new viral pandemic.  Why viral? Because the people are poisoned, they excrete toxins, they look like viruses, and people think it's a flu epidemic.  In the 1918 flu the epidemic, the Boston Health Department decided to investigate the contagiousness of this, so they, believe it or not, took hundreds of people with the flu and they sucked the snot out of their noses, and injected it into the healthy people who didn't have the flu and not one time could they make the next person sick. They did this over and over again, and they were not able to demonstrate contagion.  They even did it with horses, who apparently got the Spanish Flu and they put bags over their heads, and the horses sneezed in the bag and they put the bag over the next horse, and not one horse got sick.  You can read about this in a book called The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg, 2020, who chronicles all the steps in the electrification of the earth and how within six months there was a new flu pandemic all over the world.  And when you investigate it, when you hear that normal explanations--how did it go from Kansas to South Africa in two weeks so the entire world got the symptoms at the same time in spite of the fact that the mode of transportation was horseback and boats and there's no explanation for it.  They just say we don't know how that happened.  But when you think about it with these radio waves and other frequencies that some of you have in your pockets and on your wrist, you can send a signal to Japan and it arrives instantaneously. So any of you who don't believe there is an electromagnetic field that communicates globally within seconds just is not paying attention to this. And I will only finish by pointing out that there has been a dramatic Quantum Leap in the last six months with the electrification of the earth, and I'm sure a lot of you know what that is it's called 5G where there are now have 20,000 radiation-emitting satellites just like the radiation-emitting thing in your pocket and on your wrist and that you use all the time. That is not compatible with health.  I'm sorry to say it: it's not compatible with health.  That is a water destructuring device and for any of you say, "Yeah, well, we're we're not electrical beings, we're just physical matter," then don't bother doing an EKG or an EEG or a nerve conduction test, because we are electrical beings and the chemicals are only the byproduct of those electrical impulses.  And I'll finish with anybody want to make one guess as to where the first completely blanketed 5 G city in the world was?  Wuhan. Exactly.  So when you start thinking about this, we are in an existential crisis here, folks, the likes of which humankind has never seen.  And I don't want to go all Old Testament prophet on you, but this is something that is unprecedented. The putting of 100,000 satellites in the very blanket of the earth, and by the way, as I was going to say earlier, this actually has something to do with the vaccine question and this got brought home to me because about a year ago or so I had a patient who came in who was totally fine a surfer and all that he broke his . . . he works as an electrician putting in Wi-Fi systems for very wealthy people. Electricians have a very high mortality rate but he was fine.  And then he breaks his arm and gets some metal plate put in his arm, 3 months later he couldn't get out of bed and was total . . . you know, heart irregularities, total collapse.  The susceptibility has to do with how much metal you have in your body as well as the quality of the water in your cells. So if you start injecting aluminum into people, they become receptors for absorbing increased electromagnetic fields and that is a perfect storm for the kind of deterioration of the species which is what we're now experiencing.  And I'm just going to finish with one more thing, which I like to see a quote from Rudolf Steiner, and by the way, this was around 1917, so it was a different time.  In times when there were no electrical currents when the air was not swarming with electrical influences, we're talking 1917, it was easier to be human. For this reason,  in order to be human at all today, it is necessary to expend much stronger spiritual capacities than were necessary a century ago.  So I'll just leave you with whatever you can do to increase your spiritual capacity because it's really damn hard to be a human being these days.