Showing posts with label — Wejolyn 🇺🇸 (@Wejolyn) January 19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Wejolyn 🇺🇸 (@Wejolyn) January 19. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

WEJOLYN: [N]umber [one] reason why people [can't] sleep is constipation

Far too many people, professionals and laymen, think that enemas and colon irrigations wash out the intestinal flora and thus deprive the colon of a valuable means of lubrication.  This school of thought is utterly false and totally devoid of truth and fact.  When the packed accumulation of feces in the bowel leads to fecal incrustation, it is not possible for the lining of the colon to function normally, and the glands in this lining cannot produce the necessary intestinal flora or lubrication.  --Norman W. Walker, NutriFunctional Nethersprings [and his ailments]


Wendy explains that, 

There are many reasons people don’t sleep. I’m not going into all of those but after 20+ years working with people’s COLON, I will tell you the number 1 reason is constipation. The colon is 5ft long. Even if you go every morning, that is not enough. The liver cannot do its own 

Continued . . .   

. . . Detoxing in the wee hours of the night when it cannot dump into a toxic, backed up colon. And so… you are up. Then you take sleep meds and the liver has to deal with those too. I have written here often of the % of women with breast cancer who are constipated.